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Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2014/10/21
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Add concept of image to What's New API
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Add concept of image to What's New API
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title : Add concept of image to What's New API
Migration Guide to Nested Pages
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The introduction of the Nested Pages concept In XWiki 7.2, due to frequent users demands, we have introduced the ability to create spaces under other spaces. It's the Nested Spaces concept. We suddenly had the ability to create a hierarchy of spaces to organize content.
…Indeed, the migrator cannot create nested pages in an old XWiki instance where this concept did not exist! Go to the Extension Manager in your wiki, and install the Nested Pages Migrator Application.
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However, in order not to break retro-compatibility with many existing features and applications we had to keep the concepts of "Page" and "Space" in XWiki while adapting them to emulate the Nested Pages feature.
…For them, this relationship is crucial. === The introduction of the Nested Pages concept === In XWiki 7.2, due to frequent users demands, we have introduced the ability to create spaces under other spaces. It's the **Nested Spaces** concept. We suddenly had the ability to create a hierarchy of spaces to organize content.
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 10 November 2015
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Thxs 09:20 <cjd> has joined #xwiki 09:20 <Ramona> has quit 09:28 <tmortagne> Pbas: you are passing the wrong context 09:28 <tmortagne> contex variable is a ScriptContext and the method expect a XWikiContext 09:28 <tmortagne> so that would be xcontext.context 09:29 <tmortagne> (xcontext binding is a public com.xpn.xwiki.api.Context and the method want the more protected XWikiContext) 09:29 <Pbas> Ok thxs I will give a try (I don't understand very well what is context in doc :-( ) 09:30 <tmortagne> not sure what you means by "context in doc" 09:30 <tmortagne> the method want the XWiki context because it's needed to manipulate the database 09:31 <Pbas> In a lot of method there are "protected XWikiContext context The current context, needed by the underlying protected object" but didn't found an explication what it is 09:31 <Pbas> perhaps a java concept? 09:32 <Pbas> or xwiki concept? 09:32 <tmortagne> it's the XWiki context as it's name indicate so yes a XWiki concept :) 09:32 <tmortagne> it contains things like current wiki, current user, etc. 09:32 <tmortagne> contextual information 09:32 <cjd> hehe the "context" is an object which follows you through the current http request/response cycle and then is deleted 09:32 <tmortagne> and among other things it's needed when you need to access the XWiki database 09:33 <cjd> I had no idea what it was either when I started with XWiki 09:34 <Pbas> It is an important things to use xwiki api but doc about this missing in my opinion 09:34 <tmortagne> in more public/script oriented APIs it's hidden but its still here 09:35 <tmortagne> API taking this XWikiContext are mostly old things which are replaced when we all the API related to document manipulation is a big jump 09:35 <cjd> Context objects are not only confined to XWiki, it's a design pattern in software dev, irronically this is the only link I can find about it...
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Thxs 09:20 <cjd> has joined #xwiki 09:20 <Ramona> has quit 09:28 <tmortagne> Pbas: you are passing the wrong context 09:28 <tmortagne> contex variable is a ScriptContext and the method expect a XWikiContext 09:28 <tmortagne> so that would be xcontext.context 09:29 <tmortagne> (xcontext binding is a public com.xpn.xwiki.api.Context and the method want the more protected XWikiContext) 09:29 <Pbas> Ok thxs I will give a try (I don't understand very well what is context in doc :-( ) 09:30 <tmortagne> not sure what you means by "context in doc" 09:30 <tmortagne> the method want the XWiki context because it's needed to manipulate the database 09:31 <Pbas> In a lot of method there are "protected XWikiContext context The current context, needed by the underlying protected object" but didn't found an explication what it is 09:31 <Pbas> perhaps a java concept? 09:32 <Pbas> or xwiki concept? 09:32 <tmortagne> it's the XWiki context as it's name indicate so yes a XWiki concept :) 09:32 <tmortagne> it contains things like current wiki, current user, etc. 09:32 <tmortagne> contextual information 09:32 <cjd> hehe the "context" is an object which follows you through the current http request/response cycle and then is deleted 09:32 <tmortagne> and among other things it's needed when you need to access the XWiki database 09:33 <cjd> I had no idea what it was either when I started with XWiki 09:34 <Pbas> It is an important things to use xwiki api but doc about this missing in my opinion 09:34 <tmortagne> in more public/script oriented APIs it's hidden but its still here 09:35 <tmortagne> API taking this XWikiContext are mostly old things which are replaced when we all the API related to document manipulation is a big jump 09:35 <cjd> Context objects are not only confined to XWiki, it's a design pattern in software dev, irronically this is the only link I can find about it...
