On June 1st we had our seventh Test Day.
Vincent worked on our Jenkins build to convert old style jobs into new fancy pipelines.
More precisely:
- Converted the Groovy Scriptler script "attach selenium screenshot to the failing tests’s descriptions” to a Jenkins pipeline script. See https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-jenkins-pipeline/blob/26be6df7796fa271d93212f81cae14a939c31ec0/vars/xwikiModule.groovy#L246
- Also converted the “False positive check” from a scriptler script into a pipeline one.
Both are now running for contrib projects and next step is to convert xwiki github org to use our Jenkinsfile.
He loved Test Day so much that he continued working on it and xwiki-commons is now enjoying the pipelines world ! More details on http://markmail.org/message/ierqalrwmqk3sp4d.