Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/10/13

From version 14.1
edited by Guillaume Delhumeau
on 2015/09/23
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 17.1
edited by Guillaume Delhumeau
on 2015/09/23
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -71,6 +71,49 @@
71 71  
72 72  {{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
73 73  
74 +== Flamingo ==
75 +
76 +Following the introduction of the Nested Documents feature, we have changed a lot our default Flamingo skin:
77 +
78 +* The top menu has been removed and replaced by a drawer menu that you can expand by clicking on the top right icon
79 +* The add menu has been relocated near the edit one
80 +* The L&F of the Add, Edit, and "More Actions" menus has been changed
81 +* A lot of actions have been moved to the "More Actions" menu
82 +* The page breadcrumb has suffered some changes:
83 +** it is now also displayed on the wiki home page
84 +** the wiki home page is now included when it is part of the current document's hierarchy, i.e. for children and descendants of the wiki home page. See [[XWIKI-12423>>]] for more details.
85 +** the sub-wiki pretty name is included between the home icon and the local page path
86 +* The actions menus (edit, create, more actions) are now available from the rename, copy and delete actions.
87 +* The create, copy and rename page actions have been modified to support nested documents:
88 +** The source and target documents are displayed using the breadcrumb
89 +** The target document can be selected using a document tree picker
90 +** For advanced users there is also the option to specify the target document using some text input fields (location advanced edit mode). This is useful especially if you want to create/move the page under a parent that doesn't exist yet (you cannot use the tree picker in this case because the parent would not be available in the tree).
91 +* The delete action proposes to delete the children of the document.
92 +
93 +{{gallery}}
94 +image:[email protected]
95 +image:[email protected]
96 +image:ReleaseNotesXWiki72M3@more_actions.png
97 +image:[email protected]
98 +image:[email protected]
99 +image:[email protected]
100 +image:[email protected]
101 +image:[email protected]
102 +image:[email protected]
103 +image:[email protected]
104 +image:[email protected]
105 +image:[email protected]
106 +image:[email protected]
107 +image:[email protected]
108 +image:[email protected]
109 +image:[email protected]
110 +image:[email protected]
111 +{{/gallery}}
112 +
113 +== LDAP improvements ==
114 +
115 +It's now possible to disable subgroups resolution using ##xwiki.authentication.ldap.group_sync_resolve_subgroups## property in ##xwiki.cfg## configuration file. Resolving each member to check if it's a group might be very expensive with big groups so if you know there is no subgroup you should really disable it.
116 +
74 74  == Miscellaneous ==
75 75  
76 76  <insert misc user stuff and important bug fix descriptions here in a list, when they are too small to warrant a section by themselves - Change the version in the URL below!>
... ... @@ -86,6 +86,17 @@
86 86  * The Spaces macro (which lists all Spaces) is now working fine when there are Nested Spaces (some links were failing).
87 87  * The LiveTable macro is now working fine when there are Nested Spaces (some links were failing).
88 88  * The Solr Search is now able to correctly find nested documents. The Search UI still needs to be fixed though (some links may be broken and the document location/paths are not correctly displayed) but otherwise the results should be accurate.
132 +* The Navigation panel displays nested pages:(((
133 +{{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
134 +)))
135 +* When renaming or copying a nested page the document title is updated to reflect the new page name if its previous value was equal the old page name. This was happening already for terminal pages. We extended the behaviour to nested pages.
136 +* Fixed various issues for several applications bundled in XE (such as WatchList and Annotations), which should now work well with Nested Spaces.
137 +* The Administration mode for spaces and wikis now uses the standard reference-based breadcrumbs instead of the previously custom section-based breadcrumbs.(((
138 +{{image reference="[email protected]"/}}
139 +)))
140 +* The Administration mode no longer features a select input on the right side for navigation between spaces since that input does no longer scale in the context of Nested Spaces. Thus, the breadcrumbs should be used instead and the future UI improvements that will soon become available in this direction.
141 +* It's now possible to create Skins in Nested Spaces.
142 +* Changed the exception message displayed when a script execution fails due to lack of rights to make it clearer that it's not a problem with the current user, but with the script.
89 89  
90 90  See the [[full list of JIRA issues>><version>%22&tempMax=1000]] fixed in this release.
91 91  
... ... @@ -333,9 +333,110 @@
333 333  
334 334  The difference with default provider is that the readonly one won't try to create a new XWikiContext and will return null if it can't find any. It's been introduce for some low level components that were used during XWikiContext creation but in general it should be used by any component that only search for some XWikiContext property that might be null even in a valid XWikiContext.
