Wiki source code of GettingStarted

Version 2.1 by Guillaume Lerouge on 2009/01/30

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Guillaume Lerouge 1.1 1
2 1 Getting Started with XWiki Enterprise
4 The aim of this space is to help you discover what XWiki Enterprise is and how you can use it.
6 * [What is a wiki?>GettingStarted.WhatIsAWiki]
7 * [What can a wiki be used for?>GettingStarted.WhatCanAWikiBeUsedFor]
8 * [What's special about XWiki Enterprise?>GettingStarted.WhatsSpecialAboutXWikiEnterprise]
9 * [First steps with XWiki Enterprise>FirstStepsWithXWikiEnterprise]
Guillaume Lerouge 2.1 10 ** For an Administrator
11 *** [Changing the logo and the panels>GettingStarted.ChangingTheLogoAndThePanels]
Guillaume Lerouge 1.1 12 *** [Creating new users>GettingStarted.CreatingNewUsers]
13 *** [Setting user rights>GettingStarted.SettingUserRights]
Guillaume Lerouge 2.1 14 ** For an User
Guillaume Lerouge 1.1 15 *** [Editing a page>GettingStarted.EditingAPage]
16 *** [Creating new pages and links>GettingStarted.CreatingNewPagesAndLinks]
17 *** [Page history>GettingStarted.PageHistory]
18 * [Going further>GettingStarted.GoingFurther]

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