Search: concept

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

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More extension repositories

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2022/02/25
. ==== Challenges and learnings ==== * Discovering Component architecture of XWiki * Discovering Extension Modle API of XWiki * Discovering concept and architecture of Bintray (which is not just a simple single repository) * Discovering Bintray API ==== Possible improvements ==== * Adding support for other types of repositories available on Bintray ---- === **PyPi** === ==== About extension ==== XWiki has possibility to script on its pages in Python.
It enables XWiki user to download any JS library available in NPM registry and converting it internally to WebJar, made it available for import on front pages. ==== Current state ==== Fully developed extension with functionalities of search, download and installation of packages from NPM Registry. ==== Challenges and learnings ==== * Discovering API of NPM registry * Discovering concept and structure of WebJar * Manipulating archives in different formats (TAR, GZ, ZIP) from Java whilst converting JS packages to WebJars ==== Possible improvements ==== No obvious improvements ---- == **Work progress report** == ---- === Milestones === **Milestone 1 [30 May - 26 June]:** - Creating Extension Repository Connector - Bintray * Getting deeper familiarity with the architecture of Extension Module and it's API for new repository extensions * investigation of Bintray and Artifacotry architecture * investigation of Bintray integration API * development of BintrayExtensionRepository * deployment of an extension * documentation creation **Milestone 2 [27 June - 24 July]:** - Creating Extension Repository Connector - PyPi * investigation of PyPi API * investigation of Java-Python integration (Jython) in context of XWiki system * investigation of Python package types, dependency system, version format * development of PypiExtensionRepository * deployment of an extension * documentation creation **Milestone 3 [24 July - 21 August]:** - Creating Extension Repository Connector - NPM * investigation of NPM architecture * investigation of NPM Registry API * investigation of WebJar concept and package structure * development of NPMExtensionRepository * deployment of an extension * documentation creation === Deliverables === D1 [M1]: [[Extension Repository Connector - Bintray>>doc:extensions:Extension.Extension Repository Connector - Bintray.WebHome]] D2 [M2]: [[Extension Repository Connector - PyPI>>doc:extensions:Extension.Extension Repository Connector - Pypi.WebHome]] D3 [M3]: [[Extension Repository Connector - NPM>>doc:extensions:Extension.Extension Repository Connector - NPM.WebHome]]

XWiki Enterprise 2.2

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/10/13
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It also introduces the concept of Reference for any entity of the model and the parser/serializer associated.
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It also introduces the concept of Reference for any entity of the model and the parser/serializer associated.

XWiki Enterprise 2.2 Milestone 1

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/10/13
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It also introduces the concept of Reference for any entity of the model and the parser/serializer associated.
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It also introduces the concept of Reference for any entity of the model and the parser/serializer associated.


Located in
Last modified by Jean-Vincent Drean on 2020/01/28
* XAWM-23: Separate wiki and wiki alias concepts. * XAWM-26: Add pretty name field to wikis decriptors


Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24
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\ See Jira for full list of fixed bugs and new features: Application Manager All Wiki Manager 1.0 Milestone 3 features XAWM-23: Separate wiki and wiki alias concepts. XAWM-26: Add pretty name field to wikis decriptors.
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reset=true&&pid=10252&fixfor=10432&sorter/field=priority&sorter/order=ASC] All [Wiki Manager>extensions:Extension.Wiki Manager Application] 1.0 Milestone 3 features * XAWM-23: Separate wiki and wiki alias concepts. * XAWM-26: Add pretty name field to wikis decriptors

Selecting a tool for managing Localization

Located in
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2008/10/31
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The initial prototype is promising but wil need work to allow concurrent access and faster handling of big volumes of data. Currently the concept is ongoing translation. Reimport of the main language (english) file can be done regularly.
Once it is loaded on there is a quite extensively developed translation application. The concept seems to work by application version. We need to verity if this is the way we want it to work.
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The initial prototype is promising but wil need work to allow concurrent access and faster handling of big volumes of data. Currently the concept is ongoing translation. Reimport of the main language (english) file can be done regularly.
Once it is loaded on there is a quite extensively developed translation application. The concept seems to work by application version. We need to verity if this is the way we want it to work.
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