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IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 25 October 2012
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09:54 <Denis> for the same reason 09:55 <vmassol> it's your impl that is not going to work 09:55 <vmassol> not the concept 09:55 <vmassol> it just means the impl is not correct 09:55 <Denis> its is for speed and memory 09:55 <vmassol> yes but I doubt that it's a problem 09:55 <Denis> the implementation from Andreas were even worse 09:56 <vmassol> we defiintley need to be able to add and rmoeve rights 09:56 <vmassol> so if the impl cannot do we shouldn't even consider it 09:56 <vmassol> since it's not fulfulling the main reason for the new impl 09:56 <Denis> we could remove rights, but a singe run will keep them 09:56 <vmassol> I'm dispapointed 09:56 <Denis> untill restart 09:57 <vmassol> couldn't you at least keep holes?
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09:54 <Denis> for the same reason 09:55 <vmassol> it's your impl that is not going to work 09:55 <vmassol> not the concept 09:55 <vmassol> it just means the impl is not correct 09:55 <Denis> its is for speed and memory 09:55 <vmassol> yes but I doubt that it's a problem 09:55 <Denis> the implementation from Andreas were even worse 09:56 <vmassol> we defiintley need to be able to add and rmoeve rights 09:56 <vmassol> so if the impl cannot do we shouldn't even consider it 09:56 <vmassol> since it's not fulfulling the main reason for the new impl 09:56 <Denis> we could remove rights, but a singe run will keep them 09:56 <vmassol> I'm dispapointed 09:56 <Denis> untill restart 09:57 <vmassol> couldn't you at least keep holes?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 26 November 2012
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<vmassol> has joined #xwiki 00:09 <vmassol> has quit 00:35 <vmassol> has joined #xwiki 00:37 <coud> has quit 02:58 <crocket> has quit 04:04 <tekzilla_> has quit 04:08 <tekzilla> has joined #xwiki 04:30 <Denis> has joined #xwiki 05:31 <jvelo> has quit 06:02 <Denis> has quit 06:04 <jvelo> has joined #xwiki 06:08 <sdumitriu1> has quit 06:33 <polx> has joined #xwiki 07:29 <sdumitriu1> has joined #xwiki 07:32 <vmassol> has quit 08:02 <vmassol> has joined #xwiki 08:24 <jvelo> has quit 08:31 <rrodriguez> has joined #xwiki 08:31 <mflorea> has joined #xwiki 08:34 <rrodriguez> has quit 08:44 <Denis> has joined #xwiki 08:56 <tmortagne> has joined #xwiki 08:58 <vmassol> mflorea: good morning, fyi I'm working on EditInlineTest.testEditModeCanBeSet 08:59 <mflorea> vmassol: good morning, ci is down for me 08:59 <vmassol> indeed 09:07 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:10 <sdumitriu1> has quit 09:25 <polx> has quit 09:25 <sdumitriu1> has joined #xwiki 09:28 <vmassol> tmortagne: you just gave the guy the exact link I gave him earlier ;) 09:29 <vmassol> he's a bit strange, he wants xwiki to do something dynamic but he doesn't want to have to specify it.... 09:29 <tmortagne> ok did not see it, lets say he gets a confirmation he should use scripting 09:30 <vmassol> yep 09:30 <vmassol> maybe AWM but not sure, his use case is not clear for me 09:35 <silviar> has joined #xwiki 09:37 <tmortagne> vmassol: for me he want to display some text based on variable informations that's scripting macros even if he does not seems to understand the concept of scripting at all 09:42 <mflorea> tmortagne: is there something that overwrites the log level in extension tests?
