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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21
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Vincent Massol
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IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 31 March 2017
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15:47 <Pbas> when simple user create a page, by default the new page is created on current "space" 15:48 <vmassol> by default a page is created as a subpage of the current page 15:48 <Pbas> yes then after a while it is messy 15:48 <vmassol> unless the user changes the location in the create dialog 15:48 <vmassol> no 15:48 <vmassol> it's the opposite 15:48 <vmassol> if you create everything at the same level then it's messy 15:49 <Pbas> yes but a normal user didn't think about ordering 15:49 <vmassol> and users have to invent naming conventions 15:49 <vmassol> to differentiate pages 15:49 <vmassol> I don't understand what you mean by ordering 15:49 <vmassol> there's no order between pages 15:50 <tmortagne> Pbas: depends what you call "normal user", you are basically saying that people can't handle folders 15:50 <Pbas> I meanin "ranger" 15:50 <Pbas> "classer" 15:50 <vmassol> so organization 15:50 <vmassol> again one folder is much more messy 15:51 <vmassol> take a drawer at home and put all your invoices into a single drawer 15:51 <vmassol> then dare tell me it's clean and easy to find what you want afterwards :) 15:51 <vmassol> that's why you have different binders 15:51 <vmassol> and different drawers 15:52 <vmassol> I'm not sure why you think that a single level (a la wikipedai) is better 15:52 <vmassol> if you do that you're forcing users to invent categorization 15:52 <vmassol> by creating naming conventions when they create their pages 15:52 <vmassol> Client1Invoice1 15:52 <vmassol> Client1Invoice2 15:52 <vmassol> Client2Invoice1 15:53 <vmassol> instead of Client1 > Invoice1, Invoice2 15:53 <vmassol> Client 2 > Invoice1 15:54 <vmassol> also don't forget the concept of wikis, it's meant to be self organized, if you create too much strucrure you're going to fail and remove serendipity and initiative from people who contribute 15:55 <Pbas> agree it is for this raeson that nested affraid boss 15:55 <Pbas> simple users haven't right enough to create new space on xwiki 7.0.1 15:55 <Pbas> Need news space/folder? ask to advanced user 15:56 <vmassol> as I said it's the same 15:56 <vmassol> at worst you'll have everything at the same level 15:57 <vmassol> with bad naming 15:57 <Pbas> anyway I must explain the nested concept to my boss 15:57 <vmassol> but it won't be simpler at all 15:58 <vmassol> hire me and I'll come do a training in the south :) 15:58 <vmassol> (which would be nice since it's raining here :)) 15:58 <Pbas> ha yes you want send a postcard!
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15:47 <Pbas> when simple user create a page, by default the new page is created on current "space" 15:48 <vmassol> by default a page is created as a subpage of the current page 15:48 <Pbas> yes then after a while it is messy 15:48 <vmassol> unless the user changes the location in the create dialog 15:48 <vmassol> no 15:48 <vmassol> it's the opposite 15:48 <vmassol> if you create everything at the same level then it's messy 15:49 <Pbas> yes but a normal user didn't think about ordering 15:49 <vmassol> and users have to invent naming conventions 15:49 <vmassol> to differentiate pages 15:49 <vmassol> I don't understand what you mean by ordering 15:49 <vmassol> there's no order between pages 15:50 <tmortagne> Pbas: depends what you call "normal user", you are basically saying that people can't handle folders 15:50 <Pbas> I meanin "ranger" 15:50 <Pbas> "classer" 15:50 <vmassol> so organization 15:50 <vmassol> again one folder is much more messy 15:51 <vmassol> take a drawer at home and put all your invoices into a single drawer 15:51 <vmassol> then dare tell me it's clean and easy to find what you want afterwards :) 15:51 <vmassol> that's why you have different binders 15:51 <vmassol> and different drawers 15:52 <vmassol> I'm not sure why you think that a single level (a la wikipedai) is better 15:52 <vmassol> if you do that you're forcing users to invent categorization 15:52 <vmassol> by creating naming conventions when they create their pages 15:52 <vmassol> Client1Invoice1 15:52 <vmassol> Client1Invoice2 15:52 <vmassol> Client2Invoice1 15:53 <vmassol> instead of Client1 > Invoice1, Invoice2 15:53 <vmassol> Client 2 > Invoice1 15:54 <vmassol> also don't forget the concept of wikis, it's meant to be self organized, if you create too much strucrure you're going to fail and remove serendipity and initiative from people who contribute 15:55 <Pbas> agree it is for this raeson that nested affraid boss 15:55 <Pbas> simple users haven't right enough to create new space on xwiki 7.0.1 15:55 <Pbas> Need news space/folder? ask to advanced user 15:56 <vmassol> as I said it's the same 15:56 <vmassol> at worst you'll have everything at the same level 15:57 <vmassol> with bad naming 15:57 <Pbas> anyway I must explain the nested concept to my boss 15:57 <vmassol> but it won't be simpler at all 15:58 <vmassol> hire me and I'll come do a training in the south :) 15:58 <vmassol> (which would be nice since it's raining here :)) 15:58 <Pbas> ha yes you want send a postcard!
