Blog - posts for February 2023
Feb 27 2023
XWiki 15.1 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 15.1. This is another release focused mainly on bugs and security fixes, but it also includes improvements on the WYSIWYG editor's image dialog and the PDF export. Developers might be interested by the new source parameter for the content and context macros. ...
Feb 21 2023
XWiki 15.1 Release Candidate 1 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of the first release candidate of XWiki 15.1. This is another release focused mainly on bugs and security fixes, but it also includes improvements on the WYSIWYG editor's image dialog and the PDF export. The developers might be interested by the new source parameter for the content and context macros or by the new API to gather external news related to XWiki. ...
Feb 17 2023
XWiki 14.10.5 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 14.10.5. This is a bugfix release (includes security fixes) that covers important issues that we have discovered since 14.10.4 has been released. ...
Feb 01 2023
XWiki 14.10.4 Released
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 14.10.4. This is a bugfix release (includes security fixes) that covers important issues that we have discovered since 14.10.3 has been released. ...