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<vmassol> has joined #xwiki 00:09 <vmassol> has quit 00:35 <vmassol> has joined #xwiki 00:37 <coud> has quit 02:58 <crocket> has quit 04:04 <tekzilla_> has quit 04:08 <tekzilla> has joined #xwiki 04:30 <Denis> has joined #xwiki 05:31 <jvelo> has quit 06:02 <Denis> has quit 06:04 <jvelo> has joined #xwiki 06:08 <sdumitriu1> has quit 06:33 <polx> has joined #xwiki 07:29 <sdumitriu1> has joined #xwiki 07:32 <vmassol> has quit 08:02 <vmassol> has joined #xwiki 08:24 <jvelo> has quit 08:31 <rrodriguez> has joined #xwiki 08:31 <mflorea> has joined #xwiki 08:34 <rrodriguez> has quit 08:44 <Denis> has joined #xwiki 08:56 <tmortagne> has joined #xwiki 08:58 <vmassol> mflorea: good morning, fyi I'm working on EditInlineTest.testEditModeCanBeSet 08:59 <mflorea> vmassol: good morning, ci is down for me 08:59 <vmassol> indeed 09:07 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:10 <sdumitriu1> has quit 09:25 <polx> has quit 09:25 <sdumitriu1> has joined #xwiki 09:28 <vmassol> tmortagne: you just gave the guy the exact link I gave him earlier ;) 09:29 <vmassol> he's a bit strange, he wants xwiki to do something dynamic but he doesn't want to have to specify it.... 09:29 <tmortagne> ok did not see it, lets say he gets a confirmation he should use scripting 09:30 <vmassol> yep 09:30 <vmassol> maybe AWM but not sure, his use case is not clear for me 09:35 <silviar> has joined #xwiki 09:37 <tmortagne> vmassol: for me he want to display some text based on variable informations that's scripting macros even if he does not seems to understand the concept of scripting at all 09:42 <mflorea> tmortagne: is there something that overwrites the log level in extension tests?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 23 September 2015
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Ideally at some point I believe we should have a "hidden" filter that hide everything with the concept or hidden whatever (probably trough some extension point) 15:38 <ldubost> has joined #xwiki 15:39 <vmassol> BTW what is a 'hidden' space?
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Ideally at some point I believe we should have a "hidden" filter that hide everything with the concept or hidden whatever (probably trough some extension point) 15:38 <ldubost> has joined #xwiki 15:39 <vmassol> BTW what is a 'hidden' space?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 29 September 2015
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<sorinello> has quit 02:56 <sorinello> has quit 03:32 <sdumitriu> has quit 03:33 <sdumitriu> has joined #xwiki 06:00 <Denis1> has joined #xwiki 06:03 <Denis> has quit 07:03 <Ramona2> has joined #xwiki 08:09 <vmassol> has joined #xwiki 08:16 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 08:24 <msmeria1> has joined #xwiki 08:25 <msmeria> has quit 08:37 <Ramona2> has quit 08:38 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 08:38 <Ramona2> has joined #xwiki 08:40 <msmeria1> has quit 08:43 <msmeria> has quit 08:58 <KermitTheFragger> has joined #xwiki 09:03 <Ramona2> has quit 09:06 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:07 <cjd_firewall> has joined #xwiki 09:16 <msmeria> has quit 09:23 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:25 <gsmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:26 <tmortagne> has joined #xwiki 09:40 <gdelhumeau> has joined #xwiki 09:41 <msmeria1> has joined #xwiki 09:42 <msmeria> has quit 09:43 <woshilapin> has joined #xwiki 09:45 <gsmeria> has quit 09:46 <gsmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:48 <msmeria1> has quit 09:49 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 10:13 <Ramona2> has joined #xwiki 10:15 <vmassol> gdelhumeau: it seems that commons/rendering 7.2 is not on maven central yet 10:16 <gdelhumeau> indeed I had troubles with that last week 10:16 <vmassol> good morning btw :) 10:16 <gdelhumeau> good morning :) 10:17 <Denis1> good morning 10:17 <Denis1> is now known as <Denis> 10:17 <gdelhumeau> gdelhumeau 10:17 <gdelhumeau> on sonatype: Last operation failed with 3 notifications 10:17 <gdelhumeau> Missing MD5: '/org/xwiki/commons/xwiki-commons-observation-local/7.2/xwiki-commons-observation-local-7.2-javadoc.jar.md5' 10:18 <Denis> I am having a first look at 7.2 release, and I am very puzzled by the fact that I cannot see the children of a inexistent WebHome, while at the same time I can administrer that inexistent page… seems we have blow up some concept too fast ! 10:20 <vmassol> IMO that's a mistake, we shouldn't be able to administer a non existing page 10:20 <vmassol> I don't see any issue of concept though 10:20 <vmassol> I'd create a jira issue for that 10:20 <Denis> you can administer it but not see children 10:20 <Denis> current creating the jira` 10:21 <gdelhumeau> I don't know 10:21 <Denis> that said, administration of and children of something that does not exists looks very odd for a final user 10:21 <gdelhumeau> the WebHome could not exist, but there could be some terminal pages 10:21 <vmassol> I agree that they should go together 10:21 <gdelhumeau> and since we don't have administer space, it make sense to administer... the non existent page 10:22 <vmassol> either they are allowed or they fordbidden for both of them 10:22 <gdelhumeau> from the core PoV 10:22 <gdelhumeau> from the user PoV, it's weird indeed 10:22 <vmassol> administer is ok IMO if the page rights is not shown 10:22 <vmassol> ie you can only administer children 10:22 <vmassol> well not even sure, need to think more :) 10:23 <vmassol> anyway I agree there's an issue and we need to decide 10:23 <Denis> XWIKI-12628 10:23 <Denis> but could be evolved as needed 10:24 <Denis> actually, we have a regression 10:26 <Denis> there is lots of weird situation with missing WebHome, including the fact that you can, (you need to) reach them (if you want to administer them) 10:26 <Denis> for the user PoV this is really weird and not pleasing 10:27 <vmassol> commented 10:32 <Denis> and replies 10:32 <gsmeria> has quit 10:33 <gsmeria> has joined #xwiki 10:34 <Denis> please, note that it is bad to have ML discussion in Jira issues, it seems to happen more and more, and so, let's create a ML thread about this !