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 27 March 2017
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I couldn't find a usage of it in platform 13:57 * vmassol sent a long message: vmassol_2017-03-27_11:57:03.txt - 14:10 <acotiuga> has quit 14:12 <acotiuga> has joined #xwiki 14:38 <vmassol> cjd: you may want to check to help the guy or improve the doc for the attachment porter maybe. 14:39 <vmassol> thx 14:43 <cjd[m]> It's unfortunate that FSAttach is not default because otherwise he wouldn't have this issue. 14:44 <cjd[m]> But if he doesn't understand the concept of groovy scripts running in the browser, maybe the best thing he can do at this point is request commercial support. 14:49 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 14:51 <msmeria1> has quit 14:58 <vmassol> is it mentioned somewhere cjd ?
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I couldn't find a usage of it in platform 13:57 * vmassol sent a long message: vmassol_2017-03-27_11:57:03.txt - 14:10 <acotiuga> has quit 14:12 <acotiuga> has joined #xwiki 14:38 <vmassol> cjd: you may want to check to help the guy or improve the doc for the attachment porter maybe. 14:39 <vmassol> thx 14:43 <cjd[m]> It's unfortunate that FSAttach is not default because otherwise he wouldn't have this issue. 14:44 <cjd[m]> But if he doesn't understand the concept of groovy scripts running in the browser, maybe the best thing he can do at this point is request commercial support. 14:49 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 14:51 <msmeria1> has quit 14:58 <vmassol> is it mentioned somewhere cjd ?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 24 March 2017
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10:43 <sgc072> Like it may happen that a user enters wrong information. 10:44 <vmassol> I don't understand the problem 10:44 <vmassol> the wiki concept is 10:44 <vmassol> - everyone can make changes 10:44 <vmassol> - it's historized anyway 10:44 <vmassol> - it's possible to rollback if need be 10:47 <sgc072> the rollback can be done by any user?
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10:43 <sgc072> Like it may happen that a user enters wrong information. 10:44 <vmassol> I don't understand the problem 10:44 <vmassol> the wiki concept is 10:44 <vmassol> - everyone can make changes 10:44 <vmassol> - it's historized anyway 10:44 <vmassol> - it's possible to rollback if need be 10:47 <sgc072> the rollback can be done by any user?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 10 March 2017
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I will try and do a little more research about this concept and the project ofcourse. :P 15:59 <OSIMasson1> has joined #xwiki 15:59 <tmortagne1> sgc072: great :) 16:19 <woshilapin> has quit 16:42 <sgc072> has quit 16:44 <woshilapin> has joined #xwiki 17:27 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 17:29 <msmeria> has quit 17:45 <prakhar123> has quit 18:00 <KermitTheFragger> has quit 18:27 <OSIMasson1> has quit 18:32 <mflorea> has quit 18:54 <floflobel> has quit 19:16 <sgc072> has joined #xwiki 19:22 <Pbas> has quit 19:28 <evalica> has quit 19:56 <prakhar123> has joined #xwiki 20:12 <OSIMasson1> has joined #xwiki 20:24 <OSIMasson1> has quit 20:25 <Denis1> has joined #xwiki 20:26 <Denis> has quit 20:32 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 20:33 <msmeria> has quit 20:36 <Slashman> has quit 20:41 <pulkit4tech> has quit 20:49 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 20:50 <msmeria> has quit 21:09 <sgc072> has quit 21:31 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 21:33 <msmeria> has quit 22:05 <prakhar123> has quit 22:52 <OSIMasson1> has joined #xwiki 23:45 <Aranjedeath> has joined #xwiki
