Changes Report
Distinguish between system filters and custom filters in notification settings
The Notification settings UI has been modified to allow a better management of Notification filters. In particular, we now distinguish "System filters" which are filters provided as components and that users can only enabled and disabled, and "Custom filters" which are filters dedicated to specific locations that users can create themselves, enabled, disabled or delete. The Notification settings then display separately the system and custom filters, and we tried to improve the wording to explain what is their exact meaning.
For developer and administrators, note that we deprecated the old macro for notification filter preferences in favor of two dedicated macros: notification system filter preferences and notification custom filter preferences.
Global Notifications Filters
Administrators can now add global notification filters which will be copied as the default filters for any new user registering on the wiki. It's possible for administrators to define both global system filters and global custom filters. Since the default filters are copied, any change made to the global filters won't impact existing users.
Prevent redirections to untrusted domains
Redirections are now only performed to trusted domains in XWiki. The list of trusted domains is obtained from two sources:
- any URLs used to access the wiki is considered as trusted, as well as all the aliases used for subwikis,
- it's possible to specify in the list of trusted domain by setting the property url.trustedDomains.
If a redirection is attempted to an URL whose domain does not belong to any of this source, a warning log will be output and the redirect is prevented. Note that it's possible to switch off this security mechanism by setting the property url.trustedDomainsEnabled to false.
Live Data Inline Editing
The Live Data Macro has been improved to support inline editing. When the edit mode is allowed on a live data macro, a user with the edit right on the content of a cell can double click on a cell to edit it. The content of the cell is then converted into a form. Pressing escape will cancel the modifications, whereas clicking outside the edited cell will save its content and the Live Data will be reloaded to reflect the update.
Improved Live Data Macro L&F
The UI of the Live Data Macro has suffered a couple of changes:
- the hamburger menu has been moved to the right side, after the pagination
- the reload button has been moved inside the menu
- the menu groups are better separated
- added loading animation
- added support for resizing the columns in the table layout
- improved labels
See the Live Data Macro documentation for more information.
WebSocket Integration
Starting with this version you can write WebSocket end-points as XWiki Components using the standard Java API for WebSocket (JSR 356). For deploying the end-points we rely on the servlet container, which means the servlet container needs to support WebSockets (i.e. it needs to provide an implementation of the JSR 356 specs). At the moment, this includes all the servlet containers we support. See the documentation for more information.
Experimental Realtime Wiki Editor
We cleaned up the Realtime Collaborative Plain WikiText Editor contributed extension and integrated it in the XWiki platform. It's not bundled yet in XWiki Standard but you can still try it out by installing it and following the documentation page.
Experimental Realtime WYSIWYG Editor
We cleaned up the Visual Realtime Collaborative Editor contributed extension and integrated it in the XWiki platform. It's not bundled yet in XWiki Standard but you can still try it out by installing it and following the documentation page.
Live Data Macro
A new Live Data rendering macro is available to display dynamic lists of data. You can see it as a replacement of the existing Live Table macro, but it's not limited to that. We plan to add support for:
- multiple layouts (table, cards, etc.)
- advanced filtering
- multi-sort
- selection and batch actions
- in-place data editing and creation (including support for editing the data structure)
- real-time synchronization
Increased maximum size for pages title, reference and short strings
The maximum size of a page title, reference and short object properties strings moved from 255 to 768 characters.
Administrator can access user notification settings
It is now possible for administrators to get access to users' notification settings. This is done by clicking on the "Notifications" tab in the menu when looking a user profile. All the settings that a user can customize can now be set also by an administrator.