Search: concept

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

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Helm chart for XWiki

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/03/31
details : Create a helm Chart for XWiki to seamlessly deploy XWiki to Kubernetes. {{velocity}}[[Official helm charts>>]]{{/velocity}} could be used for Database dependencies. * Support for both Ingress {{velocity}}[[Ingress>>

Organizing Knowledge Using Topic Models

Last modified by Michael Hamann on 2023/02/03
(a concept in XWiki that is similar to a directory in a filesystem). You can read more about how topic

Convert all existing tests to the latest technologies

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2022/02/25
profile : * Java proficiency * Familiar with unit testing concepts and best practices * Familiar with functional testing concepts and best practices ** Experience with Selenium and the [[Page Objects>>url:]] pattern is preferred * Familiar with web technologies: HTML/CSS

Responsive skin based on Foundation

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2022/02/25
to the final design) **MILESTONE 1 ~-~- Clear concept of what is to be coded/written ** | 3|(% style="font
; " %)Clear concept of what is to be coded/written |[[http:~~/~~/>>url:

Convert existing tests to the latest technologies

Last modified by Eduard Moraru on 2022/02/25
profile : * Java proficiency * Familiar with unit testing concepts and best practices * Familiar with functional testing concepts and best practices ** Experience with Selenium and the [[Page Objects>>url:]] pattern is preferred * Familiar with web technologies: HTML/CSS

ePub Publisher

Last modified by Paul Libbrecht on 2022/02/25
the assembly of learning resources of diverse origins and types by a concept of collections which encourages re

ePub Publisher

Last modified by Paul Libbrecht on 2022/02/25
the assembly of learning resources of diverse origins and types by a concept of collections which encourages re

More extension repositories

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2022/02/25
* Discovering concept and architecture of Bintray (which is not just a simple single repository) * Discovering
API of NPM registry * Discovering concept and structure of WebJar * Manipulating archives in different
* investigation of NPM architecture * investigation of NPM Registry API * investigation of WebJar concept

Une plate-forme de développment basé sur le paradigme wiki

Located in
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2019/10/30
plate-forme XWiki. Utiliser un plate-forme de wiki est très similaire dans son concept à utiliser un

Créer des applications webs en quelques minutes

Located in
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2019/10/30
description : Le concept de Long Tail introduit par Chris Anderson est maintenant bien connu dans le domaine du livre. Ce concept existe également dans le domaine des apps. Aujourd'hui la plupart des applications sont développées avec un équipe de développement, un budget et un temps imparti. Cela sous-tend
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