XWiki Days are events dedicated to the community members, when we gather and collaborate (even compete) on resolving as many issues of a particular topic in a given day. The topics we approach can vary from bug fixes to writing documentation to reducing deprecation calls, etc. See more details about the XWiki Days organized so far.
For the past year, every Thursday, we organized a BFD (Bug Fixing Day) event. The purpose of this was to invert the bugs created vs bugs fixed ratio. We managed to organize 44 events, closing more bugs than there has been created bugs over a year, then over 2 years, then over 3 years, then over 4 years and we’re very close to succeed for the last 1600 days (ie 4.4 years).
For the 5.x cycle we managed to close 582 bugs during the (21 Febr 2013 - 5 Febr 2014) period:
There were 18 community members participating in the 5.x cycle BFD events and we like to thank everyone for their contributions.
Note that there are still 370 opened bugs which were created since the beginning of the project, so plenty of fun for everyone.
You can also check out the All-time BFD Statistics.
Tomorrow we will have our BFD#53 event. If you want to participate in a BFD event, all you have to do is close a bug (fixed, duplicate, cannot reproduce, etc.) from jira.xwiki.org and mark it with the bugfixingday label.
Today is the release of the last minor release for the 5.x cycle (5.4) and this means we are starting the new 6.x cycle of development. This means a fresh theme, new improvements and features to work on. There is already a discussion about what XWiki Days we should organize next where you can come with your own proposals.
Would you like to write some documentation? Would you like to better localize XWiki in your language? Have some patches for our applications?
Watch the mailinglist to see what topic we cover for the week, then jump in. We'll be there, every Thursday.