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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21
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For now I think I'm going to kick back and do some reading ~-~- what a concept (I'm impatient sometimes). Tom
Panels Application
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. === Create Page Panel === {{warning}} Since the introduction of [[Nested Pages>>xwiki:Documentation.Features.ContentOrganization]] this Panel has been deprecated since the concept of Space is now hidden and replaced by the concept of Nested Pages.
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It is a great pleasure for me keeping my knowledge in my all-available, all-accessible xwiki and every release is like birthday. 23 February 2012, from Yannick Loth: #XWiki is a great tool once you understand its concepts and how it works! You may be proud, XWiki team!
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/yannickloth/status/172641714576687104]]:((( > #XWiki is a great tool once you understand its concepts and how it works! You may be proud, XWiki team!
Page Editing
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{{image reference="syntaxConversionUnsupported.png"/}} {{id name="HWYSIWYGeditingmode"/}} = Setting the page parent = {{version since="7.2"}} The concept of setting the page parent has been deprecated in favor of the [[Nested Pages feature>>Documentation.UserGuide.Features.ContentOrganization.WebHome]].
XWiki At Octo IT University Conference
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Vincent and Guillaume presented the {attach:"Wiki 2.0 Talk"|file=XWiki-OCTO-USI-1.2.ppt} which explained the concept of Wiki 2.0 (a.k.a Structured Wikis or Application Wikis or Second Generation Wikis), with XWiki as example.
External articles and documentation about XWiki
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However, spreadsheets enforce a view of the world that consists mostly of tables and numbers rather than the domain concepts users have in mind. We are using wikis as a platform for empowering end-users to perform computational tasks of their choice.
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However, spreadsheets enforce a view of the world that consists mostly of tables and numbers rather than the domain concepts users have in mind. We are using wikis as a platform for empowering end-users to perform computational tasks of their choice.
Building XWiki from sources
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Here is an example of the minimum maven builds one should run to check a small change in xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin-resources: mvn clean install -f xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-flamingo/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin-resources -Pquality mvn clean install -f xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-flamingo/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin-test -Pintegration-tests,docker The changes are related to the concept of panels, so we also build mvn clean install -f xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-panels/xwiki-platform-panels-test -Pintegration-tests,docker If you're creating a Pull Request (PR), make sure you keep a written records of what tests you ran and to indicate them in the dedicated section of the PR template that must be filled up with details about the builds ran and the tests passed.
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Since these 2 projects contain libraries that are independent of the concept of wikis, this makes it very easy for everyone to use them in their own projects.
…The changes are related to the concept of panels, so we also build ##mvn clean install -f xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-panels/xwiki-platform-panels-test -Pintegration-tests,docker## If you're creating a Pull Request (PR), make sure you keep a written records of what tests you ran and to indicate them in the dedicated section of the PR template that must be filled up with details about the builds ran and the tests passed
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Job Logs XWiki has the concept of jobs (e.g. when you install or upgrade an Extension or when you delete pages, they all execute in a job).
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. == Job Logs == XWiki has the concept of [[jobs>>extensions:Extension.Job Module.WebHome]] (e.g. when you install or upgrade an Extension or when you delete pages, they all execute in a job).
Creating a FAQ Application (Manual)
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In addition, this tutorial will introduce the concepts of Authoring Templates and Page Design Sheets, patterns that you will find particularly useful in creating XWiki applications.
…If you previously chose to use a "Custom creation form" for creating new FAQ entries, follow these steps: Go to FAQ.WebHome Below the "Add a new question" header, enter a question (which will also be used as the document title) in the Document field Click Create this FAQ You can then enter your question in longer form using the Question field on the template, like this: Click Save & View and then you will see the newly created document, like this: Go back to the FAQ.WebHome page (you can use the breadcrumbs) to see the list of existing questions Conclusion This tutorial has taught you how to use the Class Wizard app and it has detailed the concepts of classes, objects and properties and introduced the authoring templates and page design sheets.
…You can use these basic concepts to build custom applications at the document or presentation layer of XWiki without having to compile or deploy code.
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In addition, this tutorial will introduce the concepts of Authoring Templates and Page Design Sheets, patterns that you will find particularly useful in creating XWiki applications.
…If you previously chose to use a "Custom creation form" for creating new FAQ entries, follow these steps: * Go to ##FAQ.WebHome## * Below the "Add a new question" header, enter a question (which will also be used as the document title) in the //Document// field * Click //Create this FAQ// * You can then enter your question in longer form using the //Question// field on the template, like this:((( {{image reference="FAQSheetEdit.PNG"/}} ))) * Click //Save & View// and then you will see the newly created document, like this:((( {{image reference="FAQSheetView.PNG"/}} ))) * Go back to the ##FAQ.WebHome## page (you can use the breadcrumbs) to see the list of existing questions((( {{image reference="FAQsWithEntry.png"/}} ))) = Conclusion = This tutorial has taught you how to use the Class Wizard app and it has detailed the concepts of classes, objects and properties and introduced the authoring templates and page design sheets.
…You can use these basic concepts to build custom applications at the document or presentation layer of XWiki without having to compile or deploy code.
Data Model
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XWiki Classes, Objects, and Properties If you are familiar with object oriented programming, you understand the concept of classes, properties, and objects. The presentation level data model that XWiki exposes is much the same.
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= XWiki Classes, Objects, and Properties = If you are familiar with object oriented programming, you understand the concept of classes, properties, and objects. The presentation level data model that XWiki exposes is much the same
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