
Version 594.1 by Vincent Massol on 2020/03/25

The XWiki development process uses JIRA for listing all tasks to be implemented and all bugs to be fixed.

You'll find there the dates and versions planned for issues to be fixed and hence the XWiki roadmaps. There's also a release calendar listing all known dates for future releases. Please understand that these dates are often tentative since XWiki's development is open source and lots of committers/contributors are working in their free time on XWiki.

If you're interested to help out check the contributing page.

We're releasing several top level projects together and as such we've decided to have the same Roadmap page for all of them. Thus this page contains the roadmap for the following projects: XWiki Commons, XWiki Rendering and XWiki Platform.

General goals for all releases:

  • More tests
  • Better javadoc
  • More documentation on
  • Code cleanup/refactoring

Already implemented roadmaps can be found in the archives.

Note that all planned release dates are also entered in the Calendar on JIRA.

XWiki 12.x Cycle

Release dates for the 12.x Cycle:

  • 12.0: January 2020 accept
  • 12.1: February 2020 accept
  • 12.2: March 2020 cancel
  • 12.3: April 2020 cancel
  • 12.4: May 2020 cancel
  • 12.5: June 2020 cancel
  • 12.6: July 2020 cancel
  • 12.7: August 2020 cancel
  • 12.8: September 2020 cancel
  • 12.9: October 2020 cancel
  • 12.10: November 2020 cancel
  • 12.10.1: December 2020 cancel
  • 12.10.2: December 2020 cancel

XWiki 12.2

  • Visual diff improvements - Marius
  • Notification re-architecture for scalability/performance. New nosql storage oriented API and (most probably Solr based) default implementation for events and user notifications - Thomas
  • Activity Pub - Part 2 of 3 (targeting for 3 releases = 3 months) - Simon  + Manuel
  • Continue work for inline editing/Realtime - Marius
    • Now that we have a first design page, discuss and agree about the work to do. Create various JIRAs for it.
    • If there's agreement and if time permit, start implementing some of the JIRAs. Possible options FTM:
      • inline editing for WYSIWYG edit mode
      • inline editing for Inline form edit mode
  • FASTEN-related work: the XWiki Extension dependencies resolution needs be as close as possible to the standard Maven dependencies resolution and an important miss right now is the <excludes> support. Add support for it. - Thomas
  • New User API - Vincent (wasn't planned originally)


  • 12.2RC1: 23rd of March 2020 (adding one more week because we can but we need to be careful to not delay the release) Skipped since we were not able to release on time emoticon_unhappy
  • 12.2Final: 30th of March 2020

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