Search: concept

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

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XWiki GraphQL API

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Last modified by Admin on 2024/07/05
description : {{warning}}This is currently a proof of concept and not yet ready for production.{{/warning}} Inspiration: It follows the [[Eclipse MicroProfile GraphQL API Specifications>>]] using the [[SmallRye GraphQL Implementation>>]].


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Last modified by Mohammad Humayun Khan on 2024/07/05
This includes registering authenticators and authenticating registered authenticators. This library has no concept of accounts, sessions, permissions, or identity federation, and it’s not an authentication framework; it only deals with executing the WebAuthn authentication mechanism.

Semantic Tagging Extension

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/07/05
Attachment content
xwiki-semtag-component/documentTags.vm #template("xwikivars.vm") #set($tagsId = 'xdocTags') #set($tagErrorMessage = '') #set($xredirect = $util.encodeURI($doc.getURL('view', "#${tagsId}"))) ## ## ## #macro(displayTag $tag) #if($tagger) #displaySemanticTag($tag) #else <span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="tag"><a property="ctag:label" href="$xwiki.getURL('Main.Tags', 'view', "do=viewTag&amp;tag=$tag")">$tag</a></span>#if($hasedit)<span class="separator">[</span><a href="$doc.getURL('view', "xpage=documentTags&amp;xaction=delete&amp;tag=${tag}&amp;xredirect=${xredirect}")" class="tag-tool tag-delete" title="$msg.get('core.tags.remove.tooltip')">X</a><span class="separator">]</span>#end</span> #end #end #macro(displaySemanticTag $tag) #set($semTag = $tagger.fetchSemanticDetails($tag)) <span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="tag"><a href="$xwiki.getURL('Main.Tags', 'view', "do=viewTag&amp;tag=$tag")">$tag</a></span>#if($hasedit)<span class="separator">[</span><a class="tag-tool tag-list-activator" href="#"> ▼</a><span class="separator">]</span> <div class="conceptList" style="display:none"> #if($semTag.getSemanticDetails().size() == 0) $msg.get("semtags.nodetails") #end #foreach($detail in $semTag.getSemanticDetails()) <span typeof="ctag:Tag" rel="ctag:means" resource="$detail.getUri()" property="ctag:label" content="$detail.getLabel()"><a class="tag-concept-link" href='$detail.getUri()'>$detail.getLabel()</a></span> <br/> #end #set($dbpediaImg = $xwiki.getDocument("SemTags.CreateTagForm").getAttachmentURL("dbpedialogo.png")) <div id="more-at">Powered by <img src='$dbpediaImg' alt="Dbpedia"/></div> </div> <span class="separator">[</span><a href="$doc.getURL('view', "xpage=documentTags&amp;xaction=delete&amp;tag=${tag}&amp;xredirect=${xredirect}")" class="tag-tool tag-delete" title="$msg.get('core.tags.remove.tooltip')">X</a><span class="separator">]</span>#end</span> #end #macro(removeTag $tag) #if($xwiki.tag) #set($result = $xwiki.tag.removeTagFromDocument($tag, $doc.fullName)) #if($result == 'OK' && "$!
_htmlheader.vm xwiki-semtag-component/tags.js // ===================================== // Drop Down // ===================================== var consolelog = function(l) { if(typeof(console) == 'object' && typeof(console.log) == 'function') console.log(l); } // ====================================== // Ajax tag editing // // Make sure the XWiki 'namespace' exists. if (typeof(XWiki) == 'undefined') { XWiki = new Object(); } // Make sure the viewers 'namespace' exists. if (typeof(XWiki.viewers) == 'undefined') { XWiki.viewers = new Object(); } /** * Tag editing. */ XWiki.viewers.Tags = Class.create({ /** * Initialization: add listeners for all tag actions, to perform them via AJAX */ initialize : function() { // delete tags $$('.doc-tags .tag-delete').each(this.ajaxTagDelete); // [semtag] concept list for each tag $$('.doc-tags .tag-list-activator').each(this.ajaxTagConcepts); // [semtag] end concept list for each tag $$('.doc-tags .tag-add a').each(this.createTagAddForm.bind(this)); if ($$('.doc-tags .tag-add-form').length > 0) { this.ajaxifyForm($$('.doc-tags .tag-add-form')[0]); } }, /** * [semtags] add list of concepts */ ajaxTagConcepts : function (item) { item.observe('mouseover', function(event) { if (event) { event.stop(); } if (!item.disabled) { new Ajax.Request( item.href.replace(/&xredirect=.+$/, "&ajax=1"), { onCreate : function () { // ignore "cascade" clicks item.disabled = true; }, onSuccess : function () { // display the concept list var conceptList ='.conceptList'); //consolelog("conceptList = " + conceptList.innerHTML + " item=" + item); var tagConcepts = new XWiki.Tooltip(item, conceptList.innerHTML, {'class': 'conceptList', mouseFollow: false}); }, onFailure : function (response) { new XWiki.widgets.Notification(response.responseText || 'Server not responding', "error"); }, // 0 is returned for network failures, except on IE where a strange large number (12031) is returned.

