
Version 15.1 by Thomas Mortagne on 2009/04/12
Warning: For security reasons, the document is displayed in restricted mode as it is not the current version. There may be differences and errors due to this.

Release Notes for XWiki Enterprise 1.8.1

This is a bug fix and enhancement release mainly around new WYSIWYG and new Rendering architecture.

Invalid macro parameters used for the [toc] macro. Cause: [Failed to validate bean: [must be greater than or equal to 1]]. Click on this message for details.

Summary of changes since XWiki Enterprise 1.8

New WYSIWYG and Syntax bug fixes and improvements

  • XWIKI-2997 - Cannot un-bold a text with style Title 1
  • XWIKI-3045 - Error in parsing some confluence syntax
  • XWIKI-3111 - A link to an email address can be removed by removing the underline style
  • XWIKI-3194 - Cannot remove just one text style when using the style attribute instead of formatting tags
  • XWIKI-3262 - XHTML parser does not generate embedded documents when there are block elements inside table cells, table header items or list items
  • XWIKI-3273 - Macro content doesn't have a descriptor
  • XWIKI-3409 - Add get/setID to HeaderBlock and generate a default id in the constructor
  • XWIKI-3425 - Id macro does not support inline mode
  • XWIKI-3443 - XWikiDocument.getDisplayTitle() only works for xwiki 1.0 syntax
  • XWIKI-3447 - List detection is reversed
  • XWIKI-3459 - When document xdom for XWikiDocument.getXDOM() is modified all code based on it is modified even if the document content is not modified
  • XWIKI-3461 - A non-inline {{box}} after an inline one is rendered as inline
  • XWIKI-3462 - TOC not displaying properly
  • XWIKI-3463 - In html macro the default value of "wiki" parameter should be false
  • XWIKI-3474 - The html macro generate non inline content when inilne
  • XWIKI-3479 - Escaping doesn't work inside xwiki 2.0 links
[[starting label ~]~] ending label>>reference||param1=value1]]
  • XWIKI-3485 - Ordered lists inside unordered lists are not rendered correctly in XWiki 2.0 syntax
  • XWIKI-3481 - The XE home page does not work when automatically converted
  • XWIKI-3485 - Ordered lists inside unordered lists are not rendered correctly in XWiki 2.0 syntax
  • XWIKI-3504 - html macro refuses double quotes inside javascript in an input field
  • XWIKI-3506 - Attributes are dropped when converting HTML formatting tags to XWiki syntax
  • XWIKI-3526 - Macro names with special chars don't work
{{link-creator foo="bar"}}foobar{{/link-creator}}
  • XWIKI-3528 - In HTML cleaner, wrapping elements in paragraphs fails when there's a comment
  • XWIKI-3551 - Cannot insert standalone macros
  • XWIKI-3558 - New document created with templates should use the template syntax id as their syntax
  • XWIKI-3561 - When the default syntax is set to XWiki 2.0 some pages created by the core don't display fine since they contain XWiki 1.0 Syntax
  • XWIKI-3564 - Cannot change the text color after selecting text with different colors in IE
  • XWIKI-2903 - Prevent tab from moving focus in our editors (WYSIWYG,Wiki)
  • XWIKI-3376 - Remove useless "css" parameter in the RSS macro
  • XWIKI-3410 - Create a plain text renderer
  • XWIKI-3411 - Add a "output=true/false" parameter in velocity/script macro
{{velocity ouput="false"}}
  • XWIKI-3412 - Move WYSIWYG DOM API in a separate module
  • XWIKI-3438 - Improve the way macro/parameter description is shown insertmacro.png
  • XWIKI-3454 - Make groovy macro have it's own descriptor
  • XWIKI-3455 - Add a way to hide macro parameter in descriptor
  • XWIKI-3456 - Provide way to control the HTML cleaning filters executed by the HTML Cleaner
  • XWIKI-3457 - XHTML parser shouldn't run the HTML Cleaner
  • XWIKI-3480 - Include the default value in the macro parameter descriptor
  • XWIKI-3435 - Allow to add link to an attached file
  • XWIKI-3429 - Implement the new UI for the Link dialogs
  • XWIKI-3441 - Review the color plugin

New Wiki Explorer bug fixes and improvements

  • XWIKI-3426 - Provide a GWT API for the XWikiExplorer widget
  • XWIKI-3490 - Implement "New page" and "New attachment" nodes in XWikiExplorer
  • XE-416 - Replace YUI Treeview by the XWiki Explorer Widget in AllDocs

1.0 to 2.0 syntax converter bug fixes and improvements

  • XWIKI-3393 - Convert document objects content
  • XWIKI-3495 - Velocity macros are not fully matched when there is space(s) between the macro name and the parameters
  • XWIKI-3496 - Method call inside velocity macro parameters break the macro matching
  • XWIKI-3520 - velocity inside {pre} macro is not executed
  • XWIKI-3539 - getLinkedPages and other links function are not handling relative links properly

New Office Importer bug fixes and improvements

  • XWIKI-3288 - Office Import ("File" tab) doesn't work in IE6
  • XWIKI-3406 - Office Importer not working under windows environments
  • XWIKI-3415 - Office Importer fails when importing documents with TOC (Table Of Contents) structures
  • XAOFFICE-10 - ODS file import works in application but not in WYSIWYG

XMLRPC and REST bug fixes and improvements

  • XWIKI-3449 - Authenticated XWiki user name might be incorrect in XMLRPC login
  • XWIKI-3458 - Authenticated XWiki user name might be incorrect in REST authentication
  • XWIKI-3450 - Allow guest access to be disabled in XMLRPC
  • XWIKI-3483 - Add wiki-wide and space-wide resources for attachments and pages
  • XWIKI-3542 - Allow attachment upload in REST API using multipart form data

Blog application bug fixes and improvements

  • XABLOG-12 - Add a Recent Posts Panel
  • XAADMINISTRATION-32 - Update the meta link to the Blog RSS

LDAP authenticator bug fixes and improvements

  • XWIKI-3314 - Permits user to define ldap search filters

Components architecture

  • XWIKI-3467 - Component Manager fails to dynamically register components with component dependencies defined
  • XWIKI-3465 - Rename registerComponentDescriptor in registerComponent for ComponentManager API
  • XWIKI-3466 - Allow component mappings to be done using annotations

It's not needed anymore to define a Plexus component.xml file to enable a component. It's now possible to use annotations directly on the component class itself. You can look at existing components like in rendering module for examples.

Other bug fixes and improvements

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise181]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.

Known issues

Common Migration notes

The database structure hasn't been changed since XWiki Enterprise 1.5 so you shouldn't have to touch your Database to upgrade. Thus you can simply install this version and configure it to point to your existing database. 

You may also want to import the default wiki XAR in order to benefit from improvements listed above.

HTML macro

Since 1.8.1 the html macro does not interpret wiki syntax anymore by default, you have to put the parameter wiki="true" (false by default). See HTMLMacro.

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