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IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 10 January 2012
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view=externalLinks 14:38 <vmassol> even though this is in the commons wiki you can see all links for all wikis 14:40 <+tmortagne> that page could be aware of multiwiki concept, where is the API which require multiwiki information exactly ?
…14:40 <+tmortagne> does not remember anything like this 14:40 <+mflorea> I don't remember, nevermind, I'll keep searching 14:41 <vmassol> tmortagne: that has 2 issues. 1) we still have the script service in rendering which can be accessed and 2) it's costly to parse all references to filter them 14:41 <+tmortagne> mflorea: search is supposed to be case sensitive from what I know unless you did not properly configured MySQL database 14:41 <vmassol> one solution I can think of would be to have a system to inject the structure 14:41 <vmassol> ideally we'd need the resources module 14:42 <vmassol> (i think) 14:42 <+tmortagne> vmassol: I don't say the solution is to filter in that page I'm asking where the multiwiki concept is really required 14:42 <vmassol> tmortagne: IMO each wiki should only list the links for itself and the main wiki should list all links 14:43 <+tmortagne> you mean duplicate them ?
…14:56 <+tmortagne> the catch of the links to check 14:56 <+tmortagne> instead of rendering 14:56 <+tmortagne> linckchecker store itself can stay in commons if it provide a concept of namespace 14:56 <vmassol> well if we do this we might as well move the whole thing to platform 14:56 <vmassol> if we add the concept of namespace then we're good 14:57 <+tmortagne> for the storage but rendering alone cannot extract the namespace 14:57 <vmassol> we just need to add an interface to extract the namespace from the string 14:57 <vmassol> the impl would be in platform indeed 14:57 <vmassol> with a default impl in rendering that does nothing 14:57 <vmassol> (empty namespace) 14:58 <vmassol> I was just thinking that this namespace need is more generic than just hte link checker 14:58 <vmassol> and this could fit in the resource module we talked about 14:58 <vmassol> provided we agree to add the concept of namespace in the resource module 14:58 <vmassol> anyway it's a bit too early for such a module but the interest is growing 14:59 <+tmortagne> it's more generic that lin kchcker for sure since it already exist in EM and multi CM as I told you 14:59 <vmassol> yep 14:59 <vmassol> do you have already interfaces for extracting namespaces somewhere?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki
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abusenius - (11:57): well, depends on what you are trying to do cjdelisle - (11:58): I just want to be able to sign different stuff until I can get different code to have the same signature. abusenius - (11:58): well, then you need another test I guess abusenius - (11:58): and good luck with forging :) abusenius - (12:06): btw, back to signing with browser, IMO the best thing is (also for signing on server side) abusenius - (12:06): is to present the text that should be signed to the user first cjdelisle - (12:06): yup, you have no choice in firefox. abusenius - (12:06): and then have some button "Do you want to sign this" cjdelisle - (12:06): It's kind of silly to let a user sign something without knowing it. cjdelisle - (12:07): takes away the concept of "signing". abusenius - (12:07): but the thing that shouöld be signed will be constructed on the server abusenius - (12:07): yes abusenius - (12:07): I'm currently making the "mangling" to behave exactly as pretty-printing cjdelisle - (12:07): Why construct it at the server?
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abusenius - (11:57): well, depends on what you are trying to do cjdelisle - (11:58): I just want to be able to sign different stuff until I can get different code to have the same signature. abusenius - (11:58): well, then you need another test I guess abusenius - (11:58): and good luck with forging :) abusenius - (12:06): btw, back to signing with browser, IMO the best thing is (also for signing on server side) abusenius - (12:06): is to present the text that should be signed to the user first cjdelisle - (12:06): yup, you have no choice in firefox. abusenius - (12:06): and then have some button "Do you want to sign this" cjdelisle - (12:06): It's kind of silly to let a user sign something without knowing it. cjdelisle - (12:07): takes away the concept of "signing". abusenius - (12:07): but the thing that shouöld be signed will be constructed on the server abusenius - (12:07): yes abusenius - (12:07): I'm currently making the "mangling" to behave exactly as pretty-printing cjdelisle - (12:07): Why construct it at the server?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki
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I'd like to see the diff between 5 and 6 and 4, I'd be towards including them in the round 2 too, but it depends vmassol - (14:16): the first 2 in the new round should be discarded imo vmassol - (14:17): they're too close to the xwiki sas logo lucaa - (14:18): 12A is, 12E not that much. vmassol - (14:18): lucaa: it is, the concept is the same vmassol - (14:18): ask ciprian I'm sure he'll tell you he copied the concept from the current xwiki sas ologo tmortagne - (14:18): IMO 15 is way too close to atlassian, i would at least vote -0 for it vmassol - (14:19): tmortagne: I don't think so on this one, the concept is different vmassol - (14:19): very different vmassol - (14:19): in our case it represents an X for XWiki vmassol - (14:19): the one we discarded was ok for me too tmortagne - (14:19): first thing a user see is that it represent a human, then it represent a X vmassol - (14:19): since even though it represented a person, it was also the X from XWiki vmassol - (14:20): I think it's defendable vmassol - (14:20): (in court) vmassol - (14:20): but I'm no expert ;) tmortagne - (14:21): sure but better having a logo for which there is no similrality with our principal competitor event if "it's defendable"... vmassol - (14:24): yes but we need to keep a few proposals ;) lucaa - (14:26): yeah, the pb is that atlassian has an X-shaped logo :) vmassol - (14:26): IMO these logos were done withut the atlassian logo in mind vmassol - (14:26): yes lucaa, wanted to say the same thing vmassol - (14:26): they stole our X!
