"Remote Code" Macro

Version 18.1 by Vincent Massol on 2013/06/18



{{remotecode language="none" source="https://raw.github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/xwiki-web-2.0/xwiki-platform-web/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/uicomponents/widgets/confirmationBox.js" /}}


// Make sure the XWiki 'namespace' and the ModalPopup class exist.
if(typeof(XWiki) == "undefined" || typeof(XWiki.widgets) == "undefined" || typeof(XWiki.widgets.ModalPopup) == "undefined") {
  if (typeof console != "undefined" && typeof console.warn == "function") {
    console.warn("[MessageBox widget] Required class missing: XWiki.widgets.ModalPopup");
} else {

XWiki.widgets.ConfirmationBox = Class.create(XWiki.widgets.ModalPopup, {
  /** Default displayed texts */
  defaultInteractionParameters : {
    confirmationText: "$msg.get('core.widgets.confirmationBox.defaultQuestion')",
    yesButtonText: "$msg.get('core.widgets.confirmationBox.button.yes')",
    noButtonText: "$msg.get('core.widgets.confirmationBox.button.no')"
  /** Constructor. Registers the key listener that pops up the dialog. */
  initialize : function($super, behavior, interactionParameters) {
    this.interactionParameters = Object.extend(Object.clone(this.defaultInteractionParameters), interactionParameters || {});
        "show"  : { method : this.showDialog,  keys : [] },
        "yes"   : { method : this.onYes,       keys : ['Enter', 'Space'] },
        "no"    : { method : this.onNo,        keys : ['Esc'] },
        "close" : { method : this.closeDialog, keys : [] }
         displayCloseButton : false
    this.behavior = behavior || { };
  /** Create the content of the confirmation dialog: icon + question text, buttons */
  createContent : function (data) {
    var question = new Element("div", {"class" : "question"}).update(data.confirmationText);
    var buttons = new Element("div", {"class" : "buttons"});
    var yesButton = this.createButton("button", data.yesButtonText, "(Enter)", "");
    var noButton = this.createButton("button", data.noButtonText, "(Esc)", "");
    var content =  new Element("div");
    Event.observe(yesButton, "click", this.onYes.bindAsEventListener(this));
    Event.observe(noButton, "click", this.onNo.bindAsEventListener(this));
    return content;
  onYes : function() {
    if (typeof (this.behavior.onYes) == 'function') {
  onNo : function() {
    if (typeof (this.behavior.onNo) == 'function') {
} // if the parent widget is defined

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