Search: concept
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21
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Getting to know XWiki Track 1: Understand XWiki concepts of XClass & XObjects Track 2: Extend your application Track 3: Styling XWiki Start contributing Track 4: Report or find an issue Track 5: Contribute to the core Future tracks to document: Track: Interactivity in XWiki (JSX, WebJars, Special CSS classes, Front-end Resources) Track: Contribute to an existing extension Track: Contribute a new extension Track: Add translations Other resources: Getting started with XWiki for extension developers.
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= Getting to know XWiki = * Track 1: [[Understand XWiki concepts of XClass & XObjects>>TrackXObjects]] * Track 2: [[Extend your application>>TrackMacro]] * Track 3: [[Styling XWiki>>TrackStyling]] = Start contributing = * Track 4: [[Report or find an issue>>TrackIssues]] * Track 5: [[Contribute to the core>>TrackCore]] Future tracks to document: * Track: Interactivity in XWiki (JSX, WebJars, Special CSS classes, Front-end Resources) * Track: Contribute to an existing extension * Track: Contribute a new extension * Track: Add translations Other resources: * [[Getting started with XWiki for extension developers>>doc:Drafts.GettingStartedWithXWiki]].
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. ==== Challenges and learnings ==== * Discovering Component architecture of XWiki * Discovering Extension Modle API of XWiki * Discovering concept and architecture of Bintray (which is not just a simple single repository) * Discovering Bintray API ==== Possible improvements ==== * Adding support for other types of repositories available on Bintray ---- === **PyPi** === ==== About extension ==== XWiki has possibility to script on its pages in Python.
…It enables XWiki user to download any JS library available in NPM registry and converting it internally to WebJar, made it available for import on front pages. ==== Current state ==== Fully developed extension with functionalities of search, download and installation of packages from NPM Registry. ==== Challenges and learnings ==== * Discovering API of NPM registry * Discovering concept and structure of WebJar * Manipulating archives in different formats (TAR, GZ, ZIP) from Java whilst converting JS packages to WebJars ==== Possible improvements ==== No obvious improvements ---- == **Work progress report** == ---- === Milestones === **Milestone 1 [30 May - 26 June]:** - Creating Extension Repository Connector - Bintray * Getting deeper familiarity with the architecture of Extension Module and it's API for new repository extensions * investigation of Bintray and Artifacotry architecture * investigation of Bintray integration API * development of BintrayExtensionRepository * deployment of an extension * documentation creation **Milestone 2 [27 June - 24 July]:** - Creating Extension Repository Connector - PyPi * investigation of PyPi API * investigation of Java-Python integration (Jython) in context of XWiki system * investigation of Python package types, dependency system, version format * development of PypiExtensionRepository * deployment of an extension * documentation creation **Milestone 3 [24 July - 21 August]:** - Creating Extension Repository Connector - NPM * investigation of NPM architecture * investigation of NPM Registry API * investigation of WebJar concept and package structure * development of NPMExtensionRepository * deployment of an extension * documentation creation === Deliverables === D1 [M1]: [[Extension Repository Connector - Bintray>>doc:extensions:Extension.Extension Repository Connector - Bintray.WebHome]] D2 [M2]: [[Extension Repository Connector - PyPI>>doc:extensions:Extension.Extension Repository Connector - Pypi.WebHome]] D3 [M3]: [[Extension Repository Connector - NPM>>doc:extensions:Extension.Extension Repository Connector - NPM.WebHome]]
Organization Application Form
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Working with technical writers is definitely new to us as a organization but we can count on our long experience and tooling we implemented over the years to manage mentoring and help newcomers grasp XWiki many aspects and concepts and make them even better ! Mentoring capacity Your organization must have at least two open source mentors for each technical writing project/technical writer that you plan to accept for this year's Season of Docs.
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Working with technical writers is definitely new to us as a organization but we can count on our long experience and tooling we implemented over the years to manage mentoring and help newcomers grasp XWiki many aspects and concepts and make them even better ! == Mentoring capacity == > Your organization must have at least two open source mentors for each technical writing project/technical writer that you plan to accept for this year's Season of Docs.
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