Search: concept

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

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Helm chart for XWiki

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/03/31
details : Create a helm Chart for XWiki to seamlessly deploy XWiki to Kubernetes. {{velocity}}[[Official helm charts>>]]{{/velocity}} could be used for Database dependencies. * Support for both Ingress {{velocity}}[[Ingress>>

View Unit Testing

Last modified by Manuel Leduc on 2023/03/06
Rendered document content
Concept This is about writing "unit" tests for code generated by the server-side for the "View" of the MVC model. Namely, it focuses on testing: wiki pages (*.xml files) velocity templates (*.vm files) Strategy Specifically the idea is to be able to write integration tests that use the real code except
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{{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}} {{toc/}} {{/box}} = Concept = This is about writing "unit" tests for code generated by the server-side for the "View" of the MVC model. Namely, it focuses on testing: * wiki pages (##*.xml## files) * velocity templates (##*.vm## files) = Strategy

Organizing Knowledge Using Topic Models

Last modified by Michael Hamann on 2023/02/03
(a concept in XWiki that is similar to a directory in a filesystem). You can read more about how topic

Track: Understand XWiki core concepts

Located in
Last modified by Rajat Khanduri on 2023/01/24
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concepts AWM has made it simple to create your first application but it's cheating a bit since it's doing
the concepts of XClass, XObjects, XProperties, Sheets and Templates. To do that, start by following
Track: Understand XWiki core concepts
Raw document content
>>doc:xwiki:Documentation.DevGuide.Tutorials.CreatingExtensions.WebHome]]. = Task 3: Understand XWiki concepts = AWM has made it simple to create your first
! :) To do that you need to understand the concepts of XClass, XObjects, XProperties, Sheets and Templates

Convert all existing tests to the latest technologies

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2022/02/25
profile : * Java proficiency * Familiar with unit testing concepts and best practices * Familiar with functional testing concepts and best practices ** Experience with Selenium and the [[Page Objects>>url:]] pattern is preferred * Familiar with web technologies: HTML/CSS

Responsive skin based on Foundation

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2022/02/25
to the final design) **MILESTONE 1 ~-~- Clear concept of what is to be coded/written ** | 3|(% style="font
; " %)Clear concept of what is to be coded/written |[[http:~~/~~/>>url:

Convert existing tests to the latest technologies

Last modified by Eduard Moraru on 2022/02/25
profile : * Java proficiency * Familiar with unit testing concepts and best practices * Familiar with functional testing concepts and best practices ** Experience with Selenium and the [[Page Objects>>url:]] pattern is preferred * Familiar with web technologies: HTML/CSS

ePub Publisher

Last modified by Paul Libbrecht on 2022/02/25
the assembly of learning resources of diverse origins and types by a concept of collections which encourages re

ePub Publisher

Last modified by Paul Libbrecht on 2022/02/25
the assembly of learning resources of diverse origins and types by a concept of collections which encourages re

More extension repositories

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2022/02/25
* Discovering concept and architecture of Bintray (which is not just a simple single repository) * Discovering
API of NPM registry * Discovering concept and structure of WebJar * Manipulating archives in different
* investigation of NPM architecture * investigation of NPM Registry API * investigation of WebJar concept
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