Wiki source code of PostgreSQL Installation

Version 20.2 by Vincent Massol on 2018/11/02

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Vincent Massol 14.2 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
3 {{/box}}
Vincent Massol 16.1 5 = Installation =
Vincent Massol 1.18 6
Vincent Massol 16.1 7 You have 2 options:
Vincent Massol 19.1 8
Vincent Massol 16.1 9 * Install PostgreSQL on your machine manually
10 * Use the official PostgreSQL docker image
12 == Manual Installation ==
14 Follow these instructions:
Vincent Massol 20.2 16 * Download and install [[PostgreSQL>>]] (see [[Database support strategy>>dev:Community.DatabaseSupportStrategy]] for the supported versions).
Thomas Mortagne 20.1 17 * Download the appropriate [[Postgres JDBC41 driver>>]] and copy the JAR into your container's common lib directory or in the XWiki webapp (in ##WEB-INF/lib##)
Vincent Massol 1.1 18 * Start PostgreSQL
Sorin Burjan 12.1 19 ** On Mac you could issue the following shell commands to start/stop PostgreSQL 9.1 (adapt to your version and to your setup):(((
Manuel Smeria 11.7 20 {{code}}
Vincent Massol 10.1 21 sudo -u postgres /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/bin/pg_ctl start -D /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/data
22 sudo -u postgres /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/bin/pg_ctl stop -D /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/data
23 {{/code}}
24 )))
Vincent Massol 7.1 25 * Create the ##xwiki## user and the ##xwiki## database:(((
Sorin Burjan 12.1 26 * Using the ##psql## tool:(((
Manuel Smeria 11.7 27 In a shell, start the PostgreSQL interactive terminal: {{code}}psql -U <replace_with_your_admin_user_eg_postgres>{{/code}}
Vincent Massol 1.1 28
Vincent Massol 7.1 29 Create the ##xwiki## database:
Vincent Massol 8.1 30
Vincent Massol 7.1 31 {{code language="none"}}
muzi 1.10 32 CREATE DATABASE xwiki
Vincent Massol 4.1 33 WITH OWNER = <replace_with_your_admin_user_eg_postgres>
muzi 1.10 34 ENCODING = 'UNICODE'
35 TABLESPACE = pg_default;
Vincent Massol 7.1 36 {{/code}}
muzi 1.10 37
Manuel Smeria 11.7 38 Verify that the ##xwiki## database is listed in the available databases: {{code}}\l{{/code}}
Vincent Massol 7.1 39
Manuel Smeria 11.7 40 Connect to the ##xwiki## database: {{code}}\connect xwiki{{/code}}
Vincent Massol 5.1 41
Manuel Smeria 11.7 42 Create a ##xwiki## user: {{code language="none"}}CREATE USER xwiki PASSWORD 'xwiki' VALID UNTIL 'infinity';{{/code}}
Vincent Massol 7.1 43
Manuel Smeria 11.7 44 Verify that the ##xwiki## user is listed in the available users: {{code language="none"}}\du{{/code}}
muzi 1.16 45
Manuel Smeria 11.7 46 Give all the permissions to the ##xwiki## user: {{code}}GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO xwiki;{{/code}}
Vincent Massol 7.1 47 )))
Sorin Burjan 12.1 48 * Using the ##createuser## and ##createdb## programs:(((
Manuel Smeria 11.7 49 {{info}}
Vincent Massol 7.1 50 Make sure that the ##createuser## and ##createdb## programs are in your ##$PATH##. The example below also assumes that the ##postgres## user exists in your setup (this is the default on Linux).
Manuel Smeria 11.7 51 {{/info}}
Vincent Massol 3.1 52
Manuel Smeria 11.7 53 Create the ##xwiki## user: {{code}}createuser xwiki -S -D -R -P -Upostgres{{/code}}
Vincent Massol 7.1 54
Manuel Smeria 11.7 55 Create the ##xwiki## database: {{code}}createdb xwiki -Eunicode -Oxwiki -Upostgres{{/code}}
Vincent Massol 7.1 56
Manuel Smeria 11.7 57 Note that if you need to remove this DB at some point you can issue:{{code}}dropdb -Upostgres xwiki{{/code}}
Vincent Massol 4.1 58 )))
Vincent Massol 7.1 59 )))
Manuel Smeria 11.7 60 * Tell XWiki to use this database. To do this, edit the ##WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml## file where you have expanded the XWiki WAR file and uncomment the PostgreSQL part. Make sure to review the ##connection.url## property. For example a typical value would be:{{code}}<property name="connection.url">jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/xwiki</property>{{/code}}
