Wiki source code of Roadmap

Version 724.3 by Vincent Massol on 2021/11/22

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1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc depth="2"/}}
3 {{/box}}
5 The [[XWiki development process>>dev:Main.WebHome]] uses [[JIRA>>]] for listing all tasks to be implemented and all bugs to be fixed.
7 You'll find there the dates and versions planned for issues to be fixed and hence the XWiki roadmaps. There's also a [[release calendar>>]] listing all known dates for future releases. Please understand that these dates are often tentative since XWiki's development is open source and lots of committers/contributors are working in their free time on XWiki.
9 If you're interested to help out check the [[contributing page>>dev:Community.Contributing]].
11 {{info}}
12 We're releasing several top level projects together and as such we've decided to have the same Roadmap page for all of them. Thus this page contains the roadmap for the following projects: XWiki Commons, XWiki Rendering and XWiki Platform.
13 {{/info}}
15 General goals for all releases:
17 * More tests
18 * Better javadoc
19 * More documentation on
20 * Code cleanup/refactoring
22 Already implemented roadmaps can be found in the [[archives>>Roadmaps.Archives.WebHome]].
24 Note that all planned release dates are also entered in the Calendar on [[JIRA>>]].
26 = XWiki 13.x [[Cycle>>dev:Community.VersioningAndReleasePractices]] =
28 Release dates for the 13.x Cycle:
30 * 13.0: January 2021 (/)
31 * 13.1: February 2021 (/)
32 * 13.2: March 2021 (/)
33 * 13.3: April 2021 (/)
34 * 13.4: May 2021 (/)
35 * 13.5: June 2021 (/)
36 * 13.6: July 2021 (/)
37 * 13.7: August 2021 (/)
38 * 13.8: September 2021 (/)
39 * 13.9: October 2021 (/)
40 * 13.10: November 2021 (x)
41 * 13.10.1: December 2021 (x)
42 * 13.10.2: December 2021 (x)
44 {{comment}}
45 * TBD - TBD(((
46 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
47 TBD-1234
48 {{/jira}}
49 )))
50 {{/comment}}
52 = XWiki 13.10 =
54 Past work to continue/finish:
55 * FASTEN: Thomas
56 ** If fasten is released
57 *** Start using the FASTEN Maven plugin in the XWiki build (but currently blocked by a released of the fasten-core which is still only SNAPSHOT)
58 *** Start working on a FASTEN extension to analyze installed dependencies and report FASTEN risks
59 * Security issues
60 ** XWIKI-18600 - Vincent
61 ** XWIKI-6729 - ???
62 * Realtime integration in XS - Marius(((
63 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
64 XWIKI-19156
65 XWIKI-19157
66 XWIKI-19080
67 XWIKI-19158
68 XWIKI-19073
69 {{/jira}}
71 * Handle the edit lock page (join existing realtime editing session or edit alone)
72 * See if we can split the realtime WYSIWYG editor in two: the generic (reusable) part and the CKEditor-specific part.
73 )))
74 * Make XWiki run on Java 17 - Vincent(((
75 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
76 XWIKI-19049
77 XWIKI-19034
79 {{/jira}}
80 )))
81 * Other Blocker issues(((
82 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
83 XWIKI-19031
84 XWIKI-18815
85 XWIKI-18360
86 {{/jira}}
87 )))
89 Contrib work:
90 * Instance Replication work - Thomas(((
91 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
92 XWIKI-19047
93 {{/jira}}
95 {{jira id="xwikiorg" source="jql"}}
96 project = REPLICAT AND fixVersion = 0.6
97 {{/jira}}
99 * make sure to support labels based custom replication controller
100 )))
101 * Change Request work - Simon(((
102 {{jira id="xwikiorg"}}
103 CRAPP-45
104 CRAPP-46
105 CRAPP-47
106 CRAPP-53
107 {{/jira}}
108 )))
109 * Paragraph Numbering - Manuel + Michael
110 ** Office Import investigation and POC
111 ** Paragraph Numbering implementation
113 Other:
114 * All: BFD
115 * All: Fix flickers
116 * All: With the time left, fix some critical/major open bugs.
118 == Dates ==
120 * 13.10RC1: 22nd of November (4 weeks) (/)
121 * 13.10Final: 29th of November (1 week)

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