Version 9.1 by Eduard Moraru on 2017/06/21

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Eduard Moraru 1.1 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
3 {{/box}}
Eduard Moraru 6.2 5 This is the release notes for [[XWiki Commons>>]], [[XWiki Rendering>>]] and the [[XWiki Platform>>]]. They share the same release notes as they are released together and have the same version.
Eduard Moraru 1.1 6
Eduard Moraru 8.10 7 This release features a major restructuring of the XWiki Enterprise distribution by converting it into the XWiki Standard Flavor. User features cover notifications by email, attachments list showing icons and image previews, recommended template at page creation, LiveTable date and multilist filters, and minor visual improvements. Admins can more easily customize the look and feel by the extended use of Icon Themes and the improvements done to setting the wiki logo. Finally, devs have a new API for working with wiki components, new icon theme mappings and notifications API improvements.
Eduard Moraru 1.1 8
Eduard Moraru 8.2 9 = New and Noteworthy (since XWiki 9.4) =
Eduard Moraru 1.1 10
Eduard Moraru 8.2 11 [[Full list of issues fixed and Dashboard for 9.5>>]].
Eduard Moraru 1.1 12
13 {{releasenotechanges/}}
15 === Moved Modules ===
Vincent Massol 4.1 17 * WebDAV module has been [[moved to XWiki Contrib>>]] and is now unsupported by XWiki Dev Team.
Eduard Moraru 1.1 18
19 === Upgrades ===
21 The following runtime dependencies have been upgraded (they have a different release cycle than [[XWiki Commons>>]], [[XWiki Rendering>>]], [[XWiki Platform>>]] and [[XWiki Enterprise>>]]):
Vincent Massol 5.1 23 * [[CSS4J 0.29>>]]
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) 3.1 24 * [[Font Awesome 4.7.0>>]]
Vincent Massol 6.1 25 * [[Commons Lang 3.6>>]]
Thomas Mortagne 8.1 26 * [[Commons Text 1.1>>]] (new dependency management)
27 * [[XStream 1.4.10>>]]
28 * [[JGroups 4.0.3>>]]
29 * [[Gson 2.8.1>>]]
30 * [[Bouncy Castle 1.57>>]]
31 * [[Apache PDFBox 2.0.6>>]]
32 * [[commons-compress 1.14>>]]
33 * [[JSON-Java 20170516>>]]
Eduard Moraru 1.1 34
35 = Translations =
37 The following translations have been updated:
Eduard Moraru 8.4 39 {{language codes="ca,fr,hr,pt_BR"/}}
Eduard Moraru 1.1 40
Eduard Moraru 8.2 41 {{comment}}
42 TODO: uncomment and update with proper link when the report is ready.
Eduard Moraru 1.1 44 = Tested Browsers & Databases =
Eduard Moraru 8.2 46 {{include reference="TestReports.<test report page>"/}}
47 {{/comment}}
Eduard Moraru 1.1 48
49 {{comment}}
Eduard Moraru 8.2 50 TODO: uncomment and update with proper links when the report is ready.
Eduard Moraru 1.1 51
52 = Performances tests compared to <last super stable version> =
54 <a summary of the comparison with latest super stable version>
56 More details on <link to the test report>.
Eduard Moraru 8.2 57 {{/comment}}
Eduard Moraru 1.1 58
59 = Known issues =
Eduard Moraru 8.2 61 * [[Bugs we know about>>]]
Eduard Moraru 1.1 62
63 = Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes =
65 == General Notes ==
67 When upgrading make sure you compare your ##xwiki.cfg##, and ##web.xml## files with the newest version since some configuration parameters may have been modified or added. Note that you should add so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to the new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.
69 == API Breakages ==
Eduard Moraru 8.3 71 The following APIs were modified since XWiki 9.4:
Eduard Moraru 1.1 72
Eduard Moraru 8.6 73 {{backwardCompatiblityReport version="9.5-rc-1"/}}
Eduard Moraru 1.1 74
75 = Credits =
77 The following people have contributed code to this release (sorted alphabetically):
Eduard Moraru 8.9 79 Clément Aubin
80 Eduard Moraru
81 Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
82 Guillaume Delhumeau
83 Krzysiek Płachno
84 Marius Dumitru Florea
85 Pierre Bondoerffer
86 Thomas Mortagne
87 Vincent Massol

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