Wiki source code of ReleaseNotesXEM10M1

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24

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Vincent Massol 1.1 1 1 Release Notes for XWiki Enterprise Manager (XEM) 1.0 Milestone 1
3 This is the first release of XWiki Enterprise Manager. XEM is a solution for managing farms of wikis with an administrative wiki used to managed sub-wikis (create them using templates, delete them, etc).
5 #toc("" "" "")
7 1.1 Features in 1.0 Milestone 1
9 * XEM install page (XemManager.Install):
10 ** Update XWikiPreferences with all application translations pages bundled with XEM
11 ** Create the default wiki template based on XE
Vincent Massol 2.4 12 * All [Wiki Manager>extensions:Extension.Wiki Manager Application] 1.0 Milestone 1 features:
Vincent Massol 1.10 13 ** Create new empty wiki
14 ** Create new wiki from template wiki
15 ** Create new wiki from XAR file
Vincent Massol 2.4 16 * All [Application Manager>extensions:Extension.Application Manager Application] 1.0 Milestone 1 features:
Vincent Massol 1.10 17 ** Create new application descriptor
18 ** Delete application descriptor
19 ** Export application based on XWiki Package internal plugin
20 ** Import application based on XWiki Package internal plugin
21 ** Support applications dependencies
22 ** Children wikis can reference documents located in the template wiki, thus preventing content duplication and easing maintenance
23 ** Support translations documents
Thomas Mortagne 1.2 24
Vincent Massol 1.1 25 1.1 Known issues
Thomas Mortagne 4.1 27 * [Bugs we know about>]
Vincent Massol 1.1 28
29 1.1 Installation
Vincent Massol 2.2 31 A XEM installation works like XWiki Enterprise (XE). Thus to install XEM check the [XE installation instructions>platform:AdminGuide.Installation#HInstallingtheXWikiWARmanually].
Thomas Mortagne 1.2 32
Vincent Massol 1.10 33 When comapred to XE, XEM is different in the followin areas:
34 * XEM 1.0 Milestone 1 does not support HSQLDB or DERBY. Actually at this time only MySQL is supported.
Vincent Massol 1.12 35 * You'll have to configure your database so that it has the rights to create new databases. See the [Virtualization guide>platform:AdminGuide.Virtualization#HRequirements] for details on how to do this.
Thomas Mortagne 1.5 36
Vincent Massol 1.10 37 Once you have finished the standard XE-like installation, go to the XEM home page and follow the instructions there.
Thomas Mortagne 1.7 38

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