Search: concept

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

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Knowledge Ring Application

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Last modified by Admin on 2024/11/05
For instance, all organizations and persons who received the Nobel Peace Prize can be browsed by country. ))) (% class="col-md-4" %) ((( [[[[image:person.jpg||style="border:1px solid silver; max-width:100%;"]]>>attach:person.jpg]] (% class="text-center" %) ((( //Facet filtering on page "Person"// ))) ))) ))) == Data model == (% class="row" %) ((( (% class="col-md-8" %) ((( |=Concept|=Definition |Term|A Term simply wraps a wiki page.

Gardening Application

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Last modified by Admin on 2024/11/18
* **Query scripts:** scripts that will generate a list of documents that should be gardened based on a given concept. For example, a script fetching every document updated in the past X minutes

What's New API

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Last modified by Admin on 2025/01/28
description : API to gather external news related to XWiki. The following concepts are used: * News Source Type: The type of source of news, in the form of a component hint.

Include Macro

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Last modified by Admin on 2025/01/28
See the [[Model module>>Model Module]] to understand the concept of references. |##type##|yes|document|document|The type of the entity.

Extension Manager Application

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Last modified by Admin on 2025/01/28
{{image reference="EM-extensionDescription.png"/}} == Supporters and Support Plans {{version since="16.8.0"}} XWiki extensions now have the concept of supporters and support plans. The goal is to replace the very vague concept of **Recommended** we currently have for a very explicit pledge of organizations and individuals (**Supporters**) to support an extension, and to which extent (**Support Plans**).

Relations Application

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Last modified by Admin on 2024/11/18
= See also = This paragraph lists some initiatives that relate to the management of relations or software that implements a feature allowing to relate artefacts with one another: * RDF proposes the concept of triples: subject - predicate - object, that's a way to relate the subject and the object

Extension Repository Application

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Last modified by Admin on 2025/02/03
{{version since="16.8.0"}} XWiki extensions now have the concept of supporters and support plans. The goal is to replace the very vague concept of **Recommended** we currently have for a very explicit pledge of organizations and individuals (**Supporters**) to support an extension, and to which extent (**Support Plans**).

Hierarchy Macro

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Last modified by Admin on 2024/07/08
In addition, this macro introduces the concept of **children order** for a parent. However, the children order is used by default only by the hierarchy macro; if this order needs to be used in other places in the wiki as well, those places need to be customized to use this additional information introduced by the macro.

Confluence XML

Last modified by Admin on 2025/02/17
XWiki doesn't have a concept of archived document. This parameter lets you optionally import archived documents as regular XWiki documents instead of ignoring them.| |false |Import archived spaces.
XWiki doesn't have a concept of archived space. This parameter lets you optionally import archived spaces  as regular XWiki spaces instead of ignoring them.| |false |Import attachments|If you don't want to import document attachments, set this to false.| |true |Base URLs|((( The list of base URLs leading to the Confluence instance.

Totem Application

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Last modified by Admin on 2024/07/08
A section can be displayed with different ways according to the concept of displayers (For example : Carousel, Article, image, video, simple text ...etc).
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