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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

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XWiki Roadmap Archives for the 5.x Release Cycle

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2018/02/05
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Ajax or Not - Marius (if enough time) Proposed dates 5.2M1: 12 Aug 13 Aug 5.2M2: 9 Sep 13 Sep 5.2RC1: 23 Sep 27 Sep 5.2Final: 30 Sep 7 Oct XWiki Enterprise 5.1 Security fixes and review/apply the feature-authorization-context branch - Thomas Delafosse and Andreas XWiki-7879 : Refactor to confine delegation of programming rights (only committers on the security list will be able to see this issue on JIRA) First usable version of SOLR implementation - Thomas Mortagne for the back end, Caty for the UI design, Marius for the UI implementation and Sorin/Manuel for ensuring the quality of the new SOLR is at least as good as our current Lucene search so that we could switch to the SOLR version ASAP (would be great to be able to do that at the end of 5.1) By order of priority and time permitting: Horizontal menu - Marius Home Page Improvements - Marius + Caty AWM: Add the ability to publish an application as an extension - Marius Some specific JIRAs: Proposed dates 5.1M1: 27 May 2013 31 May 2013 5.1M2: 10 June 2013 14 June 2013 5.1RC1: 24 June 2013 27 June 2013 5.1 final: 1st of July 9 July 2013 XWiki Enterprise 5.0 Targeted features/Improvements/Bugs Continue SOLR implementation EM upgrade of subwikis in farm mode + flavor concept (add Flavor type in EM/Repository) + leftover from 4.x for EM/DW: AppWithinMinutes work, ordered by priority: Scalable import/export Home page improvements (XE) and usability improvements in general Horizontal Menu management (add, remove pages) virtual=1 by default WYSIWYG Editor Various important bugs to fix (ordered by priority - top is first priority): Investigations XEM Homepage / Portal - Caty Knowledge base Flavor - Caty/Ludovic New Activity Stream Investigation Part 1 - JV (he's agreed to become our AS champion :)) General Flavours Investigation - Caty Proposed dates 5.0M1: 4 March 2013 6 March 2013 5.0M2: 25 March 2013 3 April 2013 5.0RC1: 8 April 2013 15 April 2013 21 April 2013 5.0Final: 15 April 2013 22 April 2013 26 April 2013
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{{/velocity}} * Security fixes and review/apply the ##feature-authorization-context## branch - Thomas Delafosse and Andreas((( * [[XWiki-7879 : Refactor to confine delegation of programming rights>>]] (only committers on the security list will be able to see this issue on JIRA) ))) * First usable version of SOLR implementation - Thomas Mortagne for the back end, Caty for the UI design, Marius for the UI implementation and Sorin/Manuel for ensuring the quality of the new SOLR is at least as good as our current Lucene search so that we could switch to the SOLR version ASAP (would be great to be able to do that at the end of 5.1)((( {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} XWIKI-8689 XWIKI-9028 XWIKI-8911 XWIKI-8441 XWIKI-9174 XWIKI-8444 XWIKI-8819 XWIKI-8887 {{/jira}} ))) * By order of priority and time permitting: ** Horizontal menu - Marius((( {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} XWIKI-9148 {{/jira}} ))) ** Home Page Improvements - Marius + Caty((( {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} XWIKI-7685 {{/jira}} ))) ** AWM: Add the ability to publish an application as an extension - Marius((( {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} XWIKI-7376 XWIKI-7377 {{/jira}} ))) ** Some specific JIRAs:((( {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} XWIKI-8495 XWIKI-7905 {{/jira}} ))) == Proposed dates == * 5.1M1: --27 May 2013-- 31 May 2013 * 5.1M2: --10 June 2013-- 14 June 2013 * 5.1RC1: --24 June 2013-- 27 June 2013 * 5.1 final: --1st of July-- 9 July 2013 = XWiki Enterprise 5.0 = == Targeted features/Improvements/Bugs == * Continue SOLR implementation((( {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} XWIKI-8689 XWIKI-8583 XWIKI-8581 {{/jira}} ))) * EM upgrade of subwikis in farm mode + flavor concept (add Flavor type in EM/Repository) + leftover from 4.x for EM/DW:((( {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} XWIKI-8744 XWIKI-8748 XWIKI-8749 {{/jira}} ))) * AppWithinMinutes work, ordered by priority:((( {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} XWIKI-7377 XWIKI-7376 XWIKI-8587 XWIKI-7370 XWIKI-8763 XWIKI-7795 XWIKI-8757 XWIKI-7374 {{/jira}} ))) * Scalable import/export((( {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} XWIKI-8820 XWIKI-8821 {{/jira}} ))) * Home page improvements (XE) and usability improvements in general((( {{todo}} JV to list jira issues and assign himselves to them + set fix for on them {{/todo}} {{velocity}} #* {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} <add jira issue ids here> {{/jira}} *# {{/velocity}} ))) * Horizontal Menu management (add, remove pages)((( {{todo}} JV to list jira issues and assign himselves to them + set fix for on them {{/todo}} {{velocity}} #* {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} <add jira issue ids here> {{/jira}} *# {{/velocity}} ))) * virtual=1 by default((( {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} XWIKI-8822 {{/jira}} ))) * WYSIWYG Editor((( {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} XWIKI-8851 XWIKI-8852 {{/jira}} ))) * Various important bugs to fix (ordered by priority - top is first priority):((( {{jira url="" fields="type, key, status, summary, assignee"}} XWIKI-8495 XRENDERING-261 XWIKI-7905 XWIKI-8397 XWIKI-8465 XWIKI-8394 {{/jira}} ))) == Investigations == * XEM Homepage / Portal - Caty * Knowledge base Flavor - Caty/Ludovic * New Activity Stream Investigation Part 1 - JV (he's agreed to become our AS champion :)) * General Flavours Investigation - Caty == Proposed dates == * 5.0M1: --4 March 2013-- 6 March 2013 * 5.0M2: --25 March 2013-- 3 April 2013 * 5.0RC1: --8 April 2013-- --15 April 2013-- 21 April 2013 * 5.0Final: --15 April 2013-- --22 April 2013-- 26 April 2013