Semantic Tagging Application

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Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2024/07/15
This is an extension to the default tagging mechanism for the XWiki platform which does not link the user-defined tags to a concept. A semantic tag will preserve the default behavior for XWiki in view mode: add icon, remove icon and link to the list of documents which were tagged with it, but will also have semantic information attached.
Attachment content
important; float: left; } .tag-wrapper { /* border: 1px solid $theme.borderColor;*/ } input.button:hover { background-color: transparent; } .tag-add-form #suggested-tag-list, .tag-add-form .tagCloud { list-style-type: none; margin-left:0; text-align: justify; } .tag-add-form #suggested-tag-list li, .tag-add-form .tagCloud li { display:inline-block; padding:0 1em; } .tag-add a.suggested-tag, .tag-add a.suggested-tag:visited { font-size: 100%; } #powered-by, #more-at { float:right; font-size: 80%; } #powered-by img, #more-at img{ width: 10em; height: 3.5em; vertical-align: bottom; } #more-at img{ width: 8em; height: 5em; } .tag-add a.selected-tag, .tag-add a.selected-tag:visited { color: #ccc; } .tag-concept-link { padding: 0.5em 2em 0.5em 0; background: url($xwiki.getSkinFile("icons/silk/link_go.gif")) no-repeat center right; vertical-align: middle; } Style for the tabs 1 always XWiki.TagClass 0 input 1 tags 1 Tags 1 ,| 30 0 com.xpn.xwiki.objects.classes.StaticListClass SemTags.CreateTagForm 0 XWiki.TagClass 1fed1de2-e13c-4230-b4e9-6bbeeebf7eda {{velocity}} #** * Macro to generate the tabs menu. *# #macro(tabber_header $tabberid $header_list) #set($headerno = 1) <ol id="tabber-header"> #foreach($header in $header_list) <li id="header-tab${headerno}" #if((!

Scripting Documentation API

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Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2024/07/08
description : This API is made to support the [[Scripting Documentation Application]]. The concept of this API is to provide scripting documentation by dynamically searching the current wiki instance for available bindings.

Release Notes for XWiki 12.10.1

Last modified by Ilie Andriuta on 2021/01/06
Rendered document content
It mostly bring bugfixes but it also come with a new rendering Syntax variants concept and new experimental Live Data tools (but not used in XWiki Standard yet) meant to replace the current Live Table implementation one day.
Raw document content
It mostly bring bugfixes but it also come with a new rendering Syntax variants concept and new experimental Live Data tools (but not used in XWiki Standard yet) meant to replace the current Live Table implementation one day

Relations Application

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Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2024/07/15
= See also = This paragraph lists some initiatives that relate to the management of relations or software that implements a feature allowing to relate artefacts with one another: * RDF proposes the concept of triples: subject - predicate - object, that's a way to relate the subject and the object

References Application

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Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2024/07/15
The best way to grasp the concept is to see how it works on the [[References Page>>xwiki:References.WebHome]] (Code View available [[here>>xwiki:References.WebHome||queryString="viewer=code"]]). == How to use == {{html clean="false" wiki="true"}} All you have to do is to [[download the XAR>>attach:references-1.0.xar]] and [[import>>xwiki:Documentation.AdminGuide.ImportExport]] it in your XWiki.

Panels Application

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Last modified by Marius Dumitru Florea on 2024/07/05
. === Create Page Panel === {{warning}} Since the introduction of [[Nested Pages>>xwiki:Documentation.Features.ContentOrganization]] this Panel has been deprecated since the concept of Space is now hidden and replaced by the concept of Nested Pages.

Knowledge Ring Application

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Last modified by slauriere on 2024/07/05
For instance, all organizations and persons who received the Nobel Peace Prize can be browsed by country. ))) (% class="col-md-4" %) ((( [[[[image:person.jpg||style="border:1px solid silver; max-width:100%;"]]>>attach:person.jpg]] (% class="text-center" %) ((( //Facet filtering on page "Person"// ))) ))) ))) == Data model == (% class="row" %) ((( (% class="col-md-8" %) ((( |=Concept|=Definition |Term|A Term simply wraps a wiki page.
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