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I'd like to see the diff between 5 and 6 and 4, I'd be towards including them in the round 2 too, but it depends vmassol - (14:16): the first 2 in the new round should be discarded imo vmassol - (14:17): they're too close to the xwiki sas logo lucaa - (14:18): 12A is, 12E not that much. vmassol - (14:18): lucaa: it is, the concept is the same vmassol - (14:18): ask ciprian I'm sure he'll tell you he copied the concept from the current xwiki sas ologo tmortagne - (14:18): IMO 15 is way too close to atlassian, i would at least vote -0 for it vmassol - (14:19): tmortagne: I don't think so on this one, the concept is different vmassol - (14:19): very different vmassol - (14:19): in our case it represents an X for XWiki vmassol - (14:19): the one we discarded was ok for me too tmortagne - (14:19): first thing a user see is that it represent a human, then it represent a X vmassol - (14:19): since even though it represented a person, it was also the X from XWiki vmassol - (14:20): I think it's defendable vmassol - (14:20): (in court) vmassol - (14:20): but I'm no expert ;) tmortagne - (14:21): sure but better having a logo for which there is no similrality with our principal competitor event if "it's defendable"... vmassol - (14:24): yes but we need to keep a few proposals ;) lucaa - (14:26): yeah, the pb is that atlassian has an X-shaped logo :) vmassol - (14:26): IMO these logos were done withut the atlassian logo in mind vmassol - (14:26): yes lucaa, wanted to say the same thing vmassol - (14:26): they stole our X!
…arkub left at 19:38 (Quit: Leaving sdumitriu - (19:39): We can't ask all designers factor - (19:39): ok getting the hang of it using the velocity code to do forms and it is working marta1 joined #xwiki at 19:39 sdumitriu - (19:39): And we'll forever find new people that didn't find out about this the first (or second, or third) time gvallarelli - (19:39): sdumitriu, no only designers who commits to open source projects vmassol1 - (19:40): gvallarelli: it doesn't matter, we're not looking for the best logo ever sdumitriu - (19:40): Each project has its designers vmassol1 - (19:40): we just want a good enough logo vmassol1 - (19:40): preferably done by the community sdumitriu - (19:40): We could ask mozilla designers, eclipse designers, kde designers, gnome designers... sdumitriu - (19:40): But Firefox and Eclipse also did the same thing as we did sdumitriu - (19:41): Plan a schedule and stick to it gvallarelli - (19:41): In medio stat virtus sdumitriu - (19:41): Announce the challenge, see what comes in gvallarelli - (19:41): or aurea mediocritas sdumitriu - (19:42): And, it's hard from someone not from the community to come with a good logo, one that represents XWiki well gvallarelli - (19:42): I don't think so gvallarelli - (19:42): designers could create logo based on concept or idea gvallarelli - (19:43): for example I have an idea about a logo gvallarelli - (19:43): but I'm not able to realize it gvallarelli - (19:43): :( sdumitriu - (19:43): Collaborate sdumitriu - (19:43): The first step was about concepts, not designs sdumitriu - (19:44): You could have proposed a pen-on-paper+camera logo gvallarelli - (19:44): my idea is about an hand that take a pen and draw an X gvallarelli - (19:44): on a paper background gvallarelli - (19:44): a stylized hand sdumitriu - (19:45): vmassol1: Agree with the -1 votes?