Vincent Massol 11.8 61
Vincent Massol 16.1 62 == Using Docker ==
64 * Install Docker
65 * Run the following command (update to your needs):(((
66 {{code language="bash"}}
67 docker run --name pgtest -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=xwiki -e POSTGRES_ROOT_PASSWORD=xwiki -e POSTGRES_USER=xwiki -e POSTGRES_DB=xwiki -e POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS="--encoding=UTF8" -v postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 5432:5432 postgres:9.5
68 {{/code}}
69 )))
70 * Download the appropriate [[Postgres JDBC41 driver>>]]. You can also download it directly from the [[Maven Central Repository>>]] and copy the JAR into your container's common lib directory or in the XWiki webapp (in ##WEB-INF/lib##)
71 * Tell XWiki to use this database. To do this, edit the ##WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml## file where you have expanded the XWiki WAR file and uncomment the PostgreSQL part. Make sure to review the ##connection.url## property. For example a typical value would be:{{code}}<property name="connection.url">jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/xwiki</property>{{/code}}
Vincent Massol 14.3 73 = Multiwiki Status =
Vincent Massol 11.8 74
Vincent Massol 13.1 75 Prior to XWiki 4.5M1, multiwiki mode was not fully working on PostgreSQL. Since XWiki 4.5M1, we've made it work in ##schema## mode (i.e. a subwiki is represented as a Schema in the database). However it's not working in ##database## mode for the moment (i.e. a subwiki is represented as a Catalog in the database) because the PostGreSQL JDBC Driver doesn't support yet the ##setCatalog## method.
Vincent Massol 11.8 76
77 The mode used is controlled by a property in ##hibernate.cfg.xml##:
79 {{code}}
80 <property name="xwiki.virtual_mode">schema|database</property>
81 {{/code}}
Sorin Burjan 12.1 83 = Performance Tuning =
85 In several cases, for example when rolling back a document to a previous version, your postgres log will show something similar:
87 {{code}}
88 2013-04-03 18:44:36 EEST LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (22 seconds apart)
89 2013-04-03 18:44:36 EEST HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "checkpoint_segments".
90 2013-04-03 18:46:05 EEST LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (6 seconds apart)
91 2013-04-03 18:46:05 EEST HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "checkpoint_segments".
93 {{/code}}
95 This can result in slow DB performance. If using a production environment, you must set the "checkpoint_segments" parameter from your PostgreSQL configuration.
96 More links related to this:
Vincent Massol 19.1 97
Sorin Burjan 12.1 98 *
99 *
Vincent Massol 15.1 100
101 = Troubleshooting =
103 == Method org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection.isValid(int) is not yet implemented ==
105 Versions of the Postgres JDBC driver older than 9.2 do not support that method. Try to update the ##postgresql-*.jar##
107 * if installed from debian package, try to update at least to the version from jessy
108 ** for example download from
Vincent Massol 19.1 109 ** then use ##dpkg ~-~-install libpostgresql-jdbc-java_9.2-1002-1_all.deb## to install\\
Vincent Massol 15.1 110 * alternatively if you use tomcat8, try downgrading to tomcat7
111 * otherwise find the ##postgresql-*.jar## in your webapp and replace it by a newer version downloaded from
113 Restart the server to apply the changes.
Vincent Massol 17.1 115 == Relation "hibernate_sequence" already exists ==
Thomas Mortagne 18.1 117 If you see this error in your postgres logs, you should know that it's normal and expected. Because of a [[bug in Hibernate>>]] we need to create this sequence if it doesn't exist and it's [[hard to check that in a DB-independent way>>]]. Thus we simply create the sequence and if it already exists you get this error at startup in your logs.

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