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<sorinello> has quit 02:56 <sorinello> has quit 03:32 <sdumitriu> has quit 03:33 <sdumitriu> has joined #xwiki 06:00 <Denis1> has joined #xwiki 06:03 <Denis> has quit 07:03 <Ramona2> has joined #xwiki 08:09 <vmassol> has joined #xwiki 08:16 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 08:24 <msmeria1> has joined #xwiki 08:25 <msmeria> has quit 08:37 <Ramona2> has quit 08:38 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 08:38 <Ramona2> has joined #xwiki 08:40 <msmeria1> has quit 08:43 <msmeria> has quit 08:58 <KermitTheFragger> has joined #xwiki 09:03 <Ramona2> has quit 09:06 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:07 <cjd_firewall> has joined #xwiki 09:16 <msmeria> has quit 09:23 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:25 <gsmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:26 <tmortagne> has joined #xwiki 09:40 <gdelhumeau> has joined #xwiki 09:41 <msmeria1> has joined #xwiki 09:42 <msmeria> has quit 09:43 <woshilapin> has joined #xwiki 09:45 <gsmeria> has quit 09:46 <gsmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:48 <msmeria1> has quit 09:49 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 10:13 <Ramona2> has joined #xwiki 10:15 <vmassol> gdelhumeau: it seems that commons/rendering 7.2 is not on maven central yet 10:16 <gdelhumeau> indeed I had troubles with that last week 10:16 <vmassol> good morning btw :) 10:16 <gdelhumeau> good morning :) 10:17 <Denis1> good morning 10:17 <Denis1> is now known as <Denis> 10:17 <gdelhumeau> gdelhumeau 10:17 <gdelhumeau> on sonatype: Last operation failed with 3 notifications 10:17 <gdelhumeau> Missing MD5: '/org/xwiki/commons/xwiki-commons-observation-local/7.2/xwiki-commons-observation-local-7.2-javadoc.jar.md5' 10:18 <Denis> I am having a first look at 7.2 release, and I am very puzzled by the fact that I cannot see the children of a inexistent WebHome, while at the same time I can administrer that inexistent page… seems we have blow up some concept too fast ! 10:20 <vmassol> IMO that's a mistake, we shouldn't be able to administer a non existing page 10:20 <vmassol> I don't see any issue of concept though 10:20 <vmassol> I'd create a jira issue for that 10:20 <Denis> you can administer it but not see children 10:20 <Denis> current creating the jira` 10:21 <gdelhumeau> I don't know 10:21 <Denis> that said, administration of and children of something that does not exists looks very odd for a final user 10:21 <gdelhumeau> the WebHome could not exist, but there could be some terminal pages 10:21 <vmassol> I agree that they should go together 10:21 <gdelhumeau> and since we don't have administer space, it make sense to administer... the non existent page 10:22 <vmassol> either they are allowed or they fordbidden for both of them 10:22 <gdelhumeau> from the core PoV 10:22 <gdelhumeau> from the user PoV, it's weird indeed 10:22 <vmassol> administer is ok IMO if the page rights is not shown 10:22 <vmassol> ie you can only administer children 10:22 <vmassol> well not even sure, need to think more :) 10:23 <vmassol> anyway I agree there's an issue and we need to decide 10:23 <Denis> XWIKI-12628 10:23 <Denis> but could be evolved as needed 10:24 <Denis> actually, we have a regression 10:26 <Denis> there is lots of weird situation with missing WebHome, including the fact that you can, (you need to) reach them (if you want to administer them) 10:26 <Denis> for the user PoV this is really weird and not pleasing 10:27 <vmassol> commented 10:32 <Denis> and replies 10:32 <gsmeria> has quit 10:33 <gsmeria> has joined #xwiki 10:34 <Denis> please, note that it is bad to have ML discussion in Jira issues, it seems to happen more and more, and so, let's create a ML thread about this !
