Changes Report
Quick Editing Actions
You can now access most of the WYSIWYG editing features using the keyboard, just by typing / (slash). This opens the Quick Actions drop down that lists quick action suggestions based on the context. Rendering macros are exposed as quick actions. Checkout the CKEditor Integration documentation for more information.
Updated the menu structure to make it navigable with a keyboard. Now each menu with subsections contains a proper toggle button.
Quick Icon Insertion
You can now search for and insert icons using the keyboard, by typing / (slash) and selecting the icon Quick Action. This opens a drop down that lists all the available icons.
Required Rights
When the rights of the current author are different from the rights of the page author, a required rights analyzer is executed.
This analyzer can raise a warning if:
- the current user has more rights than the content author (e.g., a macro previously failing by lack of right might start being evaluated)
- the current user has less rights than the content author (e.g., a macro previously working might stop working by lack of rights)
Note that this analysis is currently disabled by default. See the Admins section.
Headings appearance
In order to make headings easier to ready, they are now bolder. In addition, the size difference between two adjacent levels is larger.
Default radius of UI elements
The default radius of UI elements of the Flamingo Skin are now larger (about 1.75 times larger) by default.
PDF Internal Links
The PDF export is now generating internal links as much as possible. By internal links we mean links that make the PDF viewer scroll the target content into view rather than opening it in a web browser. The following types of internal links are supported:
- links to a fragment from the same page that is included in the PDF export (e.g. #HDescription)
- links to a fragment from another page that is included in the PDF export (e.g. /xwiki/bin/view/Other/Page#HDescription)
- links to another page that is included in the PDF export (e.g. /xwiki/bin/view/Other/Page)
Internal links that use fragment identifiers are updated automatically, before printing the content to PDF, to target the corresponding global fragment identifier that is generated by the shared id generator used when rendering multiple pages for PDF export. In other words, having multiple sections with the same name in the PDF export shouldn't cause any problems because the links that target them are updated properly.
Checkout the PDF Export Application documentation for more information.
Warning when the dimensions are larger than the selected image
A warning message is displayed to the user when the width or height of an image are larger than the dimensions of the selected image.
More required rights analyzers
More required rights analyzers have been implemented, warning about rights required for UI extensions, HTML via the raw macro and correctly analyzing the content and parameters for the context and cache macro.
Improved Display of What's New
The display of the What's New Application has been improved to allow an easier differentiation between the different news items and better accessibility.
Improved required rights reporting
The reporting presented by the required rights analyzer is now just a summary of the impacted rights first, with the possibility to expand the details. This is done to prevent showing technical items to users by default.
Quick Image Insertion
You can now search for and insert images using the keyboard, by typing / (slash) and selecting the image Quick Action. This opens a drop down that lists latest images uploaded to the page and to the whole wiki. You can also upload new images directly from the drop down. Checkout the CKEditor Integration documentation for more information.
Responsive Content in PDF Export
XWiki's user interface (UI) adapts automatically to the screen size (i.e. it's responsive), thanks to Bootstrap's grid system, and this sometimes applies even to the wiki page content. For instance the page content could be split into columns, the number of columns depending on the available screen width: a single column on extra small devices, 2 columns on small devices, 3 columns on medium and large devices. When exporting such a page to PDF the outcome can be different than what you see in view mode because the available width depends on the print page size which is different than the screen size. Starting with this version we're adapting Bootstrap's grid system for print media, in order to have a more predictable outcome:
- extra small print: anything less than A4 portrait width => should match the behaviour from extra small screens
- small print: A4 portrait up to A4 landscape => should match the behaviour from small screens
- medium print: A4 landscape up to A3 landscape => should match the behaviour from medium screens
- large print: A3 landscape and up => should match the behaviour from large screens
By default the PDF export uses the A4 print page size so it should match the behaviour from small screens. See the PDF Export Application for more information.
Icon Macro
A new icon macro has been introduced. It supports displaying an icon from the current or a chosen icon set and can thus be used to display icons that are consistent with XWiki's UI.
Updated the notification count color to match the color theme. This should on a light color theme make this red darker.
Increased the size of the lightbox dropdown buttons (download, details, ...).
Quick Link to a new Attachment
You can now upload and link to an attachment using the keyboard, by typing / (slash) and selecting the Link Quick Action. This opens a drop-down that now supports uploading attachments.
Added keyboard support for the like button.
Added keyboard navigation to the lightbox dropdown. The dropdown can now be opened from a keyboard and navigated with tabulator presses.
Buttons appearance
We made some changes on the visual aspect of buttons:
- the gradient on the buttons background has been removed
- buttons are now borderless, except for the default buttons since they have the same background as the default background
Added keyboard support for the quick search suggestions.
