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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21

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Une plateforme de prototypage d'applis webs

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2019/10/30
Cette presentation apporte un peu de nouveautes en proposant un runtime web de prototypage ce qui est un concept nouveau et interessant de connaitre pour tout bon developeur ou architecte java.

Nested Spaces

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/11/19
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Concept: Nested spaces (independent of parent/child relationship) User Stories The devs listed against the user stories below are responsible for the user story and to ensure it's delivered on time, with quality (and automated tests as much as possible) and in general to ensure that they work as expected.
This could mean to remove the concept of Space everywhere in UIs. 7.2M2 (Decision to be done in 7.1M1) Edy?
Vincent: Thomas says this already exist and we already have XWikiRights and XWikiGlobalRights Edy: Could the concept of Space be rather be replaced by the concept of Parent, where all (logical) pages have a direct and relative parent and not an absolute space path?
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Concept: Nested spaces (independent of parent/child relationship) {{toc/}} = User Stories = The devs listed against the user stories below are responsible for the user story and to ensure it's delivered on time, with quality (and automated tests as much as possible) and in general to ensure that they work as expected.
This could mean to remove the concept of Space everywhere in UIs.|7.2M2 (Decision to be done in 7.1M1)|Edy?
One solution would be to extend the XWikiRights class and add a flag to state if the right should cascade or not. *** Vincent: Thomas says this already exist and we already have XWikiRights and XWikiGlobalRights ** Edy: Could the concept of Space be rather be replaced by the concept of Parent, where all (logical) pages have a direct and relative parent and not an absolute space path?

Une plate-forme de développment basé sur le paradigme wiki

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2019/10/30
Utiliser un plate-forme de wiki est très similaire dans son concept à utiliser un serveur d'applications. Tout comme les serveurs d'app offrent des services techniques aux applications hébergées, une plate-forme de wiki offre des services de plus haut niveau tels gestion de contenu, moteur de rendu, stockage, éditeur WYSIWYG, gestion des utilisateurs et beaucoup plus.

Wikis are dead, long live wikis!

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2019/10/30
You could even argue that traditional wikis are loosing traction or mindshare. Other concepts have arisen in the past such as CMS (Content Management System) and WCM (Web Content Management).

Créer des applications webs en quelques minutes

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2019/10/30
description : Le concept de Long Tail introduit par Chris Anderson est maintenant bien connu dans le domaine du livre. Ce concept existe également dans le domaine des apps.

Chart Wizard

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/11/19
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Not necessarily printable but definitely exportable to PDF Analysis & Cost (option) Modify PDF export feature to use client-side HTML(+CSS) DOM - 8d Inject Export button from JS (JSX) Take images for Canvas since it's not in the DOM Send client-side HTML to XWiki Export Action Need to handle protection as otherwise any arbitrary HTML could be sent to XWiki to transform into PDF Modify XWiki Export Action to use this HTML instead of rendering from the document Inline CSS within the HTML (for ex with (option) Handle multi page exports (spaces or wiki) - 3d Provide a JS-based UI to select the pages to export Use a hidden frame to load all the pages to export and get the HTML/CSS to send back Implement a simple generic wizard that can work for all chart macros ({{chart}}, {{chartjs}}, {{d3js}} or any future ones) Have something like the old XWiki Charting Plugin wizard ( or the MW wizard ( Have the concept of Chart Templates, i.e. a script that generates the graph macro applied with wizard variables bound in the script context.
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{{/info}} * Implement a simple generic wizard that can work for all chart macros (~{~{chart}}, ~{~{chartjs}}, ~{~{d3js}} or any future ones) ** Have something like the old XWiki Charting Plugin wizard ( or the MW wizard ( * Have the concept of Chart Templates, i.e. a script that generates the graph macro applied with wizard variables bound in the script context

Personal Pages

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/11/19
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Even though the concept is not very wiki-oriented, several users have been asking over the years to have the ability to have personal pages (a.k.a private pages or user space), visible to the currently logged user only (by default), acting as a kind of personal sandbox.
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Even though the concept is not very wiki-oriented, several users have been asking over the years to have the ability to have personal pages (a.k.a private pages or user space), visible to the currently logged user only (by default), acting as a kind of personal sandbox

User API

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/11/19
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Iteration N See: Iteration 2 See Iteration 1 Notes I've removed the UserManager#getCurrentUser() because it's not the purpose of UserManager to do that.
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= Iteration N = See: * * = Iteration 2 = See = Iteration 1 = {{code language="java"}} /** * Represents an XWiki user.
= null && "advanced".equals(typeAsString)) { result = ADVANCED; } else { result = SIMPLE; } return result; } } {{/code}} {{code language="java"}} /** * Abstracts the concept of User reference. This allows to support several store implementations for users

Selecting a tool for managing Localization

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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2008/10/31
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The initial prototype is promising but wil need work to allow concurrent access and faster handling of big volumes of data. Currently the concept is ongoing translation. Reimport of the main language (english) file can be done regularly.
Once it is loaded on there is a quite extensively developed translation application. The concept seems to work by application version. We need to verity if this is the way we want it to work.
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The initial prototype is promising but wil need work to allow concurrent access and faster handling of big volumes of data. Currently the concept is ongoing translation. Reimport of the main language (english) file can be done regularly.
Once it is loaded on there is a quite extensively developed translation application. The concept seems to work by application version. We need to verity if this is the way we want it to work.


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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/11/19
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Risks / Side Effects Side Benefits 11 ● New product AND new UI for XWiki Risks 12 ● Being spread thin ● Tackling too many projects at the same time ● Technical difficulties in making a product with multiple targets Next steps Next Steps 14 ● Research Project -> get funding (done in May 2023) ● Prototyping (proof of concept) ● Architecture (layout the technical vision and architecture of the components) ● MVP (Simple Wiki, with 2 backends) ● Build Community / First offers ● Additional backends Questions ?
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