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I will try and do a little more research about this concept and the project ofcourse. :P 15:59 <OSIMasson1> has joined #xwiki 15:59 <tmortagne1> sgc072: great :) 16:19 <woshilapin> has quit 16:42 <sgc072> has quit 16:44 <woshilapin> has joined #xwiki 17:27 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 17:29 <msmeria> has quit 17:45 <prakhar123> has quit 18:00 <KermitTheFragger> has quit 18:27 <OSIMasson1> has quit 18:32 <mflorea> has quit 18:54 <floflobel> has quit 19:16 <sgc072> has joined #xwiki 19:22 <Pbas> has quit 19:28 <evalica> has quit 19:56 <prakhar123> has joined #xwiki 20:12 <OSIMasson1> has joined #xwiki 20:24 <OSIMasson1> has quit 20:25 <Denis1> has joined #xwiki 20:26 <Denis> has quit 20:32 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 20:33 <msmeria> has quit 20:36 <Slashman> has quit 20:41 <pulkit4tech> has quit 20:49 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 20:50 <msmeria> has quit 21:09 <sgc072> has quit 21:31 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 21:33 <msmeria> has quit 22:05 <prakhar123> has quit 22:52 <OSIMasson1> has joined #xwiki 23:45 <Aranjedeath> has joined #xwiki
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 27 February 2017
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viewer=changes&rev1=85.2&rev2=86.2 please add anything missing 11:26 <vmassol> checking thxs 11:29 <vmassol> seems good Enygma 11:29 <vmassol> maybe a small improvement would be to use somthing else than Space1 and Space2 11:30 <vmassol> like Item1 and Item2 or Name1 and Name2 11:30 <Enygma`> or Page1.Page2 11:30 <vmassol> since they can either represent pages or spaces dpeending on the context 11:30 <vmassol> yes or Page1 and Page2 11:30 <vmassol> if we want to not show the concept of spaces 11:30 <Enygma`> if talking about NP 11:30 <vmassol> the rest of the doc talks about spaces though 11:31 <Enygma`> hinting to the view action in
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viewer=changes&rev1=85.2&rev2=86.2 please add anything missing 11:26 <vmassol> checking thxs 11:29 <vmassol> seems good Enygma 11:29 <vmassol> maybe a small improvement would be to use somthing else than Space1 and Space2 11:30 <vmassol> like Item1 and Item2 or Name1 and Name2 11:30 <Enygma`> or Page1.Page2 11:30 <vmassol> since they can either represent pages or spaces dpeending on the context 11:30 <vmassol> yes or Page1 and Page2 11:30 <vmassol> if we want to not show the concept of spaces 11:30 <Enygma`> if talking about NP 11:30 <vmassol> the rest of the doc talks about spaces though 11:31 <Enygma`> hinting to the view action in
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 11 January 2017
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My translation bundle, from where I want to overwrite the key is probably loaded before so it doesn't have any effect. 10:53 <mflorea> I was thinking to "force" loading my translation bundle on demand, but it is also loaded on wiki, so it doesn't work (the location manager probably detects that the bundle is already loaded and doesn't do nothing). 10:54 <mflorea> my last resort is to define a separate bundle that contains only the key I want to overwrite and load this on demand in the places where the key is used 10:58 <tmortagne> TranslationBundle API have the concept of priority but all wiki based bundle provide the same priority, need to add a priority field in TranslationDocumentClass 11:00 <tmortagne> "it doesn't work" not sure what you means here 11:00 <tmortagne> you change from wiki to on demand and it's not taken into account ?