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 29 September 2015
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<sorinello> has quit 02:56 <sorinello> has quit 03:32 <sdumitriu> has quit 03:33 <sdumitriu> has joined #xwiki 06:00 <Denis1> has joined #xwiki 06:03 <Denis> has quit 07:03 <Ramona2> has joined #xwiki 08:09 <vmassol> has joined #xwiki 08:16 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 08:24 <msmeria1> has joined #xwiki 08:25 <msmeria> has quit 08:37 <Ramona2> has quit 08:38 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 08:38 <Ramona2> has joined #xwiki 08:40 <msmeria1> has quit 08:43 <msmeria> has quit 08:58 <KermitTheFragger> has joined #xwiki 09:03 <Ramona2> has quit 09:06 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:07 <cjd_firewall> has joined #xwiki 09:16 <msmeria> has quit 09:23 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:25 <gsmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:26 <tmortagne> has joined #xwiki 09:40 <gdelhumeau> has joined #xwiki 09:41 <msmeria1> has joined #xwiki 09:42 <msmeria> has quit 09:43 <woshilapin> has joined #xwiki 09:45 <gsmeria> has quit 09:46 <gsmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:48 <msmeria1> has quit 09:49 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 10:13 <Ramona2> has joined #xwiki 10:15 <vmassol> gdelhumeau: it seems that commons/rendering 7.2 is not on maven central yet 10:16 <gdelhumeau> indeed I had troubles with that last week 10:16 <vmassol> good morning btw :) 10:16 <gdelhumeau> good morning :) 10:17 <Denis1> good morning 10:17 <Denis1> is now known as <Denis> 10:17 <gdelhumeau> gdelhumeau 10:17 <gdelhumeau> on sonatype: Last operation failed with 3 notifications 10:17 <gdelhumeau> Missing MD5: '/org/xwiki/commons/xwiki-commons-observation-local/7.2/xwiki-commons-observation-local-7.2-javadoc.jar.md5' 10:18 <Denis> I am having a first look at 7.2 release, and I am very puzzled by the fact that I cannot see the children of a inexistent WebHome, while at the same time I can administrer that inexistent page… seems we have blow up some concept too fast ! 10:20 <vmassol> IMO that's a mistake, we shouldn't be able to administer a non existing page 10:20 <vmassol> I don't see any issue of concept though 10:20 <vmassol> I'd create a jira issue for that 10:20 <Denis> you can administer it but not see children 10:20 <Denis> current creating the jira` 10:21 <gdelhumeau> I don't know 10:21 <Denis> that said, administration of and children of something that does not exists looks very odd for a final user 10:21 <gdelhumeau> the WebHome could not exist, but there could be some terminal pages 10:21 <vmassol> I agree that they should go together 10:21 <gdelhumeau> and since we don't have administer space, it make sense to administer... the non existent page 10:22 <vmassol> either they are allowed or they fordbidden for both of them 10:22 <gdelhumeau> from the core PoV 10:22 <gdelhumeau> from the user PoV, it's weird indeed 10:22 <vmassol> administer is ok IMO if the page rights is not shown 10:22 <vmassol> ie you can only administer children 10:22 <vmassol> well not even sure, need to think more :) 10:23 <vmassol> anyway I agree there's an issue and we need to decide 10:23 <Denis> XWIKI-12628 10:23 <Denis> but could be evolved as needed 10:24 <Denis> actually, we have a regression 10:26 <Denis> there is lots of weird situation with missing WebHome, including the fact that you can, (you need to) reach them (if you want to administer them) 10:26 <Denis> for the user PoV this is really weird and not pleasing 10:27 <vmassol> commented 10:32 <Denis> and replies 10:32 <gsmeria> has quit 10:33 <gsmeria> has joined #xwiki 10:34 <Denis> please, note that it is bad to have ML discussion in Jira issues, it seems to happen more and more, and so, let's create a ML thread about this !
