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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21
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Track: Understand XWiki core concepts
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Task 3: Understand XWiki concepts AWM has made it simple to create your first application but it's cheating a bit since it's doing all the work of generating the various wiki pages for you.
…:) To do that you need to understand the concepts of XClass, XObjects, XProperties, Sheets and Templates.
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Track: Understand XWiki core concepts
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= Task 3: Understand XWiki concepts = AWM has made it simple to create your first application but it's cheating a bit since it's doing all the work of generating the various wiki pages for you.
…:) To do that you need to understand the concepts of XClass, XObjects, XProperties, Sheets and Templates.
Add concept of image to What's New API
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Add concept of image to What's New API
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title : Add concept of image to What's New API
How to delete a space?
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answer : {{info}} The concept of Spaces has been removed from XWiki's UI when Nested Pages were introduced.
XWiki @ Google Code-In 2017
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XWiki is quite a foreign concept to many people. e.g. people who are not in the tech world; Grandpa/Grandma old generation.
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\r\n\r\n## Requirements\r\n* Knowledge of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, XML, Git\r\n* You will encounter concepts like Data Model, Skins Extensions, Templating engines, Apache Velocity, modular components, etc. but you don't need to be familiar with them in advance\r\n\r\n## Expected Outcome\r\n* Pull Request on the repository with the solution\r\n* The summary of the Pull Request must have a first line matching the JIRA issue following by a colon and then the title of this issue\r\n* Following best practices defined at\r\n\r\n## Prerequisites\r\n\r\nBefore starting your task familiarize yourself a bit with XWiki.
…\r\n\r\n## Requirements\r\n* Knowledge of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, XML, Git\r\n* You will encounter concepts like Data Model, Skins Extensions, Templating engines, Apache Velocity, modular components, etc. but you don't need to be familiar with them in advance\r\n\r\n## Expected Outcome\r\n* Pull Request on the repository with the solution\r\n* The summary of the Pull Request must have a first line matching the JIRA issue following by a colon and then the title of this issue\r\n* Following best practices defined at\r\n\r\n## Prerequisites\r\n\r\nBefore starting your task familiarize yourself a bit with XWiki.
…\r\n\r\n## Requirements\r\n* Knowledge of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, XML, Git\r\n* You will encounter concepts like Data Model, Skins Extensions, Templating engines, Apache Velocity, modular components, etc. but you don't need to be familiar with them in advance\r\n\r\n## Expected Outcome\r\n* Pull Request on the repository with the solution\r\n* The summary of the Pull Request must have a first line matching the JIRA issue following by a colon and then the title of this issue\r\n* Following best practices defined at\r\n\r\n## Prerequisites\r\n\r\nBefore starting your task familiarize yourself a bit with XWiki.
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XWiki is quite a foreign concept to many people. e.g. people who are not in the tech world; Grandpa/Grandma old generation.
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summary : "Recommended" concept has been added to Extension and Repository API
Extension Supported By
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summary : Extensions now have the concept of supporters and support plans. The goal is to replace the very vague concept of //Recommended// we currently have for a very explicit pledge of organizations and individuals (**Supporters**) to support an extension, and to which extent (**Support Plans**).
Semantic Tagging Extension
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xwiki-semtag-component/documentTags.vm #template("xwikivars.vm") #set($tagsId = 'xdocTags') #set($tagErrorMessage = '') #set($xredirect = $util.encodeURI($doc.getURL('view', "#${tagsId}"))) ## ## ## #macro(displayTag $tag) #if($tagger) #displaySemanticTag($tag) #else <span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="tag"><a property="ctag:label" href="$xwiki.getURL('Main.Tags', 'view', "do=viewTag&tag=$tag")">$tag</a></span>#if($hasedit)<span class="separator">[</span><a href="$doc.getURL('view', "xpage=documentTags&xaction=delete&tag=${tag}&xredirect=${xredirect}")" class="tag-tool tag-delete" title="$msg.get('core.tags.remove.tooltip')">X</a><span class="separator">]</span>#end</span> #end #end #macro(displaySemanticTag $tag) #set($semTag = $tagger.fetchSemanticDetails($tag)) <span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="tag"><a href="$xwiki.getURL('Main.Tags', 'view', "do=viewTag&tag=$tag")">$tag</a></span>#if($hasedit)<span class="separator">[</span><a class="tag-tool tag-list-activator" href="#"> ▼</a><span class="separator">]</span> <div class="conceptList" style="display:none"> #if($semTag.getSemanticDetails().size() == 0) $msg.get("semtags.nodetails") #end #foreach($detail in $semTag.getSemanticDetails()) <span typeof="ctag:Tag" rel="ctag:means" resource="$detail.getUri()" property="ctag:label" content="$detail.getLabel()"><a class="tag-concept-link" href='$detail.getUri()'>$detail.getLabel()</a></span> <br/> #end #set($dbpediaImg = $xwiki.getDocument("SemTags.CreateTagForm").getAttachmentURL("dbpedialogo.png")) <div id="more-at">Powered by <img src='$dbpediaImg' alt="Dbpedia"/></div> </div> <span class="separator">[</span><a href="$doc.getURL('view', "xpage=documentTags&xaction=delete&tag=${tag}&xredirect=${xredirect}")" class="tag-tool tag-delete" title="$msg.get('core.tags.remove.tooltip')">X</a><span class="separator">]</span>#end</span> #end #macro(removeTag $tag) #if($xwiki.tag) #set($result = $xwiki.tag.removeTagFromDocument($tag, $doc.fullName)) #if($result == 'OK' && "$!
