External URL generation improvements

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2021/04/06

It's now possible to set the port to use when generating an URL for a wiki in the each wiki descriptor. When the port is not set for a wiki, XWiki fallback on the main wiki descriptor.

Subwiki secure property (which indicate if HTTPS should be used instead of HTTP when generating a URL for the wiki) now inherit main wiki value if not explicitly set.

The first time XWiki is accessed the main wiki descriptor is generated using what can be found in the request's URL. For example if you access your wiki using https:mydomain:9898/xwiki/ you will end up with the following main wiki descriptor:

  • alias: mydomain
  • secure: true
  • port: 9898

Also XWiki now supports the Forwarded (RFC7239) standard HTTP header when extracting information from the URL used by the client.

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