Search: concept

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

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Confluence XML

Last modified by Admin on 2024/04/15
|Confluence exports can contain archived documents. XWiki doesn't have a concept of archived document. This
concept of archived space. This parameter lets you optionally import archived spaces  as regular XWiki

User API

Last modified by Admin on 2024/03/25
description : = Users {{info}}Since 12.2{{/info}} Concepts: * This API is independent from where the users are stored (in wiki pages, etc). This allows plugging other implementations to store the users elsewhere than in wiki pages (the default). * This API supports properties for the Guest and SuperAdmin


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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/03/25
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: Understand XWiki concepts of XClass & XObjects Track 2: Extend your application Track 3: Styling XWiki Start
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= * Track 1: [[Understand XWiki concepts of XClass & XObjects>>TrackXObjects]] * Track 2: [[Extend your

XAR Format Specifications

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Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/04/11
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attachment. Changelog 1.5 XWiki 14.0 Add the concept of original metadata document author. 1.4 XWiki
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=== //XWiki 14.0// Add the concept of original metadata document author. === 1.4 === //XWiki 12.0

More extension repositories

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2022/02/25
* Discovering concept and architecture of Bintray (which is not just a simple single repository) * Discovering
API of NPM registry * Discovering concept and structure of WebJar * Manipulating archives in different
* investigation of NPM architecture * investigation of NPM Registry API * investigation of WebJar concept


Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2020/03/23
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8.1, Extension Manager support the concept of managed dependencies. Its the same idea than Maven's
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support the concept of managed dependencies. Its the same idea than Maven's {{code

Organization Application Form

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2019/04/08
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XWiki many aspects and concepts and make them even better ! Mentoring capacity Your organization must
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and concepts and make them even better ! == Mentoring capacity == > Your organization must have at least two

IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 28 September 2012

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18
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WYSIWYG server module in two 10:47 <+tmortagne> one without any context concept and one with it 10:47
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WYSIWYG server module in two 10:47 <+tmortagne> one without any context concept and one with it 10:47

IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 10 July 2012

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18
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<+tmortagne> sdumitriu: why not, it's a pretty standard concept 17:57 <vmassol> +1 for a timezone field type
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:57 <+tmortagne> sdumitriu: why not, it's a pretty standard concept 17:57 <vmassol> +1 for a timezone

IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 24 May 2012

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18
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possible though 20:35 <@cjd> hmm 20:35 <ssavi> I don't seem to understand the concept of virtual wiki
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possible though 20:35 <@cjd> hmm 20:35 <ssavi> I don't seem to understand the concept of virtual wiki
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