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IRC Archive for channel #xwiki

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18

IRC Archive for channel #xwiki

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18
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KermitTheFragger left at 19:25 (Remote host closed the connection tsziklay - (19:30): cjdelisle: I'm not sure, I just do not know how to make an xwiki page. my boss has indicated that he wants this "if click then run script" functionality and said xwiki is probably able to support it. tsziklay - (19:31): cjdelisle: basically all I would need is a single page showing proof of concept for this; I do not need anything beyond say, a title, a URL, and a link that runs my python code. cjdelisle - (19:32): Do you have to be able to view the page with the

IRC Archive for channel #xwiki

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18
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17:26 <vmassol> JuanDaugherty: you shouldn't use workspaces 17:26 <vmassol> it's been retired as you know 17:26 <vmassol> and we've integrated several of its features in XE 17:26 <vmassol> (and no I haven't worked on the design of workspaces) 17:27 <JuanDaugherty> I meant the concept with the URL I just gave, not jvelociter's project 17:27 <JuanDaugherty> besides it's not being supported, why shouldn't I use it?

IRC Archive for channel #xwiki

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18
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CalebJamesDeLisl - (20:28): they double sanitized &lt; it seems like there ought to be "smart" escapes which will detect already escaped stuff and skip it. npm - (20:29): the article is good in that it shows how wasteful the entire pattern "concept" is... and the pages of code and bugs it causses...... is replaced by a simple language feature that eliminates the need for contorting yourself into a "pattern" CalebJamesDeLisl - (20:32): I get the idea that patterns are often fads like we had object oriented until people realized that everyone makes incompatible objects.

IRC Archive for channel #xwiki

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18
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This is called lazy consensus." vmassol - (23:34): this means that you're free to commit stuff but any committer could ask you to revert vmassol - (23:35): i(if it was something not voted) vmassol - (23:35): I tried to mimick what is done on apache lucaa - (23:35): well... yes, but lazy consensus doesn't mean ignoring a vote mail, it means not sending it in the first place vmassol - (23:36): vmassol - (23:36): "Consensus Gauging through Silence vmassol - (23:36): An alternative to voting that is sometimes used to measure the acceptability of something is the concept of vmassol - (23:36): Lazy consensus is simply an announcement of 'silence gives assent.'

Docker-based Testing

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2025/01/16
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{{/version}} = Examples = == Full Examples == * {{scm path="xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-menu/xwiki-platform-menu-test/xwiki-platform-menu-test-docker/src/test/it/org/xwiki/menu/test/ui/"}}MenuIT{{/scm}} * {{scm path="xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-mail/xwiki-platform-mail-test/xwiki-platform-mail-test-docker/src/test/it/org/xwiki/mail/test/ui/"}}MailIT{{/scm}} == Example 1: Basic test == {{code language="java"}} @UITest public class SeleniumTest { @Test public void test(XWikiWebDriver driver, TestUtils setup) { driver.get(""); assertThat(driver.getTitle(), containsString("XWiki - The Advanced Open Source Enterprise and Application Wiki")); driver.findElement(By.linkText("XWiki's concept")).click(); } } {{/code}} == Example 2: Choosing Container + DB + Browser and versions == {{code language="java"}} @UITest(database = Database.MYSQL, databaseTag = "5", servletEngine = ServletEngine.TOMCAT, servletEngineTag = "8", browser = Browser.CHROME) public class MenuIT ...

IRC Archive for channel #xwiki

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18
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17:35 <vmassol> needs to move classloader in commons though 17:36 <+tmortagne> yep 17:38 <+tmortagne> we could find a way to make include macro a bit less dependent on wiki concept, like some API to get the XDOM of a target resource whatever this resource it and do all the context jingling in events like we do for script macros 17:38 <vmassol> we can also have 2 include macros 17:38 <vmassol> a generic one with less featrures 17:39 <+tmortagne> yep 17:39 <vmassol> and a xwiki one that extends it 17:39 <vmassol> tmortagne: didn't see your message re the macro move.

IRC Archive for channel #xwiki

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18
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23:44 <@cjdelisle> I got it, spaaaam 23:44 <+sburjan`> ok, so now out lists are becomming spam :( 23:45 <+sburjan`> like it wasn't alreadye nough 23:45 <@cjdelisle> yea, it's because the smtpds are comfigured incorrectly and they relay mail with invalid headers 23:45 <+sburjan`> yeah, open relay 23:46 <+sburjan`> it's odd that they seem legit.. the from and to fields seem legit 23:46 <tekzilla_> has joined #xwiki 23:46 <+sburjan`> you have to look in the source to see it's spam 23:46 <@cjdelisle> sort of but (hopefully) not relaying to the entire world 23:46 <+sburjan`> this is pure damage.. from slow and crowded internet up to electrical power consumed 23:47 <@cjdelisle> if I ran an smtpd, spammers would talk of it only under their breath <evil grin> 23:47 <+sburjan`> :D 23:49 <@cjdelisle> 23:49 <@cjdelisle> ``the concept of a TCP session not "letting go" could be really distressing to some TCP stacks and operating systems -it's even possible that they may crash'' 23:50 <@sdumitriu> Didn't receive it, gmail has a good filter 23:50 <tekzilla> has quit

IRC Archive for channel #xwiki

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18
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CalebJamesDeLisl - (11:58): A concept that I find interesting is sandboxing user script so we don't have to filter out all possible XSS.

IRC Archive for channel #xwiki

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18
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refreshed=1" />{{/html}}#end{{/velocity cjdelisle - (00:05): there's a proof of concept for meta refresh. BK33 - (00:07): so i wouldnt use something like this?
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