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 03 June 2015
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XD 17:03 <gdelhumeau> I also like the fact that there is no new concept to learn regarding the wiki organisation, "just like my harddrive" 17:03 <cjd> one sec 17:04 <tmortagne> gdelhumeau: that's what you have in the XAR right now, a folder per space and each document is a file ;) 17:05 <tmortagne> which remain me that we did not talked about changes to make to the XAR format to support nested spaces... 17:05 <gdelhumeau> and in webdav too 17:05 <tmortagne> well not exactly 17:05 <gdelhumeau> tmortagne: and the REST API should be updated too 17:05 <tmortagne> each document is a folder actually with a file for each kind of data 17:05 <vmassol1> regarding FS, you should also consider the MS idea that all files are all flat and directories are just views/tags, so a file can be in several directories at the same time… 17:06 <tmortagne> gdelhumeau: it's less an issue for REST at worst you put the complete space reference in the URL 17:06 <tmortagne> but in XAR format you need to support space and page that might have the same name 17:06 <vmassol1> indeed tmortagne, adding the XZR format change to the list of tasks 17:08 <vmassol1> done: T21 and T22 17:08 <vmassol1> is now known as <vmassol> 17:35 <cjd> +1 re vmassol, directories as views is an interesting idea, I'm a little bit worried that it will prove to have usability issues but it's something we can watch MS on and see what they do.... 17:36 <vmassol> they've done this years ago AFAIR 17:36 <vmassol> can't recall the name, need to google for it 17:36 <cjd> was it successful ?
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XD 17:03 <gdelhumeau> I also like the fact that there is no new concept to learn regarding the wiki organisation, "just like my harddrive" 17:03 <cjd> one sec 17:04 <tmortagne> gdelhumeau: that's what you have in the XAR right now, a folder per space and each document is a file ;) 17:05 <tmortagne> which remain me that we did not talked about changes to make to the XAR format to support nested spaces... 17:05 <gdelhumeau> and in webdav too 17:05 <tmortagne> well not exactly 17:05 <gdelhumeau> tmortagne: and the REST API should be updated too 17:05 <tmortagne> each document is a folder actually with a file for each kind of data 17:05 <vmassol1> regarding FS, you should also consider the MS idea that all files are all flat and directories are just views/tags, so a file can be in several directories at the same time… 17:06 <tmortagne> gdelhumeau: it's less an issue for REST at worst you put the complete space reference in the URL 17:06 <tmortagne> but in XAR format you need to support space and page that might have the same name 17:06 <vmassol1> indeed tmortagne, adding the XZR format change to the list of tasks 17:08 <vmassol1> done: T21 and T22 17:08 <vmassol1> is now known as <vmassol> 17:35 <cjd> +1 re vmassol, directories as views is an interesting idea, I'm a little bit worried that it will prove to have usability issues but it's something we can watch MS on and see what they do.... 17:36 <vmassol> they've done this years ago AFAIR 17:36 <vmassol> can't recall the name, need to google for it 17:36 <cjd> was it successful ?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 10 July 2015
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or … maybe the breadcrumb could display there is an alternative :) …. anyway we could think of a solution - but again this would mean making the feature more visible. 16:19 <tmortagne> yes it's a wiki level config I think 16:19 <vmassol> (to take into account the farm mode) 16:20 <vmassol> evalica: we could have refinements later on but I think for now a param would be good 16:20 <vmassol> just need to agree on the name now 16:20 <vmassol> forceTerminal is not really the goal of this param 16:21 <vmassol> this param will be here to disable to automatic redirect when entering a space url 16:21 <evalica> well depends if you want to have a param that contains the word 'space' although we are deprecating the concept 16:21 <tmortagne> spaceRedirect is not very nice but it's the most accurate I can think of 16:22 <vmassol> @evalica: we're not deprecating the concept 16:22 <vmassol> :) 16:22 <vmassol> only in the UI 16:22 <vmassol> for ex the REST URL will still contain /spaces/ too 16:23 <vmassol> since it('s a technical param I don't see it as a problem that it contains "space" 16:23 <tmortagne> yes it's not really a problem since the param itself does not make any sense without space concept 16:24 <evalica> I'm +0 16:24 <tmortagne> (you would not have non terminal vs terminal page in a real nested documents environment) 16:25 <vmassol> Enygma`: wdyt?