…we can't specify a priority for a document translation bundle, at least not from the wiki page 11:07 <tmortagne> (10:58:47 AM) tmortagne: TranslationBundle API have the concept of priority but all wiki based bundle provide the same priority, need to add a priority field in TranslationDocumentClass 11:08 <mflorea> that would be nice 11:08 <mflorea> and would fit my use case 11:08 <tmortagne> yes, mostly forgot about it 11:08 <tmortagne> plus it's pretty easy to do 11:09 <tmortagne> if you want to look at it it's in AbstractDocumentTranslationBundle 11:09 <tmortagne> right now it does setPriority(DEFAULTPRIORITY_WIKI); but ideally it should look at the document first 11:09 <ImRG> has quit 11:09 <mflorea> ok, on my side I need it for procedure flavor, which is still depending on 8.4 so I can't use the latest version yet 11:10 <ImRG> has joined #xwiki 11:11 <tmortagne> creating a jira issue for it, looks like I forgot 11:14 <evalica> has joined #xwiki 11:18 <ImRG> has left #xwiki 11:31 <Enygma`> has joined #xwiki 11:32 <Enygma`1> has joined #xwiki 11:32 <Enygma`2> has joined #xwiki 11:36 <Enygma`> has quit 11:36 <mflorea> tmortagne: document translation bundles loaded on demand don't seem to have priority over those loaded on wiki.
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My translation bundle, from where I want to overwrite the key is probably loaded before so it doesn't have any effect. 10:53 <mflorea> I was thinking to "force" loading my translation bundle on demand, but it is also loaded on wiki, so it doesn't work (the location manager probably detects that the bundle is already loaded and doesn't do nothing). 10:54 <mflorea> my last resort is to define a separate bundle that contains only the key I want to overwrite and load this on demand in the places where the key is used 10:58 <tmortagne> TranslationBundle API have the concept of priority but all wiki based bundle provide the same priority, need to add a priority field in TranslationDocumentClass 11:00 <tmortagne> "it doesn't work" not sure what you means here 11:00 <tmortagne> you change from wiki to on demand and it's not taken into account ?
…we can't specify a priority for a document translation bundle, at least not from the wiki page 11:07 <tmortagne> (10:58:47 AM) tmortagne: TranslationBundle API have the concept of priority but all wiki based bundle provide the same priority, need to add a priority field in TranslationDocumentClass 11:08 <mflorea> that would be nice 11:08 <mflorea> and would fit my use case 11:08 <tmortagne> yes, mostly forgot about it 11:08 <tmortagne> plus it's pretty easy to do 11:09 <tmortagne> if you want to look at it it's in AbstractDocumentTranslationBundle 11:09 <tmortagne> right now it does setPriority(DEFAULTPRIORITY_WIKI); but ideally it should look at the document first 11:09 <ImRG> has quit 11:09 <mflorea> ok, on my side I need it for procedure flavor, which is still depending on 8.4 so I can't use the latest version yet 11:10 <ImRG> has joined #xwiki 11:11 <tmortagne> creating a jira issue for it, looks like I forgot 11:14 <evalica> has joined #xwiki 11:18 <ImRG> has left #xwiki 11:31 <Enygma`> has joined #xwiki 11:32 <Enygma`1> has joined #xwiki 11:32 <Enygma`2> has joined #xwiki 11:36 <Enygma`> has quit 11:36 <mflorea> tmortagne: document translation bundles loaded on demand don't seem to have priority over those loaded on wiki.
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 24 October 2016
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11:52 <vmassol> no IMO you could use it now 11:52 <vmassol> it's just that the blog app has not been updated when we introduced the icon set concet 11:52 <vmassol> *concept 11:53 <Pbas> but font awesome are tiny and not exactly like bootstrap icone 11:53 <vmassol> sure it means that the blog will only have silk and font awesome ATM 11:53 <vmassol> but that seems the best to me 11:53 <vmassol> because that's what we have right now for apps no?
…11:56 <Enygma`> has quit 11:56 <gdelhumeau> vmassol: there is no inheritence concept, only a fallback to silk, but that would be a nice to have 11:56 <vmassol> Pbas: if you name the icon set then you don't obey the admin setting 11:56 <gdelhumeau> I don't plan to support glyphicon for the reason I've mentioned above 11:57 <vmassol> but we can't say that gdelhumeau 11:57 <vmassol> since we use it already :) 11:57 <gdelhumeau> you know what I mean 11:57 <gdelhumeau> not in Skin App 11:57 <vmassol> but then we have the issue raised by Pascal 11:57 <vmassol> that the app icons cannot match the icons of the skin 11:57 <gdelhumeau> yes glyphicon is a bit different than F-A 11:57 <vmassol> how do we solve this issue?