Live Data in Batch Restore
The list of deleted pages that is displayed when restoring a batch of pages uses Live Data instead of Livetable.
Added keyboard support to the "Media type" Solr search facet.
Added keyboard support for the "more page action" dropdown.
New Watch button state
The behaviour of watch buttons have changed to be more accurate regarding users' custom notification filters: if users have filters concerning some specific events only (e.g. a filter to watch mention on the whole wiki) the watch buttons will be displayed as "undecided". The idea is to expose to the users that "some events" are actually watched for that page, space or wiki.
Also using the watch buttons might disable some already existing custom filters, if those are concerning the exact same location and are contradictory. So for example, if a filter has been created to ignore mentions on a specific space, and the user decides to watch this space, then automatically the filter to ignore mention will be disabled. It can be enabled back manually by the user through the notification settings.
Added various HTML landmarks to improve the view page semantics.
Added links towards documentation under the videos in the Help section.
Tags are hidden when there are none
When there aren't any tags assigned to a page, the text “Tags:” is no longer displayed at the bottom of the page unless the user has edit rights.
Added autocompletion to the login page and the register form.
The tabulator order in the page creation Location breadcrumb now matches the visuals, going from left to right as expected.
Improved contrast of the metadata display on the change viewer.
Limit parameter in tag cloud
The tag cloud macro supports a new parameter to limit the number of tags to the n most occurring tags.
The location picker breadcrumb icons now have a proper text alternative displayed on hover to assist in the understanding of their use.
More required rights analyzers
Even more required rights analyzers have been added in XWiki 15.10, now analyzing HTML Macros, translation documents, gadgets, icon sets, and configurable sections.
Added keyboard support to the drawer. The focus will not go in the drawer when it's closed. The drawer can be closed by pressing `Escape` and a new button is added to make it easy to close the drawer.
Fixed tabulator order for the quick search feature. Now only visible elements will get focus via keyboard.
Common User Name Differentiator
The user picker can now be configured to show additional information about the listed users (e.g. the user address or user position within the organisation) in order to help you distinguish between users with similar names. Check out the User Module documentation for more information.
Pre-edit check can be cached
When editing a page, once a pre-edit check result is presented to the user, it will not be presented again unless something changed. For instance, once a user chooses to edit a page owned by an extension, he or she will not be warned again. However, if a page is locked twice by different users, they will be warned at each edit attempt.
PDF Export Size Limit
The default PDF export size limit has been increased from 100KB to 5MB and is now applied only when exporting multiple wiki pages. Checkout the PDF Export Application documentation for more information.
Set email grouping strategy per scheduler
The email grouping strategy can be defined at different levels (per wiki, and per user) and is specific for a given scheduler, using a new dedicated XObject XWiki.Notifications.Code.NotificationEmailGroupingStrategyPreferenceClass.
So an admin can add one or severals xobjects in XWiki.XWikiPreferences for defining the different strategies for each scheduler, at wiki level: the xobject needs to contain the name of the strategy to use, and the name of scheduler (hourly, daily, weekly or live).
This value can be overridden by a user if they perform adding the same type of xobject in their own user profile.
Improved contrast for the "Decline" button in invitations.
The Application panel has been improved for low width displays.
Suggestions for the wiki macro parameter type
It's now easier to decide what value to set in the wiki macro parameter type as suggestions are proposed: "Unknown" (the default), and "Wiki" for a parameter containing wiki markup. It's still possible to explicitly set the Java type to use.
Improved contrast on the App Within Minute application creation wizard for the active (green) and already finished steps (light grey).
Added keyboard support for the rich select used to pick a page template at page creation.
Increasing contrast
The info button of the Flamingo Theme is now increased to conform to the minimum contrast defined in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
TOC macro numbered property
The numbered property of the Table of Content macro is now marked as advanced and is only proposed in the "more" section of the macro configuration dialog. This is because we're now offering a Numbered Content Application covering the numbering use case in a better way.
Improved contrast of the autosave text when disabled.
Improved the visibility of the focus state of the "Create", "Edit" and "more actions" buttons found on the top right of every page content.
Home page change
The Youtube video located on the XWiki Standard flavor's home page has been removed (for privacy reasons and also for increased usability, as the underlying markup was complex to understand for users).
Empty Line Placeholder
A placeholder text is now displayed on currently focused empty lines. By default it indicates the type of content block that holds the caret (e.g. paragraph, heading, list item, etc.), but it could also show tips on how to use the editor in that particular context. This is for instance used to advertise the Quick Actions shortcut (slash). Checkout the CKEditor Integration documentation for more information.
Change viewer UI update
Improved the layout and added icons in the version comparison UI.