XAR entry types improvements

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2021/04/06
summary : Starting XWiki 10.4 we started to introduce the concept of [[page "Types">>extensions:Extension.XAR Module Specifications||anchor="Hpackage.xml"]]

Wikis are dead, long live wikis!

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2019/10/30
You could even argue that traditional wikis are loosing traction or mindshare. Other concepts have arisen in the past such as CMS (Content Management System) and WCM (Web Content Management).

Wiki vs Nested Pages

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/12/23
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XWiki 7.2 has introduced the concept of Nested Spaces. With this new concept it's legitimate to ask oneself what are the differences between using a (sub)wiki or using Nested Pages.
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XWiki 7.2 has introduced the concept of Nested Spaces. With this new concept it's legitimate to ask oneself what are the differences between using a (sub)wiki or using Nested Pages

Wiki Link URL Normalizer 1.6.0 and 1.7.0 Released

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2023/06/27
content : These two versions introduce the concept of [[custom filters>>extensions:Extension.WikiLinkURLNormalizer.WebHome||anchor="HCustomfilters"]], allowing forcing conversions of some URLs into internal wiki links.
extract : These two versions introduce the concept of [[custom filters>>extensions:Extension.WikiLinkURLNormalizer.WebHome||anchor="HCustomfilters"]], allowing forcing conversions of some URLs into internal wiki links.

Une plateforme de prototypage d'applis webs

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2019/10/30
Cette presentation apporte un peu de nouveautes en proposant un runtime web de prototypage ce qui est un concept nouveau et interessant de connaitre pour tout bon developeur ou architecte java.

Une plate-forme de développment basé sur le paradigme wiki

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2019/10/30
Utiliser un plate-forme de wiki est très similaire dans son concept à utiliser un serveur d'applications. Tout comme les serveurs d'app offrent des services techniques aux applications hébergées, une plate-forme de wiki offre des services de plus haut niveau tels gestion de contenu, moteur de rendu, stockage, éditeur WYSIWYG, gestion des utilisateurs et beaucoup plus.

Syntax Registry

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2021/04/19
summary : There's now the concept of a Syntax Registry and [[new Syntaxes are expected to register themselves in that registry>>rendering:Main.Extending.WebHome||anchor="HBestPractices"]].

Selecting a tool for managing Localization

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2008/10/31
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The initial prototype is promising but wil need work to allow concurrent access and faster handling of big volumes of data. Currently the concept is ongoing translation. Reimport of the main language (english) file can be done regularly.
Once it is loaded on there is a quite extensively developed translation application. The concept seems to work by application version. We need to verity if this is the way we want it to work.
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The initial prototype is promising but wil need work to allow concurrent access and faster handling of big volumes of data. Currently the concept is ongoing translation. Reimport of the main language (english) file can be done regularly.
Once it is loaded on there is a quite extensively developed translation application. The concept seems to work by application version. We need to verity if this is the way we want it to work.

Right Panels

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2017/09/09
It's a bridge to the Panel concept. To add a Panel to the right Panels area, simply create a document containing a PanelClass xobject and add it to the list of Panels to display in the Administration.
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