Search: concept

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

Results 1 - 4 of 4 Page 1

Semantic Tagging Extension

Located in
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2021/03/17
Attachment content
="ctag:label" content="$detail.getLabel()"><a class="tag-concept-link" href='$detail.getUri()'>$detail.getLabel
.tag-delete').each(this.ajaxTagDelete); // [semtag] concept list for each tag $$('.doc-tags .tag-list-activator').each(this.ajaxTagConcepts); // [semtag] end concept list for each tag

Knowledge Ring Application

Located in
Last modified by slauriere on 2022/02/21
" %) ((( (% class="col-md-8" %) ((( |=Concept|=Definition |Term|A Term simply wraps a wiki page. It can have

XWiki Rights API - API

Located in
Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/05/01
as a dependency. {{/info}} = Concepts = Similar to the [[authorization API>>Extension.Security Module
of the existing XWiki concepts, there is no new implementation of the rights or of their storage. It is fully
), the access rights do endup stored as XWikiRights or XWikiGlobalRights objects, but those concepts

Migration Guide to Nested Pages

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/04/11
Rendered document content
retro-compatibility with many existing features and applications we had to keep the concepts of "Page
the introduction of the Nested Pages concept (in 7.2), the content in a wiki was organized like this: we had some
, this relationship is crucial. The introduction of the Nested Pages concept In XWiki 7.2, due to frequent users
Raw document content
retro-compatibility with many existing features and applications we had to keep the concepts of "Page
creators. == Detailed Explanations == Before the introduction of the Nested Pages concept (in 7.2
concept === In XWiki 7.2, due to frequent users demands, we have introduced the ability to create spaces
Page 1
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