Search: concept
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21
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Extensions Wiki
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For now I think I'm going to kick back and do some reading ~-~- what a concept (I'm impatient sometimes). Tom
Une plateforme de prototypage d'applis webs
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Cette presentation apporte un peu de nouveautes en proposant un runtime web de prototypage ce qui est un concept nouveau et interessant de connaitre pour tout bon developeur ou architecte java.
Extending XWiki Rendering
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- Raw document content
. == Best Practices == * ((({{version since="11.3RC1"}}There's now the concept of a Syntax Registry and new Syntaxes are expected to register themselves in that registry.
Une plate-forme de développment basé sur le paradigme wiki
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Utiliser un plate-forme de wiki est très similaire dans son concept à utiliser un serveur d'applications. Tout comme les serveurs d'app offrent des services techniques aux applications hébergées, une plate-forme de wiki offre des services de plus haut niveau tels gestion de contenu, moteur de rendu, stockage, éditeur WYSIWYG, gestion des utilisateurs et beaucoup plus.
Wikis are dead, long live wikis!
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You could even argue that traditional wikis are loosing traction or mindshare. Other concepts have arisen in the past such as CMS (Content Management System) and WCM (Web Content Management).
Créer des applications webs en quelques minutes
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description : Le concept de Long Tail introduit par Chris Anderson est maintenant bien connu dans le domaine du livre. Ce concept existe également dans le domaine des apps.
Syntax Registry
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summary : There's now the concept of a Syntax Registry and [[new Syntaxes are expected to register themselves in that registry>>rendering:Main.Extending.WebHome||anchor="HBestPractices"]].
Platform Configuration API
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description : See the [[Configuration API>>Extension.Configuration Module]] for general configuration concepts. == Configuration Permissions == It's possible to implement permission checking for ##ConfigurationSource## properties, to decide who has the rights to view or modify them.
…summary : Extra Configuration APIs related to platform concepts (e.g. user references)
Improved HTML Export
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summary : The HTML export has been improved to better scale with the Nested Pages concept. The exported pages are now located in directories named after the parent pages in which they are located.
Left Panels
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It's a bridge to the Panel concept. To add a Panel to the left Panels area, simply create a document containing a PanelClass xobject and add it to the list of Panels to display in the Administration.