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<sorinello> has quit 02:56 <sorinello> has quit 03:32 <sdumitriu> has quit 03:33 <sdumitriu> has joined #xwiki 06:00 <Denis1> has joined #xwiki 06:03 <Denis> has quit 07:03 <Ramona2> has joined #xwiki 08:09 <vmassol> has joined #xwiki 08:16 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 08:24 <msmeria1> has joined #xwiki 08:25 <msmeria> has quit 08:37 <Ramona2> has quit 08:38 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 08:38 <Ramona2> has joined #xwiki 08:40 <msmeria1> has quit 08:43 <msmeria> has quit 08:58 <KermitTheFragger> has joined #xwiki 09:03 <Ramona2> has quit 09:06 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:07 <cjd_firewall> has joined #xwiki 09:16 <msmeria> has quit 09:23 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:25 <gsmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:26 <tmortagne> has joined #xwiki 09:40 <gdelhumeau> has joined #xwiki 09:41 <msmeria1> has joined #xwiki 09:42 <msmeria> has quit 09:43 <woshilapin> has joined #xwiki 09:45 <gsmeria> has quit 09:46 <gsmeria> has joined #xwiki 09:48 <msmeria1> has quit 09:49 <msmeria> has joined #xwiki 10:13 <Ramona2> has joined #xwiki 10:15 <vmassol> gdelhumeau: it seems that commons/rendering 7.2 is not on maven central yet 10:16 <gdelhumeau> indeed I had troubles with that last week 10:16 <vmassol> good morning btw :) 10:16 <gdelhumeau> good morning :) 10:17 <Denis1> good morning 10:17 <Denis1> is now known as <Denis> 10:17 <gdelhumeau> gdelhumeau 10:17 <gdelhumeau> on sonatype: Last operation failed with 3 notifications 10:17 <gdelhumeau> Missing MD5: '/org/xwiki/commons/xwiki-commons-observation-local/7.2/xwiki-commons-observation-local-7.2-javadoc.jar.md5' 10:18 <Denis> I am having a first look at 7.2 release, and I am very puzzled by the fact that I cannot see the children of a inexistent WebHome, while at the same time I can administrer that inexistent page… seems we have blow up some concept too fast ! 10:20 <vmassol> IMO that's a mistake, we shouldn't be able to administer a non existing page 10:20 <vmassol> I don't see any issue of concept though 10:20 <vmassol> I'd create a jira issue for that 10:20 <Denis> you can administer it but not see children 10:20 <Denis> current creating the jira` 10:21 <gdelhumeau> I don't know 10:21 <Denis> that said, administration of and children of something that does not exists looks very odd for a final user 10:21 <gdelhumeau> the WebHome could not exist, but there could be some terminal pages 10:21 <vmassol> I agree that they should go together 10:21 <gdelhumeau> and since we don't have administer space, it make sense to administer... the non existent page 10:22 <vmassol> either they are allowed or they fordbidden for both of them 10:22 <gdelhumeau> from the core PoV 10:22 <gdelhumeau> from the user PoV, it's weird indeed 10:22 <vmassol> administer is ok IMO if the page rights is not shown 10:22 <vmassol> ie you can only administer children 10:22 <vmassol> well not even sure, need to think more :) 10:23 <vmassol> anyway I agree there's an issue and we need to decide 10:23 <Denis> XWIKI-12628 10:23 <Denis> but could be evolved as needed 10:24 <Denis> actually, we have a regression 10:26 <Denis> there is lots of weird situation with missing WebHome, including the fact that you can, (you need to) reach them (if you want to administer them) 10:26 <Denis> for the user PoV this is really weird and not pleasing 10:27 <vmassol> commented 10:32 <Denis> and replies 10:32 <gsmeria> has quit 10:33 <gsmeria> has joined #xwiki 10:34 <Denis> please, note that it is bad to have ML discussion in Jira issues, it seems to happen more and more, and so, let's create a ML thread about this !