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or … maybe the breadcrumb could display there is an alternative :) …. anyway we could think of a solution - but again this would mean making the feature more visible. 16:19 <tmortagne> yes it's a wiki level config I think 16:19 <vmassol> (to take into account the farm mode) 16:20 <vmassol> evalica: we could have refinements later on but I think for now a param would be good 16:20 <vmassol> just need to agree on the name now 16:20 <vmassol> forceTerminal is not really the goal of this param 16:21 <vmassol> this param will be here to disable to automatic redirect when entering a space url 16:21 <evalica> well depends if you want to have a param that contains the word 'space' although we are deprecating the concept 16:21 <tmortagne> spaceRedirect is not very nice but it's the most accurate I can think of 16:22 <vmassol> @evalica: we're not deprecating the concept 16:22 <vmassol> :) 16:22 <vmassol> only in the UI 16:22 <vmassol> for ex the REST URL will still contain /spaces/ too 16:23 <vmassol> since it('s a technical param I don't see it as a problem that it contains "space" 16:23 <tmortagne> yes it's not really a problem since the param itself does not make any sense without space concept 16:24 <evalica> I'm +0 16:24 <tmortagne> (you would not have non terminal vs terminal page in a real nested documents environment) 16:25 <vmassol> Enygma`: wdyt?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 15 July 2015
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17:42 <sdumitriu> Yes 17:42 <tmortagne> the exact answer would be that GenericProvider is older than the concept of context CM :) but that would certainly cover some use cases that prevent from using Providers right now 17:44 <sdumitriu> So that's something you'd consider a good improvement?
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17:42 <sdumitriu> Yes 17:42 <tmortagne> the exact answer would be that GenericProvider is older than the concept of context CM :) but that would certainly cover some use cases that prevent from using Providers right now 17:44 <sdumitriu> So that's something you'd consider a good improvement?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 31 August 2015
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11:55 <gdelhumeau> the space concept should be hidden in the UI normally 11:55 <vmassol> Enygma`: the alternative is to implement a tree switcher 11:56 <vmassol> (which could be useful) 11:56 <gdelhumeau> and we should create a page admin instead 11:56 <gdelhumeau> when we'll have the page administration the functionnal tests abour space admin wil not be usefull anymore 11:56 <vmassol> I don't see what harm it would do to be able to switch admin page from within the admin 11:57 <vmassol> gdelhumeau: most failing tests are not about that 11:57 <vmassol> hmm maybe they ayre 11:57 <vmassol> *are 11:58 <evalica> since space administration is now 'page administration', the administration should be available in the 'More actions' part of the menu.
…16:00 <vmassol> getWikiId has even been introduced in 6.1 16:00 <vmassol> 6.1M1 16:00 <vmassol> xcontext is not deprecated 16:01 <vmassol> so we need to decide if wiki script module is core or not 16:01 <vmassol> (ie it has to be in a most minimal wiki we can make) 16:03 <vmassol> if we say that the wiki concept is core then I guess we should also have it in the core so that velocity pages can using wiki apis 16:03 <gdelhumeau> indeed 16:04 <vmassol> velo scripting that is 16:04 <vmassol> api.XWiki is core ATM so I guess it makes sense that wiki SS should be too 16:17 <vmassol> ok mail ready, sending 16:18 <Enygma`> because we come from a single wiki setup *and* because oldcore is... old and should not be extended, the wiki API is bundled in a separate module and accessible to scripting through a script service, but that does not mean that is does not make it core 16:18 <vmassol> it means we didn't have to make it core 16:18 <vmassol> because it was nicely done separately 16:18 <vmassol> w're just loosing this advnatage 16:18 <Enygma`> it was done separately out of necessity 16:18 <vmassol> it's a bet that we won't need it, which is ok, just makes xwiki more heavywieght as it could be 16:19 <Enygma`> but conceptually it should have been there from the start, IMO 16:19 <vmassol> exactly 16:19 <vmassol> and we're loosing that advatnage 16:19 <vmassol> and tomorrow you're going to say that federations of wikis are core too?