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11:52 <vmassol> no IMO you could use it now 11:52 <vmassol> it's just that the blog app has not been updated when we introduced the icon set concet 11:52 <vmassol> *concept 11:53 <Pbas> but font awesome are tiny and not exactly like bootstrap icone 11:53 <vmassol> sure it means that the blog will only have silk and font awesome ATM 11:53 <vmassol> but that seems the best to me 11:53 <vmassol> because that's what we have right now for apps no?
…11:56 <Enygma`> has quit 11:56 <gdelhumeau> vmassol: there is no inheritence concept, only a fallback to silk, but that would be a nice to have 11:56 <vmassol> Pbas: if you name the icon set then you don't obey the admin setting 11:56 <gdelhumeau> I don't plan to support glyphicon for the reason I've mentioned above 11:57 <vmassol> but we can't say that gdelhumeau 11:57 <vmassol> since we use it already :) 11:57 <gdelhumeau> you know what I mean 11:57 <gdelhumeau> not in Skin App 11:57 <vmassol> but then we have the issue raised by Pascal 11:57 <vmassol> that the app icons cannot match the icons of the skin 11:57 <gdelhumeau> yes glyphicon is a bit different than F-A 11:57 <vmassol> how do we solve this issue?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 30 August 2016
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14:25 <tmortagne> all you have to do with do the Solr request with a locales which is part of the supported locales 14:26 <tmortagne> locales=en will matches only documents you would see if you have en as current locale 14:27 <tmortagne> the "locales" field contains all the supported locales for which the document is the one to show in the UI 14:28 <tmortagne> the fallback is "calculated" during index basically 14:30 <tmortagne> I initially did this so that the main Solr search would look in all the documents you would see with the current locale instead on only the documents explicitly for the current locale 14:30 <tmortagne> so this field is pretty old 14:31 <mflorea> I know it'old 14:34 <mflorea> I though there could be multiple translations of a doc matched by locales=en, but it's not the case 14:35 <tmortagne> "so this field is pretty old" = might have been broken since it is not used anymore in the main UI but it's what it's supposed to do 14:36 <mflorea> it shouldn't be broken, I don't remember touching it, but indeed the search UI doesn't use it 14:37 <tmortagne> anyway import thing is that the concept already exist and just need to check if it still work and fix it otherwise since that would be a regression 14:37 <mflorea> now, another thing that worries me about Solr is sort and pagination performance.
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14:25 <tmortagne> all you have to do with do the Solr request with a locales which is part of the supported locales 14:26 <tmortagne> locales=en will matches only documents you would see if you have en as current locale 14:27 <tmortagne> the "locales" field contains all the supported locales for which the document is the one to show in the UI 14:28 <tmortagne> the fallback is "calculated" during index basically 14:30 <tmortagne> I initially did this so that the main Solr search would look in all the documents you would see with the current locale instead on only the documents explicitly for the current locale 14:30 <tmortagne> so this field is pretty old 14:31 <mflorea> I know it'old 14:34 <mflorea> I though there could be multiple translations of a doc matched by locales=en, but it's not the case 14:35 <tmortagne> "so this field is pretty old" = might have been broken since it is not used anymore in the main UI but it's what it's supposed to do 14:36 <mflorea> it shouldn't be broken, I don't remember touching it, but indeed the search UI doesn't use it 14:37 <tmortagne> anyway import thing is that the concept already exist and just need to check if it still work and fix it otherwise since that would be a regression 14:37 <mflorea> now, another thing that worries me about Solr is sort and pagination performance.