…vmassol1 - (20:01): you vote for stuff not against vmassol1 - (20:01): what we need to agree *before* the vote is about the logos with ressemblances sdumitriu - (20:01): vmassol1: Well, this was just so that you can make your opinion about 12 count sdumitriu - (20:01): mflorea: mflorea - (20:02): sdumitriu: I haven't followed the discussion mflorea - (20:02): ok, let me read sdumitriu - (20:02): vmassol1: We did agree before, you just didn't pay attention sdumitriu - (20:03): mflorea: The debate is about proposals 12 and 15; Vincent thinks that 12 resembles the current logo too much and should be discarded, tmortagne thinks that 15 resembles Atlassian too much and should be discarded sdumitriu - (20:04): So, options are: sdumitriu - (20:04): 1/ elliminate 12 and 15 now, although they are the most popular, and continue the second round with the following 3-4 most voted proposals sdumitriu - (20:04): 2/ elliminate 12 and 15 and start the vote again sdumitriu - (20:04): 3/ keep them and live with the result vmassol1 - (20:05): not all 12 sdumitriu, just the one with the same concepts sdumitriu - (20:05): 4/ better ideas welcome vmassol1 - (20:05): s/concepts/concept/ vmassol1 - (20:05): sorry guys, dinner time here, bb after gvallarelli - (20:06): gvallarelli - (20:06): It could be stylized by an artist gvallarelli - (20:06): but this is my idea gvallarelli - (20:07): it recalls wikipedia logo sdumitriu - (20:07): Going to cook, too mflorea - (20:0
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki
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CalebJamesDeLisl - (00:18): No it's all handles by firefox internals, no need to tinker with javascript. abusenius - (00:18): ok, cool abusenius - (00:19): I have some proof of concept implementation of signed scripts abusenius - (00:19): abusenius - (00:20): it can currently just do create/verify, is not persistent but shows the point abusenius - (00:20): there is also a small app that shows some of the methods CalebJamesDeLisl - (00:20): What I have is based on bblfish's work, i can create client certs and make a client able to sign text from their browser. abusenius - (00:21): we need to merge our implementations somehow CalebJamesDeLisl - (00:21): I have been trying to figure out how to validate pkcs7 signatures, looks like you have that done which is great. abusenius - (00:21): at least they should be compatible :) abusenius - (00:22): yes, so I basically need to add some api to give you the data to sign, then you can post it back abusenius - (00:22): and you can allready import a new trusted cert abusenius - (00:22): (if the format will match) CalebJamesDeLisl - (00:22): We all sort of have to work around the firefox crypto.signText standard if we want to support client certs.
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CalebJamesDeLisl - (00:18): No it's all handles by firefox internals, no need to tinker with javascript. abusenius - (00:18): ok, cool abusenius - (00:19): I have some proof of concept implementation of signed scripts abusenius - (00:19): abusenius - (00:20): it can currently just do create/verify, is not persistent but shows the point abusenius - (00:20): there is also a small app that shows some of the methods CalebJamesDeLisl - (00:20): What I have is based on bblfish's work, i can create client certs and make a client able to sign text from their browser. abusenius - (00:21): we need to merge our implementations somehow CalebJamesDeLisl - (00:21): I have been trying to figure out how to validate pkcs7 signatures, looks like you have that done which is great. abusenius - (00:21): at least they should be compatible :) abusenius - (00:22): yes, so I basically need to add some api to give you the data to sign, then you can post it back abusenius - (00:22): and you can allready import a new trusted cert abusenius - (00:22): (if the format will match) CalebJamesDeLisl - (00:22): We all sort of have to work around the firefox crypto.signText standard if we want to support client certs.
