Search: concept

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

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Selecting a tool for managing Localization

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2008/10/31
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The initial prototype is promising but wil need work to allow concurrent access and faster handling of big volumes of data. Currently the concept is ongoing translation. Reimport of the main language (english) file can be done regularly.
Once it is loaded on there is a quite extensively developed translation application. The concept seems to work by application version. We need to verity if this is the way we want it to work.
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The initial prototype is promising but wil need work to allow concurrent access and faster handling of big volumes of data. Currently the concept is ongoing translation. Reimport of the main language (english) file can be done regularly.
Once it is loaded on there is a quite extensively developed translation application. The concept seems to work by application version. We need to verity if this is the way we want it to work.

Release Notes for XWiki 8.2

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24
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This change will make it simpler for new users to edit the Homepage content, while also benefiting from some basic help concepts. The left panels area also showcases now the "Navigation" panel, while the right panels area contain a "Need Help?"
Instance Filter improvements Instance Output Filter now support missing begin/end event on document locale and revision so input filter for which those two concept don't make sense don't have to send them anymore.
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This change will make it simpler for new users to edit the Homepage content, while also benefiting from some basic help concepts. The left panels area also showcases now the "Navigation" panel, while the right panels area contain a "Need Help?"
This new API has been used to embed CKEditor as the default WYSIWYG editor. == Instance Filter improvements == * Instance Output Filter now support missing begin/end event on document locale and revision so input filter for which those two concept don't make sense don't have to send them anymore

Release Notes for XWiki 7.2 Release Candidate 1

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/10/13
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This release candidate brings many Flamingo skin improvements to better present Nested Documents on top of the Nested Spaces concept. Similar improvements were made in applications like Solr Search, AWM, FAQ, Activity Stream and the Skin editor in order to be compatible with Nested Spaces.
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This release candidate brings many Flamingo skin improvements to better present Nested Documents on top of the Nested Spaces concept. Similar improvements were made in applications like Solr Search, AWM, FAQ, Activity Stream and the Skin editor in order to be compatible with Nested Spaces.

Request Effective Author

Last modified by Marius Dumitru Florea on 2024/07/05
Starting with this version we introduce the concept of "request effective author". By default, the currently authenticated user is the request effective author, but XWiki extensions can overwrite this based on the request data and their own logic by setting a ##UserReference## as the value of a request attribute named ##com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiRequest#effectiveAuthor##.

Portlet Integration

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Last modified by Marius Dumitru Florea on 2010/06/16
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The Java Portlet Specification allows coordination on the UI layer with different means, such as events, application sessions, and public render parameters, in order to provide a deep and seamless integration between the different services. Portlet Concepts a portal is a web based application that commonly provides personalization, authentication, content aggregation from different sources and hosts the presentation layer of information systems a portlet is an application that provides a specific piece of content (information or service) to be included as part of a portal page web clients interact with portlets via a request/response paradigm implemented by the portal a portlet container runs portlets and provides them with the required runtime environment manages the life cycle of portlets provides persistent storage for portlet preferences a portlet mode indicates the function a portlet is performing in the render method standard portlet modes are: view, edit and help view: generate markup reflecting the current state of the portlet edit: customize the behavior of the portlet help: provide help information about the portlet a portlet window is the visual component used to display the content generated by a portlet within portal pages a window state is an indicator of the amount of portal page space that will be assigned to the content generated by a portlet via the render method possible window states are: normal, maximized and minimized Portlet Life Cycle The life cycle of a portlet is expressed through the init, processAction, render and destroy methods of the Portlet interface.
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The Java Portlet Specification allows coordination on the UI layer with different means, such as events, application sessions, and public render parameters, in order to provide a deep and seamless integration between the different services. == Portlet Concepts == image:portalPageCreation.png * a **portal** is a web based application that commonly provides personalization, authentication, content aggregation from different sources and hosts the presentation layer of information systems * a **portlet** is an application that provides a specific piece of content (information or service) to be included as part of a portal page ** web clients interact with portlets via a request/response paradigm implemented by the portal * a **portlet container** runs portlets and provides them with the required runtime environment ** manages the life cycle of portlets ** provides persistent storage for portlet preferences image:elementsOfAPortalPage.png * a **portlet mode** indicates the function a portlet is performing in the render method ** standard portlet modes are: view, edit and help ** view: generate markup reflecting the current state of the portlet ** edit: customize the behavior of the portlet ** help: provide help information about the portlet * a **portlet window** is the visual component used to display the content generated by a portlet within portal pages * a **window state** is an indicator of the amount of portal page space that will be assigned to the content generated by a portlet via the render method ** possible window states are: normal, maximized and minimized == Portlet Life Cycle == The life cycle of a portlet is expressed through the ##init##, ##processAction##, ##render## and ##destroy## methods of the ##Portlet## interface.
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