Search: concept

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

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notes : This is initial Proof of Concept.


answer : {{info}} The concept of Spaces has been removed from XWiki's UI when Nested Pages were introduced. We're now talking about [[pages and nested pages>>Documentation.UserGuide.Features.ContentOrganization.WebHome]]. {{/info}} Check out the [[Delete Page documentation


summary : "Recommended" concept has been added to Extension and Repository API


comment : I am new to the whole wiki concept and am trying to delete a Space - Systems&Infrastructure ? with a question mark appended at the end. I have deleted all the documents inside the space, no luck. Where do I insert this code to delete the space. Do I modify a config or properties file or does


comment : I second Joris Dirks' comment about multiple references on a page to one single footnote. A method for doing that in Tex is described here: I hope a similar concept of (optionally) labelling and then


this information). I'm sure that your class concept is really easy to use and useful to do this in an online
for using this class concept but I just see the results. The way of realisation (the codes and steps behind
in using your concept are: How do I assign a document type (class) to a web so that every new document


Located in
that, in the simplest expressions of the concept, every user is allowed to edit every page. The ease of use
text editor, new users can get a grasp of the concept in minutes. The best known wiki is probably


summary : Support for Maven dependency {{code language="xml"}}<exclusions>{{/code}} has (finally) been added. It means that, like in Maven, an excluded transitive dependency won't be downloaded when you install an extension. XWiki used to totally skip the whole concept of exclusion.


comment : The combination of *actions* (like <tt>save</tt>) and *request parameters* (like <tt>xredirect</tt>) obviously is a very powerful means to work with XWiki documents. Is there any documentation on that? Where do these concepts belong to in the first place, Struts, XWiki, Velocity or another technology?


summary : Rendering ##Block##s now have the concept of attributes. The main difference between Block parameters and block attributes is that attributes are not meant to be parser/serialized, the point is to use them as internal metadata associated to a block. The current main use case is to store
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