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 28 September 2012
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10:46 <+tmortagne> you probably need to separate the WYSIWYG server module in two 10:47 <+tmortagne> one without any context concept and one with it 10:47 <+mflorea> I'm trying to keep WEB-INF/lib small, it already has 30 something deps, coming from xwiki-commons-component-default, xwiki-rendering-syntax-xwiki21 and xwiki-commons-xml 10:47 <+tmortagne> like we have a rendering-xwiki module on platform side to add stuff we do'nt want in base rendeing 10:47 <+mflorea> yes, that is the clean solution, but for now I'll just overwrite that class in my war, in WEB-INF/classes 10:47 <+tmortagne> that's a good thing to do anyway to move the WYSIWYG to rendering 10:48 <+tmortagne> or to it's own repo 10:49 <+mflorea> there are a couple of refactorings that could be done on the WYSIWYG module, but I just want to make a quick demo for now :) 10:49 <+tmortagne> ok 11:01 <+Enygma`> xwiki-platform is failing because of a clirr error: 11:02 <+Enygma`> this commit has been pushed between 4.2RC1 and 4.2Final but only on the master branch, so it is not present in 4.2Final 11:03 <+mflorea> [ERROR] com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.mailsender.MailSender: Method 'public int sendMessageFromTemplate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Map)' has been removed 11:03 <+mflorea> I guess Sergiu reverted the commit only from master 11:03 <+Enygma`> yes, that method was added before 4.2RC1 and then removed before 4.2Final 11:03 <+Enygma`> right... 11:04 <+Enygma`> so we either go ahead and add an exception for it, or, if jvelo is not yet done with the release, we could re-release xwiki-platform with the commit included 11:04 <+mflorea> or add the method to master again, if it's useful 11:05 <+Enygma`> right, as in revert this recent commit 11:06 <jvelo> has quit 12:37 <mflorea> has quit 12:48 <npm_> has quit 12:49 <npm_> has joined #xwiki 13:40 <mflorea> has joined #xwiki 14:16 <eshan> has quit 15:41 <jvelo> has joined #xwiki 16:15 <jvelo> has quit 16:37 <vmassol> has quit 16:39 <vmassol> has joined #xwiki 17:00 <jvelo> has joined #xwiki 17:03 <jvelo> Hi guys.
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10:46 <+tmortagne> you probably need to separate the WYSIWYG server module in two 10:47 <+tmortagne> one without any context concept and one with it 10:47 <+mflorea> I'm trying to keep WEB-INF/lib small, it already has 30 something deps, coming from xwiki-commons-component-default, xwiki-rendering-syntax-xwiki21 and xwiki-commons-xml 10:47 <+tmortagne> like we have a rendering-xwiki module on platform side to add stuff we do'nt want in base rendeing 10:47 <+mflorea> yes, that is the clean solution, but for now I'll just overwrite that class in my war, in WEB-INF/classes 10:47 <+tmortagne> that's a good thing to do anyway to move the WYSIWYG to rendering 10:48 <+tmortagne> or to it's own repo 10:49 <+mflorea> there are a couple of refactorings that could be done on the WYSIWYG module, but I just want to make a quick demo for now :) 10:49 <+tmortagne> ok 11:01 <+Enygma`> xwiki-platform is failing because of a clirr error: 11:02 <+Enygma`> this commit has been pushed between 4.2RC1 and 4.2Final but only on the master branch, so it is not present in 4.2Final 11:03 <+mflorea> [ERROR] com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.mailsender.MailSender: Method 'public int sendMessageFromTemplate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Map)' has been removed 11:03 <+mflorea> I guess Sergiu reverted the commit only from master 11:03 <+Enygma`> yes, that method was added before 4.2RC1 and then removed before 4.2Final 11:03 <+Enygma`> right... 11:04 <+Enygma`> so we either go ahead and add an exception for it, or, if jvelo is not yet done with the release, we could re-release xwiki-platform with the commit included 11:04 <+mflorea> or add the method to master again, if it's useful 11:05 <+Enygma`> right, as in revert this recent commit 11:06 <jvelo> has quit 12:37 <mflorea> has quit 12:48 <npm_> has quit 12:49 <npm_> has joined #xwiki 13:40 <mflorea> has joined #xwiki 14:16 <eshan> has quit 15:41 <jvelo> has joined #xwiki 16:15 <jvelo> has quit 16:37 <vmassol> has quit 16:39 <vmassol> has joined #xwiki 17:00 <jvelo> has joined #xwiki 17:03 <jvelo> Hi guys.