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11:55 <gdelhumeau> the space concept should be hidden in the UI normally 11:55 <vmassol> Enygma`: the alternative is to implement a tree switcher 11:56 <vmassol> (which could be useful) 11:56 <gdelhumeau> and we should create a page admin instead 11:56 <gdelhumeau> when we'll have the page administration the functionnal tests abour space admin wil not be usefull anymore 11:56 <vmassol> I don't see what harm it would do to be able to switch admin page from within the admin 11:57 <vmassol> gdelhumeau: most failing tests are not about that 11:57 <vmassol> hmm maybe they ayre 11:57 <vmassol> *are 11:58 <evalica> since space administration is now 'page administration', the administration should be available in the 'More actions' part of the menu.
…16:00 <vmassol> getWikiId has even been introduced in 6.1 16:00 <vmassol> 6.1M1 16:00 <vmassol> xcontext is not deprecated 16:01 <vmassol> so we need to decide if wiki script module is core or not 16:01 <vmassol> (ie it has to be in a most minimal wiki we can make) 16:03 <vmassol> if we say that the wiki concept is core then I guess we should also have it in the core so that velocity pages can using wiki apis 16:03 <gdelhumeau> indeed 16:04 <vmassol> velo scripting that is 16:04 <vmassol> api.XWiki is core ATM so I guess it makes sense that wiki SS should be too 16:17 <vmassol> ok mail ready, sending 16:18 <Enygma`> because we come from a single wiki setup *and* because oldcore is... old and should not be extended, the wiki API is bundled in a separate module and accessible to scripting through a script service, but that does not mean that is does not make it core 16:18 <vmassol> it means we didn't have to make it core 16:18 <vmassol> because it was nicely done separately 16:18 <vmassol> w're just loosing this advnatage 16:18 <Enygma`> it was done separately out of necessity 16:18 <vmassol> it's a bet that we won't need it, which is ok, just makes xwiki more heavywieght as it could be 16:19 <Enygma`> but conceptually it should have been there from the start, IMO 16:19 <vmassol> exactly 16:19 <vmassol> and we're loosing that advatnage 16:19 <vmassol> and tomorrow you're going to say that federations of wikis are core too?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 25 August 2015
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19:01 <vmassol> or that comments = xobjects 19:01 <vmassol> etc 19:01 <vmassol> sure, we're talking about NS here not ND 19:02 <vmassol> (create space will not exist by default anymore in ND) 19:03 <OSIMasson> has quit 19:04 <vmassol> "Note that even though we'll remove the Add > Space menu entry in Flamingo, we should still probably continue supporting the create space template action for extension that might call it or simply for other skins which might want to create spaces since the Space concept still exist at the model level." 19:04 <vmassol> so in the default UI we won't see create space 19:07 <vmassol> so to summarize, the fact that a space is implemented as a page should remain an implementation details for me and not exposed in the UI as much as possible. 19:09 <vmassol> (Enygma`) 19:09 <Enygma`> so basically you are proposing that we use a parallel set of labels to apply in this case to the create UI 19:09 <vmassol> yes 19:09 <vmassol> and a different ui 19:10 <vmassol> there are commo parts but they're different uis 19:10 <Enygma`> why?
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19:01 <vmassol> or that comments = xobjects 19:01 <vmassol> etc 19:01 <vmassol> sure, we're talking about NS here not ND 19:02 <vmassol> (create space will not exist by default anymore in ND) 19:03 <OSIMasson> has quit 19:04 <vmassol> "Note that even though we'll remove the Add > Space menu entry in Flamingo, we should still probably continue supporting the create space template action for extension that might call it or simply for other skins which might want to create spaces since the Space concept still exist at the model level." 19:04 <vmassol> so in the default UI we won't see create space 19:07 <vmassol> so to summarize, the fact that a space is implemented as a page should remain an implementation details for me and not exposed in the UI as much as possible. 19:09 <vmassol> (Enygma`) 19:09 <Enygma`> so basically you are proposing that we use a parallel set of labels to apply in this case to the create UI 19:09 <vmassol> yes 19:09 <vmassol> and a different ui 19:10 <vmassol> there are commo parts but they're different uis 19:10 <Enygma`> why?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 09 October 2015
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10:59 <mflorea> thanks tmortagne 10:59 <spawn57> thanks tmortagne 10:59 <tmortagne> so many thanks :) 11:00 <mflorea> :) 11:05 <spawn57> tmortagne: got my proof of concept script working. I know what to do now. Thanks again!
- Raw document content
10:59 <mflorea> thanks tmortagne 10:59 <spawn57> thanks tmortagne 10:59 <tmortagne> so many thanks :) 11:00 <mflorea> :) 11:05 <spawn57> tmortagne: got my proof of concept script working. I know what to do now. Thanks again!