Last modified by Ilie Andriuta on 2021/03/24

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Manuel Leduc 1.1 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
3 {{/box}}
5 This is the release notes for [[XWiki Commons>>]], [[XWiki Rendering>>]] and [[XWiki Platform>>]]. They share the same release notes as they are released together and have the same version.
Thomas Mortagne 14.1 7 The maximum size of pages references, titles and short string properties has been increased from 255 to 768 characters. It also gives more control to administrators on user notification configuration and generally improve notification filters readability. Finally, it contains various bugfixes and improvements.
Manuel Leduc 1.1 8
Thomas Mortagne 9.1 9 = New and Noteworthy (since XWiki 13.1) =
Manuel Leduc 1.1 10
Thomas Mortagne 10.1 11 [[Full list of issues fixed and Dashboard for XWiki 13.2>>]].
Manuel Leduc 1.1 12
13 {{releasenotechanges/}}
15 === Upgrades ===
17 The following runtime dependencies have been upgraded (they have a different release cycle than [[XWiki Commons>>]], [[XWiki Rendering>>]] and [[XWiki Platform>>]]):
Thomas Mortagne 4.1 19 * [[Jakarta Mail 1.6.6>>]]
20 * [[Caffeine 2.9.0>>]]
21 * [[Snakeyaml 1.28>>]]
22 * [[Woodstox 6.2.4>>]]
23 * [[Commons Net 3.8.0>>]]
24 * [[Closure Compiler v20210202>>]]
25 * [[Jackson 2.12.2>>]]
26 * [[commons-lang3 3.12.0>>]]
27 * [[JBoss Marshalling 2.0.11.Final>>]]
28 * [[Protobuf Java 3.15.5>>]]
29 * [[ICU4J 68.2>>]]
30 * [[Byte Buddy 1.10.22>>]]
31 * [[Maven Shared Utils 3.3.3>>]]
32 * [[Velocity 2.3 and Velocity tools 3.1>>]]
33 * [[JNR FFI 2.2.2>>]]
34 * [[JNR POSIX 3.1.5>>]]
35 * [[Netty 4.1.60.Final>>]]
36 * [[Hibernate 5.4.29>>]]
37 * [[PostgresSQL connector 42.2.19>>]]
38 * [[JNA 5.7.0>>]]
Manuel Leduc 1.1 39
40 = Translations =
42 The following translations have been updated:
Thomas Mortagne 5.1 44 {{language codes="de,es,fr,ko,no,ru,si,zh"/}}
Manuel Leduc 1.1 45
46 = Tested Browsers & Databases =
Ilie Andriuta 16.1 48 {{include reference="TestReports.ManualTestReportSummaryXWiki132RC1.WebHome"/}}
Manuel Leduc 1.1 49
50 {{comment}}
51 TODO: uncomment and update with proper links when the report is ready.
53 = Performances tests compared to <last super stable version> =
55 {{display reference="test:Performances.Jetty HSQLDB single wiki xxx to yyy" section="HSummary"/}}
57 More details on [[performance comparison on single wiki between x.x and y.y>>test:Performances.Jetty HSQLDB single wiki xxx to yyy]].
58 {{/comment}}
60 = Known issues =
62 * [[Bugs we know about>>]]
64 = Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes =
66 == General Notes ==
68 * When upgrading make sure you compare and merge the following XWiki configuration files since some parameters may have been modified, removed or added:
69 ** ##xwiki.cfg##
70 **
71 ** ##web.xml##
72 ** ##hibernate.cfg.xml##
73 * Add in ##xwiki.cfg## so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to any new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.
Manuel Leduc 2.1 75 == Issues specific to XWiki 13.2RC1 ==
Manuel Leduc 1.1 76
Manuel Leduc 2.1 77 === Orphaned Pages Panel Removal ===
Manuel Leduc 1.1 78
Manuel Leduc 2.1 79 We removed the orphaned pages panel (see the [[forum discussion>>]]). Consequently, the Extensions Manager will propose to remove the corresponding document (i.e., ##Panels.OrphanedPages##) during the upgrade.
81 If you wish to re-integrate the panel after its removal, you can do so by following the [[Create a new panel>>doc:extensions:Extension.Panels Application||anchor="HCreateanewpanel"]] instructions, and using the [[Orphaned Pages Panel>>doc:snippets:Extension.Orphaned Pages]] snippet.
Marius Dumitru Florea 14.2 83 === Old user, group, date and color pickers removed ===
Marius Dumitru Florea 15.1 85 The old **user**, **group**, **date** and **color** pickers are not bundled anymore. They were based on Prototype.js and were not used in XWiki Standard. We kept them so far in case someone was still using the old [[Colibri skin>>extensions:Extension.Colibri Skin]], which we stopped supporting a while ago. If you haven't written code that uses these pickers directly then you have nothing to worry because our current skin [[Flamingo>>extensions:Extension.Flamingo Skin]] provides an implementation of these pickers. If you're using the [[Velocity macros>>Documentation.DevGuide.FrontendResources.Pickers.WebHome]] that correspond to these pickers then you don't have to worry either. You only need to take action if you're using directly the JavaScript code of the old pickers. In this case you have two options:
Marius Dumitru Florea 14.2 86
Marius Dumitru Florea 15.1 87 * either update your code to use the new pickers
88 * or copy the old JavaScript code and the Velocity macros from the XWiki instance you're upgrading from.
Marius Dumitru Florea 14.2 89
Manuel Leduc 1.1 90 == API Breakages ==
Thomas Mortagne 8.1 92 The following APIs were modified since XWiki 13.1:
Manuel Leduc 1.1 93
Thomas Mortagne 8.1 94 {{backwardCompatiblityReportXml version="13.2-rc-1"/}}
Manuel Leduc 1.1 95
96 = Credits =
98 The following people have contributed code and translations to this release (sorted alphabetically):
Thomas Mortagne 7.1 100 * Björn Ludwig
101 * Christian Fröhlich
102 * ClemDee
103 * Francisco García Moreno
104 * Geoffroy G
105 * helabasa
106 * Jaeseop So
107 * Jarle Sandmo
108 * jingkaimori
109 * Manuel Leduc
110 * Marius Dumitru Florea
111 * plan3d
112 * Simon Urli
113 * Thomas Mortagne
114 * Vincent Massol
115 * xrichard

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