Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2018/02/05

Show last authors
1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc depth="1"/}}
3 {{/box}}
5 This page contains the roadmap for past releases that were part of the 7.x Release Cycle. Latest roadmaps can be found on the [[XWiki Enterprise Roadmap page>>Main.Roadmap]].
7 Release dates for the 7.x Cycle:
9 * 7.0: March 2015 (/)
10 * 7.1: --May 2015-- June 2015 (/)
11 * 7.2: --July 2015-- September 2015 (/)
12 * 7.3: --September 2015-- November 2015 (/)
13 * 7.4: --November 2015-- December 2015 (/)
15 = XWiki 7.4 =
17 {{velocity}}
18 #if ($xwiki.exists($services.model.createDocumentReference("xwiki", "ReleaseNotes", "ReleaseNotesXWiki74")))
19 See what was done in the [[release notes>>xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWiki74]].
20 #end
21 Check the [[complete list of issues fixed for 7.4>>]].
22 {{/velocity}}
24 This is a stabilization releases with the following priorities:
26 * Work on all existing Nested Spaces/Nested Pages issues and reduce [[this list to zero>>!executeAdvanced.jspa?jqlQuery=%28project+in+%2810010%2C11230%2C10620%2C10610%2C10222%29+AND+labels+in+%28NestedSpaces%29+AND+status+in+%281%29%29&runQuery=true&clear=true]]
27 * Work on making well-known/standard Extensions work well with Nested spaces/Nested Pages. For example:
28 ** File Manager
29 ** Meeting Manager
30 ** Forum
31 ** Calendar
32 ** Totem
33 ** Tour
34 ** Task Manager
35 ** Idea
36 * A second priority is to finish the polishing of "Improve upgrade tools - Improve DW" as much as possible since it was introduced in 7.x.
37 * More generally we need to fix/polish features that have been introduced in this cycle (7.x).
38 * BFDs
40 == Proposed dates ==
42 * 7.4M1: 30 November 2015 (/)
43 * 7.4M2: --14 December 2015-- 16 December 2015 (/)
44 * 7.4RC1: --21 December 2015-- 22 December 2015 (/)
45 * 7.4final: 28 December 2015 (/)
47 = XWiki 7.3 =
49 {{velocity}}
50 #if ($xwiki.exists($services.model.createDocumentReference("xwiki", "ReleaseNotes", "ReleaseNotesXWiki73")))
51 See what was done in the [[release notes>>xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWiki73]].
52 #end
53 Check the [[complete list of issues fixed for 7.3>>]].
54 {{/velocity}}
56 This is a stabilization releases with the following priorities:
58 * Work on all existing Nested Spaces/Nested Pages issues and reduce [[this list to zero>>!executeAdvanced.jspa?jqlQuery=%28project+in+%2810010%2C11230%2C10620%2C10610%2C10222%29+AND+labels+in+%28NestedSpaces%29+AND+status+in+%281%29%29&runQuery=true&clear=true]]
59 * Work on making well-known/standard Extensions work well with Nested spaces/Nested Pages, starting with:
60 ** File Manager
61 ** Meeting Manager
62 ** Forum
63 ** Calendar
64 ** Totem
65 ** Tour
66 ** Task Manager
67 ** Idea
68 * Fix any important bugs from other features too
69 * BFDs
70 * In addition a user has asked us to look at Unable to build on Windows because of failing META-INF/components.txt check
71 * Last, in 7.3 and 7.4 we should also work on fixing/polishing features that have been introduced in this cycle (7.x), such as DW/EM work to improve upgrades.
73 == Proposed dates ==
75 * 7.3M1: --12 October 2015-- 13 October 2015
76 * 7.3M2: --26 October 2015-- 29 October 2015
77 * 7.3RC1: --2 November 2015-- 9 November 2015
78 * 7.3Final: --9 Novembre 2015-- 11 November 2015
80 = XWiki 7.2 =
82 {{velocity}}
83 #if ($xwiki.exists($services.model.createDocumentReference("xwiki", "ReleaseNotes", "ReleaseNotesXWiki72")))
84 See what was done in the [[release notes>>xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWiki72]].
85 #end
86 Check the [[complete list of issues fixed for 7.2>>]].
87 {{/velocity}}
89 * [[Nested Spaces>>design:Proposal.NestedSpaces]] - Thomas/Marius/Guillaume/Edy/Caty/Gabriela/Vincent.(((
90 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee" source="jql"}}
91 project in (XWIKI, XE, XRENDERING, XCOMMONS) AND fixVersion in ("7.2-milestone-1", "7.2-milestone-2", "7.2-milestone-3", "7.2-rc-1", "7.2") AND labels = NestedSpaces
92 {{/jira}}
93 )))
94 * Add a new right to allow users to write scripts in wiki pages - Eduard(((
95 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}}
96 XWIKI-12171
97 {{/jira}}
98 )))
100 == Proposed dates ==
102 * 7.2M1: --6 July 2015-- --13 July 2015-- 16 July 2015 (/)
103 * 7.2M2: --3 Aug 2015-- 7 Aug 2015 (/)
104 * 7.2M3: --24 Aug 2015-- --27 Aug 2015-- --31 Aug 2015-- 2 Sep 2015 (/)
105 * 7.2RC1: --7 Sep 2015-- --14 Sep 2015-- 15 Sep 2015 (/)
106 * 7.2Final: --14 Sep 2015-- --21 Sep 2015-- 24 Sep 2015 (/)
108 = XWiki 7.1 =
110 {{velocity}}
111 #if ($xwiki.exists($services.model.createDocumentReference("xwiki", "ReleaseNotes", "ReleaseNotesXWiki71")))
