Search: concept
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21
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References Application
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The best way to grasp the concept is to see how it works on the [[References Page>>xwiki:References.WebHome]] (Code View available [[here>>xwiki:References.WebHome||queryString="viewer=code"]]). == How to use == {{html clean="false" wiki="true"}} All you have to do is to [[download the XAR>>attach:references-1.0.xar]] and [[import>>xwiki:Documentation.AdminGuide.ImportExport]] it in your XWiki.
Footnote Macros
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A method for doing that in Tex is described here: I hope a similar concept of (optionally) labelling and then referencing footnotes is in the planning for XWiki too.
Panels Application
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. === Create Page Panel === {{warning}} Since the introduction of [[Nested Pages>>xwiki:Documentation.Features.ContentOrganization]] this Panel has been deprecated since the concept of Space is now hidden and replaced by the concept of Nested Pages.
Video Macro
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See the [[Model>>path:]] module to understand the concept of references. Available since XWiki 3.4M1.
Delete Space
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comment : I am new to the whole wiki concept and am trying to delete a Space - Systems&Infrastructure ?
Include Macro
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See the [[Model module>>Model Module]] to understand the concept of references. |##type##|yes|document|document|The type of the entity.
Confluence XML
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XWiki doesn't have a concept of archived document. This parameter lets you optionally import archived documents as regular XWiki documents instead of ignoring them.| |false |Import archived spaces.
…XWiki doesn't have a concept of archived space. This parameter lets you optionally import archived spaces as regular XWiki spaces instead of ignoring them.| |false |Import attachments|If you don't want to import document attachments, set this to false.| |true |Base URLs|((( The list of base URLs leading to the Confluence instance.
Extension Repository Application
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{{version since="16.8.0"}} XWiki extensions now have the concept of supporters and support plans. The goal is to replace the very vague concept of **Recommended** we currently have for a very explicit pledge of organizations and individuals (**Supporters**) to support an extension, and to which extent (**Support Plans**).
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