Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2018/02/05

From version 3.1
edited by Vincent Massol
on 2013/10/09
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 4.1
edited by Vincent Massol
on 2013/12/19
Change comment: 5.3 is released now



Page properties
... ... @@ -8,6 +8,85 @@
8 8  
9 9  {{todo}}Copy from the roadmap page when the 5.x cycle is over{{/todo}}
10 10  
11 += XWiki Enterprise 5.3 =
12 +
13 +* SOLR Search improvements - Owner: Marius:(((
14 +{{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}}
15 +XWIKI-9508
16 +XWIKI-9417
17 +XWIKI-9537
18 +XWIKI-9547
19 +XWIKI-9279
20 +XWIKI-9309
21 +XWIKI-9510
22 +XWIKI-9509
23 +XWIKI-9193
24 +XWIKI-9310
25 +XWIKI-9311
26 +XWIKI-9512
27 +XWIKI-9514
28 +XWIKI-9528
29 +XWIKI-9612
30 +XWIKI-6787
31 +{{/jira}}
32 +)))
33 +* Continue working on the **workspaces integration** by default in XWiki Enterprise - Owner: GuillaumeD:(((
34 +{{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee" source="jql"}}
35 +labels = roadmap53 AND component IN ("Wiki", "{Unused} Workspaces", "{Unused} Wiki Manager")
36 +{{/jira}}
37 +)))
38 +* Finish scalable import/export (and make it the default) - Owner: ThomasM:(((
39 +{{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}}
40 +XWIKI-9476
41 +{{/jira}}
42 +)))
43 +* Implement Confluence import using wikistream - Owner: ThomasM:(((
44 +{{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}}
45 +XWIKI-9529
46 +XWIKI-9632
47 +{{/jira}}
48 +)))
49 +* Improvements on EM/DW - Owner: ThomasM + Marius:(((
50 +{{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}}
51 +XWIKI-9199
52 +XWIKI-9468
53 +{{/jira}}
54 +)))
55 +* Signed script implementation - Owner: Denis:(((
56 +{{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}}
57 +XWIKI-9332
58 +{{/jira}}
59 +)))
60 +* If time permits: AWM improvements - Owner: Marius:(((
61 +{{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}}
62 +XWIKI-7377
63 +XWIKI-8763
64 +XWIKI-8757
65 +XWIKI-7376
66 +{{/jira}}
67 +)))
68 +
69 +Here are also some JIRA issues that were raised as important (in this order of importance):
70 +
71 +{{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}}
72 +XWIKI-9117
73 +XWIKI-9046
74 +XWIKI-6700
75 +XWIKI-5146
76 +XWIKI-9227
77 +XWIKI-9233
78 +XWIKI-9479
79 +{{/jira}}
80 +
81 ++ XWIKI-9156 which is confidential (security issue)
82 +
83 +== Proposed dates ==
84 +
85 +* 5.3M1: --21st of October-- 25th of October
86 +* 5.3M2: --4th of November-- --11th of November-- --14th of November-- 19th of November
87 +* 5.3RC1: --18th of November-- --20th of November-- --27th of November-- --4th of December-- Started 6th of December, finished 8th of December
88 +* 5.3Final: --25th of November-- --27th of November-- --4th of December-- --10th of December-- Started 11th of December, finished 13th of December
89 +
11 11  = XWiki Enterprise 5.2 =
12 12  
13 13  {{comment}}

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