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 25 August 2016
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Apparently there is some behaviour change between and 7.0.70 which results in the impossiblity to edit pages with spaces in them (it results in creation of page with + signs in xwiki) 09:16 <DarkKnightCZ> vmassol: hello, I've found today (since i've done yesterday upgrade to 8.2.1) that XWIKI-13651 also affects this version, so I'm actually wondering if its caused by XWIKI-12544 or not 09:21 <DarkKnightCZ> hmm, so it looks like it's combination of two issues 09:22 <DarkKnightCZ> sometimes it fails with "Cannot read property 'observe' of undefined" and sometimes it tries to load that tree.js file but in edit mode that results in Locked response code when two people on wiki are trying to edit at the same time 09:32 <mflorea> has joined #xwiki 09:38 <vmassol> DarkKnightCZ: hi 09:39 <vmassol> if you're using 8.3M1 you should be fine regarding the tree.js issue since it's been fixed 09:39 <vmassol> and the export of children is part of 8.3M1 so there's no reason for you to have the problem normally 09:39 <DarkKnightCZ> vmassol: it's 8.2.1 09:39 <vmassol> so you don't have XWIKI-12544 for sure in that version 09:40 <vmassol> AFAIU XWIKI-13651 was vaused by XWIKI-125444 yes 09:40 <vmassol> regarding tomcat there's no known issue with spaces 09:40 <DarkKnightCZ> yup, looks that way although it looks similar 09:41 <vmassol> but there are general encoding issues 09:41 <vmassol> in some version 09:41 <vmassol> as we indicate 09:41 <vmassol> see 09:41 <vmassol> (the red box :)) 09:41 <vmassol> I'm sure you're hitting those 09:42 <DarkKnightCZ> aaah, yes, thats it :) 09:42 <DarkKnightCZ> I will try to reproduce the CKEditor issue on clean installation and report a bug then :) 09:43 <vmassol> ok 09:47 <vmassol> thanks Alex 09:48 <vmassol> maybe you could also add the missing WebHome in the examples (haven't checked but that's a guess) 09:48 <vmassol> because it seems the tutorial is not valid 09:48 <vmassol> anymore 09:49 <vmassol> yes for example $xwiki.jsx.use("XWiki.SkinExt") is not going to work by default 09:49 <vmassol> since by default pages are created non terminal 09:49 <vmassol> or we should indictae to create a page as a terminal page and point to the doc for that 09:50 <vmassol> btw just realized were missing documentation for terminal pages at, adding that 09:54 <DarkKnightCZ> has quit 09:55 <DarkKnightCZ> has joined #xwiki 09:58 <acotiuga> added the missing WebHome on SkinExtensionTutorial 10:01 <vmassol> it could be better to create a terminal page though since I'm not sure why a ssx page would have children but ok... 10:01 <vmassol> at least it makes it simpler for the non advanced user 10:02 <vmassol> (although it's an advanced concept) 10:03 <vmassol> it's not easy 10:07 <gdelhumeau> has joined #xwiki 10:16 <vmassol> FTR I've updated We forgot to udpate it when we introduced the terminal page checkbox in the create page dialog and when we introduced the new templates recently... 10:16 <vmassol> I think we need to be more careful about documentation in the future 10:16 <vmassol> lots of users are complaning that the doc is obsolete, and they're right 10:17 <vmassol> gdelhumeau: hi 10:17 <vmassol> gdelhumeau: could you update please?
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Apparently there is some behaviour change between and 7.0.70 which results in the impossiblity to edit pages with spaces in them (it results in creation of page with + signs in xwiki) 09:16 <DarkKnightCZ> vmassol: hello, I've found today (since i've done yesterday upgrade to 8.2.1) that XWIKI-13651 also affects this version, so I'm actually wondering if its caused by XWIKI-12544 or not 09:21 <DarkKnightCZ> hmm, so it looks like it's combination of two issues 09:22 <DarkKnightCZ> sometimes it fails with "Cannot read property 'observe' of undefined" and sometimes it tries to load that tree.js file but in edit mode that results in Locked response code when two people on wiki are trying to edit at the same time 09:32 <mflorea> has joined #xwiki 