Wiki source code of Sponsoring Companies

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/04/04

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Vincent Massol 1.1 1 The following companies are investing substantially in the development of the XWiki project and they all have at least 1 **active core Committer** in the project (see [[ governance>>dev:Community.Governance]] for details). If you wish to help the XWiki open source project develop and improve you should consider buying something from these companies:
3 |=Logo|=Company|=Support provided to the XWiki project|=Professional Services/Support
4 |[[image:xwikisas.png]]|[[XWiki SAS>>]]|(((
5 * Creator of the XWiki open source project
Vincent Massol 9.1 6 * 8 active core committers developing the project + 4 active contributors (not committers)
Thomas Mortagne 10.1 7 * Financing and operating the various web sites (,,,,,,,, etc)
Vincent Massol 1.1 8 * Financing and operating the free [[ farm>>]] for non profit companies and individuals.
Vincent Massol 10.2 9 * Community support on the XWiki forum and chat channel
Vincent Massol 7.1 10 )))|[[See offer>>Main.Support||anchor="HXWikiSAS"]]
Vincent Massol 1.1 11
12 Thus [[XWiki SAS>>]] is currently the Top Sponsoring company according to the [[Governance definition>>dev:Community.Governance]].
Vincent Massol 7.1 13
14 Note: the following companies used to be sponsoring companies but they no longer have any active core committer:
15 * [[SOFTEC sa>>]]
16 * [[Kreablo>>]]
Vincent Massol 8.1 17 * [[Odo SIA>>]]

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