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki
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xwiki-bridge - (14:27): [tmortagne] component configuration, xwiki-bridge - (14:27): [tmortagne] like we do for cache xwiki-bridge - (14:27): [lucaa] ok, properties xwiki-bridge - (14:27): [tmortagne] you choose in xwiki.prtoperties if you want to use jbosscache or oscache implemenattion xwiki-bridge - (14:27): [lucaa] ok xwiki-bridge - (14:28): [tmortagne] or the velocity macro filter xwiki-bridge - (14:28): [Vincent Massol] wait xwiki-bridge - (14:28): [Vincent Massol] I don't think this is correct xwiki-bridge - (14:28): [Vincent Massol] we already support the ability to swap implementations xwiki-bridge - (14:28): [Vincent Massol] by registering a component with the same hint xwiki-bridge - (14:28): [Vincent Massol] we shouldn't care about "scribo" in XE xwiki-bridge - (14:29): [Vincent Massol] nor should we care about exposing a way to override the component impl xwiki-bridge - (14:29): [Vincent Massol] (since it's a default feature of the CM) xwiki-bridge - (14:29): [lucaa] I assumed there are solutions, it's not that important, it's just a matter of approach, the way to operate with components xwiki-bridge - (14:29): [lucaa] I know you can override xwiki-bridge - (14:29): [Vincent Massol] using different hints for different impl is wrong xwiki-bridge - (14:29): [Vincent Massol] a hint represents a concept xwiki-bridge - (14:30): [Vincent Massol] not an impl xwiki-bridge - (14:30): [Vincent Massol] "scribo" is not a concept xwiki-bridge - (14:30): [tmortagne] Vincent Massol: what is a concept ?
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xwiki-bridge - (14:27): [tmortagne] component configuration, xwiki-bridge - (14:27): [tmortagne] like we do for cache xwiki-bridge - (14:27): [lucaa] ok, properties xwiki-bridge - (14:27): [tmortagne] you choose in xwiki.prtoperties if you want to use jbosscache or oscache implemenattion xwiki-bridge - (14:27): [lucaa] ok xwiki-bridge - (14:28): [tmortagne] or the velocity macro filter xwiki-bridge - (14:28): [Vincent Massol] wait xwiki-bridge - (14:28): [Vincent Massol] I don't think this is correct xwiki-bridge - (14:28): [Vincent Massol] we already support the ability to swap implementations xwiki-bridge - (14:28): [Vincent Massol] by registering a component with the same hint xwiki-bridge - (14:28): [Vincent Massol] we shouldn't care about "scribo" in XE xwiki-bridge - (14:29): [Vincent Massol] nor should we care about exposing a way to override the component impl xwiki-bridge - (14:29): [Vincent Massol] (since it's a default feature of the CM) xwiki-bridge - (14:29): [lucaa] I assumed there are solutions, it's not that important, it's just a matter of approach, the way to operate with components xwiki-bridge - (14:29): [lucaa] I know you can override xwiki-bridge - (14:29): [Vincent Massol] using different hints for different impl is wrong xwiki-bridge - (14:29): [Vincent Massol] a hint represents a concept xwiki-bridge - (14:30): [Vincent Massol] not an impl xwiki-bridge - (14:30): [Vincent Massol] "scribo" is not a concept xwiki-bridge - (14:30): [tmortagne] Vincent Massol: what is a concept ?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki
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if it's "xwiki-core specific", no it's ok since we already have multiwiki concept in wiki macro visibility vmassol - (16:35): ok found the answer vmassol - (16:36): XWIKI-5622: New event types: add/update/delete comment/annotation/attachment vmassol - (16:36): lots of issues for the same topic…. got lost lucaa - (16:36): tmortagne: yeah, i mean xwiki-core, the fact that the "wiki with the name xx" is an xwiki concept.
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if it's "xwiki-core specific", no it's ok since we already have multiwiki concept in wiki macro visibility vmassol - (16:35): ok found the answer vmassol - (16:36): XWIKI-5622: New event types: add/update/delete comment/annotation/attachment vmassol - (16:36): lots of issues for the same topic…. got lost lucaa - (16:36): tmortagne: yeah, i mean xwiki-core, the fact that the "wiki with the name xx" is an xwiki concept.
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki
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sburjan - (15:51): sdumitriu, : I've updated the page with screenshots sdumitriu - (15:52): You can't properly escape 2.0 wiki syntax lucaa - (15:52): because what happens right now is that the existing dashboard proof of concept doesn't work anymore lucaa - (15:52): and all it did was to include some macro calls in other macros sdumitriu - (15:52): And maybe it should allow normal wiki syntax, like bold and italic flaviusolaru1 - (15:52): i have a groovy script flaviusolaru1 - (15:52): def globalvar = "helau"; flaviusolaru1 - (15:52): def func() { flaviusolaru1 - (15:52): return globalvar; flaviusolaru1 - (15:52): } flaviusolaru1 - (15:52): any ideeas why is not working?