…_htmlheader.vm xwiki-semtag-component/tags.js // ===================================== // Drop Down // ===================================== var consolelog = function(l) { if(typeof(console) == 'object' && typeof(console.log) == 'function') console.log(l); } // ====================================== // Ajax tag editing // // Make sure the XWiki 'namespace' exists. if (typeof(XWiki) == 'undefined') { XWiki = new Object(); } // Make sure the viewers 'namespace' exists. if (typeof(XWiki.viewers) == 'undefined') { XWiki.viewers = new Object(); } /** * Tag editing. */ XWiki.viewers.Tags = Class.create({ /** * Initialization: add listeners for all tag actions, to perform them via AJAX */ initialize : function() { // delete tags $$('.doc-tags .tag-delete').each(this.ajaxTagDelete); // [semtag] concept list for each tag $$('.doc-tags .tag-list-activator').each(this.ajaxTagConcepts); // [semtag] end concept list for each tag $$('.doc-tags .tag-add a').each(this.createTagAddForm.bind(this)); if ($$('.doc-tags .tag-add-form').length > 0) { this.ajaxifyForm($$('.doc-tags .tag-add-form')[0]); } }, /** * [semtags] add list of concepts */ ajaxTagConcepts : function (item) { item.observe('mouseover', function(event) { if (event) { event.stop(); } if (!item.disabled) { new Ajax.Request( item.href.replace(/&xredirect=.+$/, "&ajax=1"), { onCreate : function () { // ignore "cascade" clicks item.disabled = true; }, onSuccess : function () { // display the concept list var conceptList ='.conceptList'); //consolelog("conceptList = " + conceptList.innerHTML + " item=" + item); var tagConcepts = new XWiki.Tooltip(item, conceptList.innerHTML, {'class': 'conceptList', mouseFollow: false}); }, onFailure : function (response) { new XWiki.widgets.Notification(response.responseText || 'Server not responding', "error"); }, // 0 is returned for network failures, except on IE where a strange large number (12031) is returned.
Migration Guide to Nested Pages
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The introduction of the Nested Pages concept In XWiki 7.2, due to frequent users demands, we have introduced the ability to create spaces under other spaces. It's the Nested Spaces concept. We suddenly had the ability to create a hierarchy of spaces to organize content.
…Indeed, the migrator cannot create nested pages in an old XWiki instance where this concept did not exist! Go to the Extension Manager in your wiki, and install the Nested Pages Migrator Application.
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However, in order not to break retro-compatibility with many existing features and applications we had to keep the concepts of "Page" and "Space" in XWiki while adapting them to emulate the Nested Pages feature.
…For them, this relationship is crucial. === The introduction of the Nested Pages concept === In XWiki 7.2, due to frequent users demands, we have introduced the ability to create spaces under other spaces. It's the **Nested Spaces** concept. We suddenly had the ability to create a hierarchy of spaces to organize content.
Release Notes for XWiki 12.10.1
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It mostly bring bugfixes but it also come with a new rendering Syntax variants concept and new experimental Live Data tools (but not used in XWiki Standard yet) meant to replace the current Live Table implementation one day.
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It mostly bring bugfixes but it also come with a new rendering Syntax variants concept and new experimental Live Data tools (but not used in XWiki Standard yet) meant to replace the current Live Table implementation one day