Before Title
Last modified by Anca Luca on 2023/09/19
Add content before the page title
Adds content before the page title.
This Extension Point is contributed by this extension and was added in version 6.4-milestone-3 of that extension.
- Category
- Page Content
- Extension Id
- org.xwiki.platform.template.title.before
- Content to be provided
Grid context: this extension point is inside the document info container, which is a column inside the document header row. The size of the parent column is 7/12 on medium desktops and 12/12 below.
Thus, the content of this UI extension can be:
- simple content;
- if grid layout is needed, the toplevel grid element should be a row (as the closest parent is a column).
- Parameters to be provided
- No parameters is expected to be provided by the user of this Extension Point.
Ratings application contributing some star-based rating:
Results in something like: