Power, today, comes from sharing information, not withholding it. (Keith Ferrazzi)
Inspired by this, the XWiki community along with several other Open Source projects would like to organize a developer room to explore the theme of "Collaboration Software and Collaborative Uses of Open Source Software”, at FOSDEM 2020.
Considering last year's devroom success, with most talks having the room fully packed and never less than half full, we estimate that the session will be well attended and appreciated.
This room is backed up by the following projects (in alphabetical order):
- Cryptpad - represented by Ludovic Dubost
- Nextcloud - represented by Jos Poortvliet
- Tiki - represented by Jean-Marc Libs
- XWiki - represented by Clément Aubin
Why does it fit FOSDEM?
- Free Software contributors are given an opportunity to understand and participate to collaborative software projects
- The challenges can be explained to a very technical audience able to provide suggestions and ideas
- Projects sharing common goals would get an opportunity to meet and start collaborating
Talks and presentations
Talks performed in this room could deal with the specifics of a project in term of ecosystem (plug-ins, extensions, connectors, …), in term of distribution (i.e.: how the application is distributed to be used by most people) or explain how the project responds to use cases related to the theme of the room. Here is a list of potential subjects that could be used:
- New projects presentation
- Self-hosted platforms
- Secure collaboration
- Collaborative applications
- Connectors & Integrations
- Knowledge management techniques
- Protocols for collaboration
- …
CFP process
If this developer room proposal gets accepted, we will be using the following process for our call for participation:
- Before October 5th: A page will be created on allowing anyone to register to the developer room;
- December 9th, 23.59 UTC: End of the call for participation, to leave 5 days to review the calls for participation and prepare the schedule of the room;
- December 10th to December 15th: Projects backing up the developer room get to agree on a schedule;
- December 15th (or before, if time allows): the full schedule of the room is published.
Special requirements:
Last year devroom (UD2.119) fitted the crowd quite nicely but we had to refuse people because the room was full on multiple occasions. A bigger room would resolve that problem. Even more, due to a high volume of submissions and limited time, we had to turn down talks & presentations. This could be easily solved with more time reserved.
Our preference is for 6 hours or a full day, on Saturday.
Please do not hesitate to get back to us if you need more information regarding our application.