Changes for page Short URLs

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/03/27

From version 66.1
edited by slauriere
on 2019/04/18
Change comment: Add "asyncrenderer" to the list of URLs "starts with" that must not be served by the Struts Servlet
To version 67.1
edited by slauriere
on 2019/09/16
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
72 72  
73 73  1. [[Download the JAR>>]] and put it in ##WEB-INF/lib##
74 74  1. Edit your ##WEB-INF/web.xml## and add the ##<filter>## and ##<filter-mapping>## definitions [[as documented>>]]. Make sure to have them first so that they're executed before any other XWiki filter.
75 -1. Drop the following content belo< in a file at ##WEB-INF/urlrewrite.xml##:(((
75 +1. Drop the following content below in a file at ##WEB-INF/urlrewrite.xml##:(((
76 76  Note that this is just an example and you should tune it depending on what you wish to achieve. Its principle is very simple: it takes some URL format you wish to have and convert those URLs into the format that XWiki expects in input, and, in output, it does the opposite and converts the XWiki format into the format you wish to have.
77 77  
78 78  The example below expects URLs without a ##/bin## and thus adds it so that XWiki has it when it processes URLs and in output, removes the ##/bin## so that generated URLs are without ##/bin##.

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