09:38 <vmassol> DarkKnightCZ: hi 09:39 <vmassol> if you're using 8.3M1 you should be fine regarding the tree.js issue since it's been fixed 09:39 <vmassol> and the export of children is part of 8.3M1 so there's no reason for you to have the problem normally 09:39 <DarkKnightCZ> vmassol: it's 8.2.1 09:39 <vmassol> so you don't have XWIKI-12544 for sure in that version 09:40 <vmassol> AFAIU XWIKI-13651 was vaused by XWIKI-125444 yes 09:40 <vmassol> regarding tomcat there's no known issue with spaces 09:40 <DarkKnightCZ> yup, looks that way although it looks similar 09:41 <vmassol> but there are general encoding issues 09:41 <vmassol> in some version 09:41 <vmassol> as we indicate 09:41 <vmassol> see 09:41 <vmassol> (the red box :)) 09:41 <vmassol> I'm sure you're hitting those 09:42 <DarkKnightCZ> aaah, yes, thats it :) 09:42 <DarkKnightCZ> I will try to reproduce the CKEditor issue on clean installation and report a bug then :) 09:43 <vmassol> ok 09:47 <vmassol> thanks Alex 09:48 <vmassol> maybe you could also add the missing WebHome in the examples (haven't checked but that's a guess) 09:48 <vmassol> because it seems the tutorial is not valid 09:48 <vmassol> anymore 09:49 <vmassol> yes for example $xwiki.jsx.use("XWiki.SkinExt") is not going to work by default 09:49 <vmassol> since by default pages are created non terminal 09:49 <vmassol> or we should indictae to create a page as a terminal page and point to the doc for that 09:50 <vmassol> btw just realized were missing documentation for terminal pages at, adding that 09:54 <DarkKnightCZ> has quit 09:55 <DarkKnightCZ> has joined #xwiki 09:58 <acotiuga> added the missing WebHome on SkinExtensionTutorial 10:01 <vmassol> it could be better to create a terminal page though since I'm not sure why a ssx page would have children but ok... 10:01 <vmassol> at least it makes it simpler for the non advanced user 10:02 <vmassol> (although it's an advanced concept) 10:03 <vmassol> it's not easy 10:07 <gdelhumeau> has joined #xwiki 10:16 <vmassol> FTR I've updated We forgot to udpate it when we introduced the terminal page checkbox in the create page dialog and when we introduced the new templates recently... 10:16 <vmassol> I think we need to be more careful about documentation in the future 10:16 <vmassol> lots of users are complaning that the doc is obsolete, and they're right 10:17 <vmassol> gdelhumeau: hi 10:17 <vmassol> gdelhumeau: could you update please?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 05 July 2016
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Thanks. 12:14 <vmassol> for a general concept see also 12:22 <M-jsimard> has quit 12:22 <blabla2[m]> has quit 12:22 <M-vmassol> has quit 12:22 <M-mouhb1> has quit 12:22 <M-cjd> has quit 12:22 <Chris[m]1> has quit 12:32 <edvorg> has quit 12:38 <edvorg> has joined #xwiki 12:44 <Chris[m]> has joined #xwiki 13:18 <M-cjd> has joined #xwiki 13:18 <M-jsimard> has joined #xwiki 13:18 <M-yflory> has joined #xwiki 13:18 <M-mouhb> has joined #xwiki 13:18 <blabla2[m]> has joined #xwiki 13:19 <M-vmassol> has joined #xwiki 13:26 <gdelhumeau> is broken 13:27 <vmassol> gdelhumeau: that'es normal 13:27 <vmassol> it's a work in progress 13:36 <tmortagne> gdelhumeau: always been broken :) 13:36 <vmassol> btw tmortagne did you see my message of this morning on irc about it?
- Raw document content
Thanks. 12:14 <vmassol> for a general concept see also 12:22 <M-jsimard> has quit 12:22 <blabla2[m]> has quit 12:22 <M-vmassol> has quit 12:22 <M-mouhb1> has quit 12:22 <M-cjd> has quit 12:22 <Chris[m]1> has quit 12:32 <edvorg> has quit 12:38 <edvorg> has joined #xwiki 12:44 <Chris[m]> has joined #xwiki 13:18 <M-cjd> has joined #xwiki 13:18 <M-jsimard> has joined #xwiki 13:18 <M-yflory> has joined #xwiki 13:18 <M-mouhb> has joined #xwiki 13:18 <blabla2[m]> has joined #xwiki 13:19 <M-vmassol> has joined #xwiki 13:26 <gdelhumeau> is broken 13:27 <vmassol> gdelhumeau: that'es normal 13:27 <vmassol> it's a work in progress 13:36 <tmortagne> gdelhumeau: always been broken :) 13:36 <vmassol> btw tmortagne did you see my message of this morning on irc about it?