335 335  
390 +== New Space/XWikiSpace table ==
391 +
392 +A [[new table dedicated to Spaces has been introduced>>platform:DevGuide.DatabaseSchema]], in order to have performant and scalable Space-related queries (like supporting getting paginated Space which is useful for the Document Tree macro for example).
393 +
394 +== Queries improvement ==
395 +
396 +=== Allow executing complete SELECT queries ===
397 +
398 +In HQL and XWQL it's now possible to execute full ##SELECT## queries without Programming Right as long as you follow some rules currently defined in, which contains a list of the database field allowed in the SELECT clause. Namely:
399 +
400 +* For the ##Document##/##XWikiDocument## table: ##fullName##, ##name##, ##space##, ##language##, ##defaultLanguage##, ##translation##, ##hidden##
401 +* For the ##Space##/##XWikiSpace## table: ##reference##, ##name##, ##parent##, ##hidden##
402 +
403 +This is also true for the Named Queries located in the ##queries.hbm.xml## file.
404 +
405 +=== New Secure Query ===
406 +
407 +The right to execute or not some Query is now controlled by each ##org.xwiki.query.QueryExecutor##.
408 +
409 +Anyone can ask the executor to check or ignore Right through the new ##org.xwiki.query.SecureQuery## extending ##org.xwiki.query.Query##:
410 +
411 +* ##checkCurrentAuthor()##: indicate if the current author right should be checked
412 +* ##checkCurrentUser()##: indicate if the result should be filtered based on current user Right (only implemented by SOLR right now)
413 +
414 +== JS API Improvements ==
415 +
416 +* It's now possible to create a Nested Spaces Reference using XWiki's Javascript API. For example:(((
417 +{{code language="javascript"}}
418 +// Construct a Nested Space reference
419 +var reference = new XWiki.SpaceReference('wiki', ['space1', 'space2']);
420 +expect(XWiki.Model.serialize(reference)).toEqual('wiki:space1.space2');
421 +reference = new XWiki.DocumentReference('wiki', ['space1', 'space2'], 'page');
422 +expect(XWiki.Model.serialize(reference)).toEqual('');
423 +// Construct a non-Nested Space reference
424 +reference = new XWiki.SpaceReference('wiki', 'space');
425 +expect(XWiki.Model.serialize(reference)).toEqual('wiki:space');
426 +// Try passing non-valid space parameters
427 +expect(function() {new XWiki.SpaceReference('wiki', [])}).toThrow('Missing mandatory space name or invalid type for: []');
428 +expect(function() {new XWiki.SpaceReference('wiki', 12)}).toThrow('Missing mandatory space name or invalid type for: [12]');
429 +{{/code}}
430 +)))
431 +* A new ##XWiki.EntityReference.equals()## method has been added. For example:(((
432 +{{code language="javascript"}}
433 +var reference1 = new XWiki.DocumentReference('wiki', ['space1', 'space2'], 'page');
434 +var reference2 = new XWiki.DocumentReference('wiki', ['space1', 'space2'], 'page');
435 +var reference3 = new XWiki.DocumentReference('wiki2', ['space1', 'space2'], 'page');
436 +expect(reference1.equals(reference2)).toBe(true);
437 +expect(reference1.equals(reference3)).toBe(false);
438 +{{/code}}
439 +)))
440 +* A new ##XWiki.EntityReference.fromJSONObject(obejct)## has been added to create a Javascript ##XWiki.EntityReference## from a Java ##EntityReference## directly serialized as JSON:(((
441 +{{code language="javascript"}}
442 +var reference = XWiki.EntityReference.fromJSONObject(jsonText.evalJSON());
443 +{{/code}}
444 +)))
445 +* A new ##XWiki.EntityReferenceTree## JS class has been added, which partially mimics the Java ##EntityReferenceTree## Class. It's still missing features though as it was introduced mostly to make it easier to manipulate a serialized Java ##EntityReferenceTree##.
