Release Notes for XWiki Enterprise 4.0 Release Candidate 1

Version 4.1 by Marius Dumitru Florea on 2012/04/10

This is the first and hopefully last release candidate for XWiki Enterprise 4.0 version (Roadmap). This is mostly a polishing release before the final one.

New and Noteworthy (since XWiki Enterprise 4.0 Milestone 2 version)

Extension Manager improvements

The install/uninstall plan and log are now displayed in a tab inside the details section of an extension. We plan to make the new Progress tab display the install/uninstall status in real time in the near future.


New technical content hiding system


For developers

Changes in the ComponentManager API

The new lookupComponent method has been renamed to getInstance(). New getInstanceList and getInstanceMap has also been introduced to replace lookupList and lookupMap.


Bug fixes and improvements

See the full list of JIRA issues fixed in this release.

Tested Browsers

Here's the list of browsers tested with this version (i.e. browsers that we've tested as working - Check the list of supported browsers):


Tested Databases


Known issues

Test Report

You can check the manual test report to learn about what was tested and the results on various browsers.

Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes

As usual, before upgrading to this version, be sure to have a working backup of your database(s).

General Notes

If you're running in a multiwiki setup you'll also need to define the property in your xwiki.cfg file if you want to explicitly name some databases to be migrated as the default is now to migrate all databases. Database that are not migrated could not be accessed.

You may also want to import the default wiki XAR in order to benefit from all the improvements listed above.

Always make sure you compare your xwiki.cfg and files with the newest version since some configuration parameters were added. Note that you should add so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to the new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.

API Breakages

The following APIs were modified since version 3.5:


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