Wiki vs Nested Pages
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XWiki 7.2 has introduced the concept of Nested Spaces. With this new concept it's legitimate to ask oneself what are the differences between using a (sub)wiki or using Nested Pages.
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XWiki 7.2 has introduced the concept of Nested Spaces. With this new concept it's legitimate to ask oneself what are the differences between using a (sub)wiki or using Nested Pages
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 21 February 2016
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<vmassol> has quit 01:13 <abusenius_> has joined #xwiki 01:14 <MasterPiece> has quit 01:16 <MasterPiece> has joined #xwiki 01:16 <MasterPiece> has quit 01:16 <MasterPiece> has joined #xwiki 02:42 <abusenius_> has quit 02:59 <daemoen> has joined #xwiki 02:59 <daemoen> good, there are some folkss here :) 03:34 <cjd> has quit 03:38 <daemoen> did 7.* replace the concept of spaces with 'subwikis' ? I can't find how and where to set spaces at all. 03:44 <cjd> has joined #xwiki 03:48 <daemoen> lo cjd 03:52 <cjd> hi 03:54 <daemoen> Is there updated documentation for how to administer 7.4.1 ?
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<vmassol> has quit 01:13 <abusenius_> has joined #xwiki 01:14 <MasterPiece> has quit 01:16 <MasterPiece> has joined #xwiki 01:16 <MasterPiece> has quit 01:16 <MasterPiece> has joined #xwiki 02:42 <abusenius_> has quit 02:59 <daemoen> has joined #xwiki 02:59 <daemoen> good, there are some folkss here :) 03:34 <cjd> has quit 03:38 <daemoen> did 7.* replace the concept of spaces with 'subwikis' ? I can't find how and where to set spaces at all. 03:44 <cjd> has joined #xwiki 03:48 <daemoen> lo cjd 03:52 <cjd> hi 03:54 <daemoen> Is there updated documentation for how to administer 7.4.1 ?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 15 January 2016
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I actually could use the concept. 13:46 <vmassol> RodrigoXwiki: yes spaces are still there in the model 13:47 <vmassol> you should read this: 13:47 <vmassol> 13:47 <vmassol> then if you still have questions then report them here as we'll need to improve that doc!
…Foswiki also had the webs concept for this. 13:55 <vmassol> "how it translates to the interface now, there's many options".
…14:10 <vmassol> ClemensR: sure but OTOH it would totally confuse everyone else 14:11 <vmassol> (since you'd need to explain the concept of spaces and how it's different from nested pages) 14:11 <ClemensR> yeah, I know, maybe name it "top level pages" ?
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I actually could use the concept. 13:46 <vmassol> RodrigoXwiki: yes spaces are still there in the model 13:47 <vmassol> you should read this: 13:47 <vmassol> 13:47 <vmassol> then if you still have questions then report them here as we'll need to improve that doc!
…Foswiki also had the webs concept for this. 13:55 <vmassol> "how it translates to the interface now, there's many options".
…14:10 <vmassol> ClemensR: sure but OTOH it would totally confuse everyone else 14:11 <vmassol> (since you'd need to explain the concept of spaces and how it's different from nested pages) 14:11 <ClemensR> yeah, I know, maybe name it "top level pages" ?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 11 January 2017
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My translation bundle, from where I want to overwrite the key is probably loaded before so it doesn't have any effect. 10:53 <mflorea> I was thinking to "force" loading my translation bundle on demand, but it is also loaded on wiki, so it doesn't work (the location manager probably detects that the bundle is already loaded and doesn't do nothing). 10:54 <mflorea> my last resort is to define a separate bundle that contains only the key I want to overwrite and load this on demand in the places where the key is used 10:58 <tmortagne> TranslationBundle API have the concept of priority but all wiki based bundle provide the same priority, need to add a priority field in TranslationDocumentClass 11:00 <tmortagne> "it doesn't work" not sure what you means here 11:00 <tmortagne> you change from wiki to on demand and it's not taken into account ?