446 +
447 +== Updated Document Tree Macro ==
448 +
449 +The [[Document Tree Macro>>extensions:Extension.Document Tree Macro]] now supports Nested Documents and Nested Spaces modes. Specifically, the following changes have been made:
450 +
451 +* removed the ##showSpaceAsDocument## parameter (was introduced recently in 7.2M1)
452 +* deprecated the ##showChildDocuments## parameter
453 +* added the ##hierarchyMode## parameter with two supported values: ##reference## (default) and ##parentchild##
454 +
455 +As a result, you can use the document tree macro like this:
456 +
457 +* Nested Document Tree(((
458 +{{code language="none"}}
459 +{{documentTree/}}
460 +{{/code}}
461 +)))
462 +* Nested Space + Page Tree(((
463 +{{code language="none"}}
464 +{{documentTree showSpaces="true" /}}
465 +{{/code}}
466 +)))
467 +* Parent-Child Document Tree(((
468 +{{code language="none"}}
469 +{{documentTree hierarchyMode="parentchild" /}}
470 +{{/code}}
471 +)))
472 +* Old Document Index Tree (i.e. Parent-Child mixed with space grouping)(((
473 +{{code language="none"}}
474 +{{documentTree hierarchyMode="parentchild" showSpaces="true" /}}
475 +{{/code}}
476 +)))
477 +
478 +== Reference Scripting API for Nested Spaces ==
479 +
480 +The Script API for Entity References has been updated with new APIs to support creating Nested Spaces references. For example:
481 +
482 +{{code language="none"}}
483 +{{velocity}}
484 +$services.model.createDocumentReference("wiki", ["space1", "space2"], "page")
485 +$services.model.createDocumentReference("wiki", ["space1", "space2"], "page", "default")
486 +$services.model.createSpaceReference(["space1", "space2"], $services.model.createWikiReference("wiki"))
487 +{{/velocity}}
488 +{{/code}}
489 +
490 +
336 336  == Deprecated and Retired projects ==
337 337  
338 -<description of deprecated and retired projects>
493 +* The [[OSCache-based Cache Extension>>extensions:Extension.Cache OSCache]] has been [[moved to ##xwiki-contrib##>>]] since we've been using the Infinispan implementation for a while now and the XWiki Core developers don't intend to continue supporting the OSCache-based one (it can be maintained by the Community, by whoever's interested in supporting it).
339 339  
340 340  == Upgrades ==
341 341  
... ... @@ -349,7 +349,11 @@
349 349  * [[Infinispan 7.2.3>>]]
350 350  * [[HSQLDB 2.3.3>>]]
351 351  * [[JGroups 3.6.4>>]]
352 -* [[Jackson 2.5.4>>]]
507 +* [[Groovy 2.4.4>>]]
508 +* [[Tika 1.9>>]]
509 +* [[JRuby 1.7.21>>]]
510 +* [[Jackson 2.6.0>>]]
511 +* [[Hibernate Validator 4.3.2>>]]
353 353  
354 354  == Miscellaneous ==
355 355  
... ... @@ -362,7 +362,28 @@
362 362  * A new DocumentModelBridge.getContentAuthorReference() method has been added to allow accessing the content author of a document without depending on oldcore.
363 363  * Deprecate XWiki.parseContent(...) since it is was misleading and outdated. Its documentation mentioned that the passed content is parsed as velocity code, but it was actually doing much more than that and had some unwanted side-effect. Instead, use the parse/renderer that is specific to the type of content you have. See more details in [[XWIKI-12299>>]].
364 364  * A new script service is available to retrieve the status of a specified job or the status of the currently running job from a specified group. See the [[Job Module>>extensions:Extension.Job Module||anchor="HScriptService"]] documentation for details.
524 +* Custom displayers are now executed with the Rights of the user who wrote them (i.e. author of the class document or content author of the displayer document), and not the Rights of the user who wrote the script that uses them (i.e. current context document's content author). See [[XWIKI-12306>>]] for more details.
525 +* In the [[Active Install Extension>>extensions:Extension.Active Installs Server Application]], a new Velocity Macro has been introduced to compute the number of Active Installs having a specific Extension. Example usage:(((
526 +{{code language="none"}}
527 +{{include reference="ActiveInstalls.ExtensionCount"/}}
365 365  
529 +{{velocity}}
530 + #set ($extensionIds = [
531 + 'org.xwiki.contrib:xwiki-totem-application',
532 + 'jsimard:event-reporter-application',
533 + 'mouhb:likeapplication'
534 + ])
535 + |=Extension Id|=Count
536 + #foreach($extensionId in $extensionIds)
537 + #countActiveInstallsUsingExtension($extensionId $count)
538 + |$extensionId|$count
539 + #end
540 +{{/velocity}}
541 +{{/code}}
542 +)))
543 +* Better support of non-DOCUMENT ##EntityReferences## in ##DocumentReferenceConverter##. It now behaves like ##XWiki#getDocument(EntityReference)##
544 +* The Copy/Rename/Delete UI actions are now using the [[Refactoring Module's Script Services>>extensions:Extension.Refactoring Module]].
545 +
366 366  = Translations =
367 367  
368 368  The following translations have been updated:

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