Search: concept

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

Results 1 - 4 of 4 Page 1

Alternative XML API

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2021/03/18
summary : Proof of concept for XML based api

Delete Space

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2022/05/03
comment : I am new to the whole wiki concept and am trying to delete a Space - Systems&Infrastructure ?

Bibsonomy Macro

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/07/05
But it works, and its a good proof of concept. If anyone is up to writing a cleaner, more efficient version - please do, and share.

Semantic Tagging Extension

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/07/05
Attachment content
xwiki-semtag-component/documentTags.vm #template("xwikivars.vm") #set($tagsId = 'xdocTags') #set($tagErrorMessage = '') #set($xredirect = $util.encodeURI($doc.getURL('view', "#${tagsId}"))) ## ## ## #macro(displayTag $tag) #if($tagger) #displaySemanticTag($tag) #else <span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="tag"><a property="ctag:label" href="$xwiki.getURL('Main.Tags', 'view', "do=viewTag&amp;tag=$tag")">$tag</a></span>#if($hasedit)<span class="separator">[</span><a href="$doc.getURL('view', "xpage=documentTags&amp;xaction=delete&amp;tag=${tag}&amp;xredirect=${xredirect}")" class="tag-tool tag-delete" title="$msg.get('core.tags.remove.tooltip')">X</a><span class="separator">]</span>#end</span> #end #end #macro(displaySemanticTag $tag) #set($semTag = $tagger.fetchSemanticDetails($tag)) <span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="tag"><a href="$xwiki.getURL('Main.Tags', 'view', "do=viewTag&amp;tag=$tag")">$tag</a></span>#if($hasedit)<span class="separator">[</span><a class="tag-tool tag-list-activator" href="#"> ▼</a><span class="separator">]</span> <div class="conceptList" style="display:none"> #if($semTag.getSemanticDetails().size() == 0) $msg.get("semtags.nodetails") #end #foreach($detail in $semTag.getSemanticDetails()) <span typeof="ctag:Tag" rel="ctag:means" resource="$detail.getUri()" property="ctag:label" content="$detail.getLabel()"><a class="tag-concept-link" href='$detail.getUri()'>$detail.getLabel()</a></span> <br/> #end #set($dbpediaImg = $xwiki.getDocument("SemTags.CreateTagForm").getAttachmentURL("dbpedialogo.png")) <div id="more-at">Powered by <img src='$dbpediaImg' alt="Dbpedia"/></div> </div> <span class="separator">[</span><a href="$doc.getURL('view', "xpage=documentTags&amp;xaction=delete&amp;tag=${tag}&amp;xredirect=${xredirect}")" class="tag-tool tag-delete" title="$msg.get('core.tags.remove.tooltip')">X</a><span class="separator">]</span>#end</span> #end #macro(removeTag $tag) #if($xwiki.tag) #set($result = $xwiki.tag.removeTagFromDocument($tag, $doc.fullName)) #if($result == 'OK' && "$!
_htmlheader.vm xwiki-semtag-component/tags.js // ===================================== // Drop Down // ===================================== var consolelog = function(l) { if(typeof(console) == 'object' && typeof(console.log) == 'function') console.log(l); } // ====================================== // Ajax tag editing // // Make sure the XWiki 'namespace' exists. if (typeof(XWiki) == 'undefined') { XWiki = new Object(); } // Make sure the viewers 'namespace' exists. if (typeof(XWiki.viewers) == 'undefined') { XWiki.viewers = new Object(); } /** * Tag editing. */ XWiki.viewers.Tags = Class.create({ /** * Initialization: add listeners for all tag actions, to perform them via AJAX */ initialize : function() { // delete tags $$('.doc-tags .tag-delete').each(this.ajaxTagDelete); // [semtag] concept list for each tag $$('.doc-tags .tag-list-activator').each(this.ajaxTagConcepts); // [semtag] end concept list for each tag $$('.doc-tags .tag-add a').each(this.createTagAddForm.bind(this)); if ($$('.doc-tags .tag-add-form').length > 0) { this.ajaxifyForm($$('.doc-tags .tag-add-form')[0]); } }, /** * [semtags] add list of concepts */ ajaxTagConcepts : function (item) { item.observe('mouseover', function(event) { if (event) { event.stop(); } if (!item.disabled) { new Ajax.Request( item.href.replace(/&xredirect=.+$/, "&ajax=1"), { onCreate : function () { // ignore "cascade" clicks item.disabled = true; }, onSuccess : function () { // display the concept list var conceptList ='.conceptList'); //consolelog("conceptList = " + conceptList.innerHTML + " item=" + item); var tagConcepts = new XWiki.Tooltip(item, conceptList.innerHTML, {'class': 'conceptList', mouseFollow: false}); }, onFailure : function (response) { new XWiki.widgets.Notification(response.responseText || 'Server not responding', "error"); }, // 0 is returned for network failures, except on IE where a strange large number (12031) is returned.
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