Version 27.3 by Vincent Massol on 2014/01/09

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Thomas Mortagne 1.1 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
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5 This is the release notes for [[XWiki Commons>>]], [[XWiki Rendering>>]], [[XWiki Platform>>]] and [[XWiki Enterprise>>]]. They share the same release notes as they are released together and have the same version.
Thomas Mortagne 27.1 7 This is an improvement and stability release for things started during the 5.x cycle.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 8
9 = New and Noteworthy (since XWiki 5.3) =
Thomas Mortagne 26.1 11 [[Full list of issues fixed and Dashboard for XWiki 5.4 Milestone 1>>]].
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 12
13 == WikiStream improvements ==
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 15 * added support for ##file:<path>## syntax in ##source## and ##target## properties {{image reference="wikistream-target.png"/}}
Thomas Mortagne 5.1 16 * instance input module is now able to generate generic revision events
Thomas Mortagne 16.1 17 * Confluence input module pass page content as it is when target does not support rendering events (instead of nothing)
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 18
19 == Miscellaneous ==
Vincent Massol 13.1 21 * Added support for creating and deleting wikis when using the [[H2 database>>]].
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 22
Manuel Smeria 17.4 23 See the [[full list of JIRA issues>>]] fixed in this release.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 24
25 = For Developers =
Vincent Massol 14.1 27 == Miscellaneous ==
29 * Properties annotations (##@PropertyName##, ##@PropertyDescription##, etc.) are now now annotated with ##@Inherited## which make possible to define them in interfaces or abstracts for example
30 * It's now possible to use plugins installed as extension (only if installed or either main wiki or farm)
31 * It's now possible to specify a custom version for the distribution UI in the WAR pom.xml using ##xwiki.extension.distribution.ui.version## and ##xwiki.extension.distribution.wikiui.version##.
Vincent Massol 14.2 32 * New ##Document.getLocale()## API which should be used rather than the older ##Document.getLanguage()## which is now deprecated.
Vincent Massol 17.2 33 * It's now possible to organize the slf4j log as a tree, see [[Logging Module>>extensions:Extension.Logging Module||anchor="HLogtree"]].
Vincent Massol 27.3 34 * The ##XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup## and ##XWiki.XWikiAllGroup## pages have been moved from the ##xwiki-platform-administration-ui## module to the ##xwiki-enterprise-ui-admin-user## one.
Vincent Massol 14.1 35
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 36 == Upgrades ==
38 The following dependencies have been upgraded:
Thomas Mortagne 6.1 40 * [[commons-compress 1.6>>]]
Thomas Mortagne 7.1 41 * [[commons-configuration 1.10>>]]
Sergiu Dumitriu 16.2 42 * [[commons-lang 3.2>>]]
Thomas Mortagne 8.1 43 * [[commons-net 3.3>>]]
Thomas Mortagne 9.1 44 * [[cssparser 0.9.11>>]]
Vincent Massol 12.1 45 * [[HSQLDB 2.3.1>>]]
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 46
47 = Translations =
49 The following translations have been updated:
Thomas Mortagne 20.1 51 {{language codes="de, es, fr, lv, nl, pt_BR, ru, sv"/}}
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 52
53 = Tested Browsers & Databases =
Manuel Smeria 17.3 55 {{include reference="TestReports.ManualTestReportXWiki54M1Summary"/}}
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 56
57 = Known issues =
59 * [[Bugs we know about>>]]
61 = Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes =
63 == General Notes ==
65 When upgrading make sure you compare your ##xwiki.cfg##, and ##web.xml## files with the newest version since some configuration parameters may have been modified or added. Note that you should add so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to the new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.
67 == API Breakages ==
Thomas Mortagne 23.1 69 The following APIs were modified since 5.3:
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 70
71 {{code language="none"}}
Thomas Mortagne 22.1 72 org.xwiki.wikistream.xar.input.XARInputProperties: Method 'public boolean isReferencesOnly()' has been removed
73 org.xwiki.wikistream.xar.input.XARInputProperties: Method 'public void setReferencesOnly(boolean)' has been removed
74 org.xwiki.wikistream.model.filter.WikiDocumentFilter: Field PARAMETER_REVISION has been removed, but it was previously a constant
75 org.xwiki.wikistream.model.filter.WikiObjectPropertyFilter: Parameter 2 of 'public void onWikiObjectProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.xwiki.filter.FilterEventParameters)' has changed its type to java.lang.Object
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 76 {{/code}}

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