Search: concept

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

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Semantic Tagging Extension

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/07/05
Attachment content
="ctag:label" content="$detail.getLabel()"><a class="tag-concept-link" href='$detail.getUri()'>$detail.getLabel
.tag-delete').each(this.ajaxTagDelete); // [semtag] concept list for each tag $$('.doc-tags .tag-list-activator').each(this.ajaxTagConcepts); // [semtag] end concept list for each tag

Platform Configuration API

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/07/05
description : See the [[Configuration API>>Extension.Configuration Module]] for general configuration concepts. == Configuration Permissions == It's possible to implement permission checking for ##ConfigurationSource## properties, to decide who has the rights to view or modify them. To implement this check
summary : Extra Configuration APIs related to platform concepts (e.g. user references)

Extending XWiki Rendering

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/03/27
Raw document content
Syntaxes to pass. == Best Practices == * ((({{version since="11.3RC1"}}There's now the concept

Bibsonomy Macro

Located in
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/07/05
good proof of concept. If anyone is up to writing a cleaner, more efficient version - please do, and
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