…we can't specify a priority for a document translation bundle, at least not from the wiki page 11:07 <tmortagne> (10:58:47 AM) tmortagne: TranslationBundle API have the concept of priority but all wiki based bundle provide the same priority, need to add a priority field in TranslationDocumentClass 11:08 <mflorea> that would be nice 11:08 <mflorea> and would fit my use case 11:08 <tmortagne> yes, mostly forgot about it 11:08 <tmortagne> plus it's pretty easy to do 11:09 <tmortagne> if you want to look at it it's in AbstractDocumentTranslationBundle 11:09 <tmortagne> right now it does setPriority(DEFAULTPRIORITY_WIKI); but ideally it should look at the document first 11:09 <ImRG> has quit 11:09 <mflorea> ok, on my side I need it for procedure flavor, which is still depending on 8.4 so I can't use the latest version yet 11:10 <ImRG> has joined #xwiki 11:11 <tmortagne> creating a jira issue for it, looks like I forgot 11:14 <evalica> has joined #xwiki 11:18 <ImRG> has left #xwiki 11:31 <Enygma`> has joined #xwiki 11:32 <Enygma`1> has joined #xwiki 11:32 <Enygma`2> has joined #xwiki 11:36 <Enygma`> has quit 11:36 <mflorea> tmortagne: document translation bundles loaded on demand don't seem to have priority over those loaded on wiki.
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My translation bundle, from where I want to overwrite the key is probably loaded before so it doesn't have any effect. 10:53 <mflorea> I was thinking to "force" loading my translation bundle on demand, but it is also loaded on wiki, so it doesn't work (the location manager probably detects that the bundle is already loaded and doesn't do nothing). 10:54 <mflorea> my last resort is to define a separate bundle that contains only the key I want to overwrite and load this on demand in the places where the key is used 10:58 <tmortagne> TranslationBundle API have the concept of priority but all wiki based bundle provide the same priority, need to add a priority field in TranslationDocumentClass 11:00 <tmortagne> "it doesn't work" not sure what you means here 11:00 <tmortagne> you change from wiki to on demand and it's not taken into account ?
…we can't specify a priority for a document translation bundle, at least not from the wiki page 11:07 <tmortagne> (10:58:47 AM) tmortagne: TranslationBundle API have the concept of priority but all wiki based bundle provide the same priority, need to add a priority field in TranslationDocumentClass 11:08 <mflorea> that would be nice 11:08 <mflorea> and would fit my use case 11:08 <tmortagne> yes, mostly forgot about it 11:08 <tmortagne> plus it's pretty easy to do 11:09 <tmortagne> if you want to look at it it's in AbstractDocumentTranslationBundle 11:09 <tmortagne> right now it does setPriority(DEFAULTPRIORITY_WIKI); but ideally it should look at the document first 11:09 <ImRG> has quit 11:09 <mflorea> ok, on my side I need it for procedure flavor, which is still depending on 8.4 so I can't use the latest version yet 11:10 <ImRG> has joined #xwiki 11:11 <tmortagne> creating a jira issue for it, looks like I forgot 11:14 <evalica> has joined #xwiki 11:18 <ImRG> has left #xwiki 11:31 <Enygma`> has joined #xwiki 11:32 <Enygma`1> has joined #xwiki 11:32 <Enygma`2> has joined #xwiki 11:36 <Enygma`> has quit 11:36 <mflorea> tmortagne: document translation bundles loaded on demand don't seem to have priority over those loaded on wiki.
Improved HTML Export
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summary : The HTML export has been improved to better scale with the Nested Pages concept. The exported pages are now located in directories named after the parent pages in which they are located.
Left Panels
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It's a bridge to the Panel concept. To add a Panel to the left Panels area, simply create a document containing a PanelClass xobject and add it to the list of Panels to display in the Administration.