112 See what was done in the [[release notes>>xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWiki71]].
113 #end
114 Check the [[complete list of issues fixed for 7.1>>]].
115 {{/velocity}}
117 * Improve upgrade tools - Improve DW - Marius(((
118 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}}
119 XWIKI-11502
120 XWIKI-11504
121 XWIKI-11505
122 XWIKI-11074
123 {{/jira}}
124 )))
125 * Notifications improvements - Immediate mail notif in watchlist + immediate notif in comment - Edy(((
126 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee, note"}}
127 XWIKI-11959
128 XWIKI-11957
130 XWIKI-6239
131 XWIKI-12063
133 XWIKI-11756
134 {{/jira}}
135 )))
136 * Continue performance improvements - Dev: Thomas(((
137 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee" source="jql"}}
138 project in (XWIKI, XE, XRENDERING, XCOMMONS) AND fixVersion in ("7.1-milestone-1", "7.1-milestone-2", "7.1-rc-1", "7.1") AND labels = performance AND assignee in (tmortagne)
139 {{/jira}}
140 )))
141 * Totem Application cleanup and release - GuillaumeD(((
142 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee, note"}}
143 XTOTEM-14
144 XTOTEM-15
145 XTOTEM-17
146 XTOTEM-18
147 XTOTEM-7
148 {{/jira}}
149 )))
150 * Flavor mechanism - UI part - GuillaumeD(((
151 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee, note"}}
152 XWIKI-11741
153 {{/jira}}
154 )))
155 * [[JS API / REST Improvements>>design:Proposal.ExtensibleAPIforaccessingstructuredata]] - GuillaumeD does the investigation in 7.1 and if possible starts implementation in 7.1 if enough time(((
156 {{todo}}
157 Create and list specific jiras taken for this release
158 {{/todo}}
159 )))
160 * Some important JIRAs:(((
161 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee, note"}}
162 XWIKI-9920
163 XWIKI-11096
164 XWIKI-11611
165 XWIKI-11786
166 {{/jira}}
167 )))
168 * Investigations:(((
169 * SOLR performance investigation - Thomas
170 * Totem Design + Public Website Flavor - Caty
171 * Bootstrap tour - Gabi + Caty
172 * Dropping support for Colibri? - Silvia/Caty
173 * Dropping support for IE8/9? - Silvia/Caty
174 )))
176 == Proposed dates ==
178 * 7.1M1: --4 May 2015-- 6 May 2015 (/)
179 * 7.1M2: 18 May 2015 (/)
180 * 7.1RC1: --1 June 2015-- 4 June 2015 (/)
181 * 7.1Final: --8 June 2015-- 15 June 2015 (/)
183 = XWiki 7.0 =
185 {{velocity}}
186 #if ($xwiki.exists($services.model.createDocumentReference("xwiki", "ReleaseNotes", "ReleaseNotesXWiki70")))
187 See what was done in the [[release notes>>xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWiki70]].
188 #end
189 Check the [[complete list of issues fixed for 7.0>>]].
190 {{/velocity}}
192 * Improve upgrade tools - Improve DW - Dev: Marius(((
193 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee, note"}}
194 XWIKI-11506
195 XWIKI-11502
196 XWIKI-10027
197 XWIKI-10323
198 {{/jira}}
199 )))
200 * Continue performance improvements - Dev: Thomas(((
201 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee" source="jql"}}
202 project in (XWIKI, XE, XRENDERING, XCOMMONS) AND fixVersion = "7.0-milestone-1" AND labels = performance AND assignee in (tmortagne)
203 {{/jira}}
204 )))
205 * Flavor mechanism - Dev: Thomas(((
206 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee, note"}}
207 XCOMMONS-736
208 XCOMMONS-759
209 XCOMMONS-758
210 XWIKI-11741
211 XWIKI-11792
212 XWIKI-11899
213 {{/jira}}
214 )))
215 * Notifications improvements (e.g. Immediate mail notif in watchlist + immediate notif in comment) - Dev: Edy(((
216 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee, note"}}
217 XWIKI-11754
218 XWIKI-7339
219 XWIKI-6239
220 XWIKI-11756
221 XE-1467
222 {{/jira}}
223 )))
224 * Full integration of new technologies (less, bootstrap) in XWiki - Dev: Guillaume(((
225 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee, note"}}
226 XWIKI-11527
227 XWIKI-11394
228 {{/jira}}
229 )))
230 * Implement the “XWiki Core” strategy as defined in - Dev: Vincent(((
231 {{todo}}
232 Create and list specific jiras taken for this release
233 {{/todo}}
234 )))
235 * Some important JIRAs (several of them should be taken up when defining what to implement from the general list above):(((
236 {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee, note"}}
237 XWIKI-9920
238 XWIKI-11096
239 XWIKI-11394
240 XWIKI-11611
241 XWIKI-9879
242 XWIKI-11234
243 XWIKI-11527|Should be merged in 6.4.x
244 XWIKI-9425
245 XWIKI-11504
246 XWIKI-11505
247 XWIKI-11074
248 {{/jira}}
250 + XWIKI-11355 (confidential, high importance)
251 )))
252 * Investigations:(((
253 * [[Better WYSIWYG editor - CKEditor investigation>>design:Proposal.WYSIWYGEditorEvaluation]] (1 Week) - Marius (/) see also [[CKEditor Integration>>extensions:Extension.CKEditor Integration]]
254 * [[Better CAPTCHA module>>design:Proposal.CAPTCHAinvestigation70]] - Edy
255 )))
257 == Proposed dates ==
259 * 7.0M1: 9 Feb 2015 (/)
260 * 7.0M2: --2 march 2015-- 4 march 2015 (/)
261 * 7.0RC1: --16 march 2015-- 24 march 2015 (/)
262 * 7.0Final: 30 march 2015 (/)

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