Search: concept
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21
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Located in
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This includes registering authenticators and authenticating registered authenticators. This library has no concept of accounts, sessions, permissions, or identity federation, and it’s not an authentication framework; it only deals with executing the WebAuthn authentication mechanism.
Gardening Application
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- Objects
* **Query scripts:** scripts that will generate a list of documents that should be gardened based on a given concept. For example, a script fetching every document updated in the past X minutes
Video Macro
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See the [[Model>>path:]] module to understand the concept of references. Available since XWiki 3.4M1.
Relations Application
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= See also = This paragraph lists some initiatives that relate to the management of relations or software that implements a feature allowing to relate artefacts with one another: * RDF proposes the concept of triples: subject - predicate - object, that's a way to relate the subject and the object
XWiki GraphQL API
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description : {{warning}}This is currently a proof of concept and not yet ready for production.{{/warning}} Inspiration: It follows the [[Eclipse MicroProfile GraphQL API Specifications>>]] using the [[SmallRye GraphQL Implementation>>]].
Scripting Documentation API
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description : This API is made to support the [[Scripting Documentation Application]]. The concept of this API is to provide scripting documentation by dynamically searching the current wiki instance for available bindings.
Embed macro
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- Objects
See the [[Model>>path:]] module to understand the concept of references. Available since XWiki 3.4M1.
Hierarchy Macro
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In addition, this macro introduces the concept of **children order** for a parent. However, the children order is used by default only by the hierarchy macro; if this order needs to be used in other places in the wiki as well, those places need to be customized to use this additional information introduced by the macro.
Application Manager API
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- Objects
Documents listed here will ne copied in the new wiki but with overloaded contents that include the template wiki one ex : {{code}} #includeInContext("templatewiki:Space.Document") {{/code}} (% style="list-style-type: square" %) * documents to link in place of copy (not used yet) : same concept as include overload at copy but here with a real link.
Knowledge Ring Application
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- Objects
For instance, all organizations and persons who received the Nobel Peace Prize can be browsed by country. ))) (% class="col-md-4" %) ((( [[[[image:person.jpg||style="border:1px solid silver; max-width:100%;"]]>>attach:person.jpg]] (% class="text-center" %) ((( //Facet filtering on page "Person"// ))) ))) ))) == Data model == (% class="row" %) ((( (% class="col-md-8" %) ((( |=Concept|=Definition |Term|A Term simply wraps a wiki page.
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