Search: concept
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21
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Semantic Tagging Application
Located in
- Objects
XWiki platform which does not link the user-defined tags to a concept. A semantic tag will preserve the
- Attachment content
a.selected-tag:visited { color: #ccc; } .tag-concept-link { padding: 0.5em 2em 0.5em 0; background: url
Semantic Tagging Extension
Located in
- Attachment content
="ctag:label" content="$detail.getLabel()"><a class="tag-concept-link" href='$detail.getUri()'>$detail.getLabel
….tag-delete').each(this.ajaxTagDelete); // [semtag] concept list for each tag $$('.doc-tags .tag-list-activator').each(this.ajaxTagConcepts); // [semtag] end concept list for each tag
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