Search: concept
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21
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Getting to know XWiki Track 1: Understand XWiki concepts of XClass & XObjects Track 2: Extend your application Track 3: Styling XWiki Start contributing Track 4: Report or find an issue Track 5: Contribute to the core Future tracks to document: Track: Interactivity in XWiki (JSX, WebJars, Special CSS classes, Front-end Resources) Track: Contribute to an existing extension Track: Contribute a new extension Track: Add translations Other resources: Getting started with XWiki for extension developers.
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= Getting to know XWiki = * Track 1: [[Understand XWiki concepts of XClass & XObjects>>TrackXObjects]] * Track 2: [[Extend your application>>TrackMacro]] * Track 3: [[Styling XWiki>>TrackStyling]] = Start contributing = * Track 4: [[Report or find an issue>>TrackIssues]] * Track 5: [[Contribute to the core>>TrackCore]] Future tracks to document: * Track: Interactivity in XWiki (JSX, WebJars, Special CSS classes, Front-end Resources) * Track: Contribute to an existing extension * Track: Contribute a new extension * Track: Add translations Other resources: * [[Getting started with XWiki for extension developers>>doc:Drafts.GettingStartedWithXWiki]].
Selecting a tool for managing Localization
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The initial prototype is promising but wil need work to allow concurrent access and faster handling of big volumes of data. Currently the concept is ongoing translation. Reimport of the main language (english) file can be done regularly.
…Once it is loaded on there is a quite extensively developed translation application. The concept seems to work by application version. We need to verity if this is the way we want it to work.
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The initial prototype is promising but wil need work to allow concurrent access and faster handling of big volumes of data. Currently the concept is ongoing translation. Reimport of the main language (english) file can be done regularly.
…Once it is loaded on there is a quite extensively developed translation application. The concept seems to work by application version. We need to verity if this is the way we want it to work.
Convert all existing tests to the latest technologies
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- Objects
profile : * Java proficiency * Familiar with unit testing concepts and best practices * Familiar with functional testing concepts and best practices ** Experience with Selenium and the [[Page Objects>>url:]] pattern is preferred * Familiar with web technologies: HTML/CSS/JavaScript * Experience in (unit/functional) testing a previous open source project is a big plus * Willingness to learn and to improve both him/herself and the project
Créer des applications webs en quelques minutes
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description : Le concept de Long Tail introduit par Chris Anderson est maintenant bien connu dans le domaine du livre. Ce concept existe également dans le domaine des apps.
Wikis are dead, long live wikis!
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You could even argue that traditional wikis are loosing traction or mindshare. Other concepts have arisen in the past such as CMS (Content Management System) and WCM (Web Content Management).
Une plate-forme de développment basé sur le paradigme wiki
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Utiliser un plate-forme de wiki est très similaire dans son concept à utiliser un serveur d'applications. Tout comme les serveurs d'app offrent des services techniques aux applications hébergées, une plate-forme de wiki offre des services de plus haut niveau tels gestion de contenu, moteur de rendu, stockage, éditeur WYSIWYG, gestion des utilisateurs et beaucoup plus.
Une plateforme de prototypage d'applis webs
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Cette presentation apporte un peu de nouveautes en proposant un runtime web de prototypage ce qui est un concept nouveau et interessant de connaitre pour tout bon developeur ou architecte java.
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