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sburjan - (15:51): sdumitriu, : I've updated the page with screenshots sdumitriu - (15:52): You can't properly escape 2.0 wiki syntax lucaa - (15:52): because what happens right now is that the existing dashboard proof of concept doesn't work anymore lucaa - (15:52): and all it did was to include some macro calls in other macros sdumitriu - (15:52): And maybe it should allow normal wiki syntax, like bold and italic flaviusolaru1 - (15:52): i have a groovy script flaviusolaru1 - (15:52): def globalvar = "helau"; flaviusolaru1 - (15:52): def func() { flaviusolaru1 - (15:52): return globalvar; flaviusolaru1 - (15:52): } flaviusolaru1 - (15:52): any ideeas why is not working?
…I was just pleasantly surprised by the concept of special cases :) tmortagne - (16:02): lucaa: yes i don't like it either silviar2 left at 16:02 (Quit: Leaving. tmortagne - (16:02): but i think abusenius made it cleaner than if equals("include") tmortagne - (16:02): with a interface or something i'm not sure i would have to look at it lucaa - (16:03): I'm not very happy with this idea because, while it should prevent attacks, it actually seems to make quite legitimate things impossible tmortagne - (16:03): in any case we should do the exact same thing for wiki macro lucaa - (16:03): not idea actually, implementation or something lucaa - (16:03): yes, maybe doing the same thing for wiki macros will fix it lucaa - (16:04): (as in we won't discover other special cases) tmortagne - (16:04): lucaa: there was lot's of discussion an vote for this (and i always voted no more than 0 for this kind of issues) lucaa - (16:04): yes, I missed the discussion, obviously lucaa - (16:04): anyway, better late than never lucaa - (16:04): who wants to handle it lucaa - (16:04): ?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki
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1 to apply it as is vmassol - (11:34): (after a quick review) vmassol - (11:34): it adds the notion of scripts in several places vmassol - (11:34): which shouldn't be aware of that CalebJamesDeLisl - (11:35): -1 to the concept of blocking script in script? vmassol - (11:35): (MAcroMaarkerBlock for ex) tmortagne - (11:35): i don't even understand why he needs that vmassol - (11:36): CalebJamesDeLisl: no, ?
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1 to apply it as is vmassol - (11:34): (after a quick review) vmassol - (11:34): it adds the notion of scripts in several places vmassol - (11:34): which shouldn't be aware of that CalebJamesDeLisl - (11:35): -1 to the concept of blocking script in script? vmassol - (11:35): (MAcroMaarkerBlock for ex) tmortagne - (11:35): i don't even understand why he needs that vmassol - (11:36): CalebJamesDeLisl: no, ?
…CalebJamesDeLisl - (12:24): he didn't like that idea ^^ vmassol - (12:24): :) CalebJamesDeLisl - (12:25): Ok, an alternative for the moment would be to make escapetool.xml escape { CalebJamesDeLisl - (12:26): Since it looks like we're going to have to add the concept of "can nest", "cannot nest" and "reset nesting". abusenius - (12:28): btw the problem with {{include }} will remain in both cases vmassol - (12:29): lunch time arkub left at 12:34 (Ping timeout: 258 seconds CalebJamesDeLisl - (12:56): "// included documents intercept the chain of nested script macros with XWiki syntax" K.
…abusenius - (17:26): no abusenius - (17:26): hm, ok NP exception abusenius - (17:26): well its 5400 CalebJamesDeLisl - (17:27): All my disks are 5400 but their big. mariusbutuc left #xwiki at 17:27 CalebJamesDeLisl - (17:28): You could instantiate ScriptMacroUtils with the dependency. tmortagne - (17:28): or make it an internal component tmortagne - (17:28): (O:-)) CalebJamesDeLisl - (17:29): There's a concept of internal components without public api?
IRC Archive for channel #xwiki
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- Rendered document content
So from AS you can't go to the new page 11:50 <+sburjan> can't even see it was renamed, because only deleted icon appears. 11:50 <jstoldt> i see... well, its been a while since i've actually worked with XWiki now ;) 11:50 <+cjdelisle> yes, it was just something that came to mind 11:50 <+sburjan> IMO it's inconsistent 11:50 <+jvelociter> sburjan: you should check if a JIRA exists and report it if not 11:50 <+jvelociter> we've talked about it already 11:51 <+sburjan> ok, I'm gonna look 11:51 <+jvelociter> having a "page renamed" event 11:51 <jstoldt> to be honest, i don't like the concept of add new, remove old to boot with... 11:51 <jstoldt> it struck me a little odd all the time i used XWiki 11:52 <+sburjan> yes, Raluca reported it 11:53 <jstoldt> not just that but also not putting the old page to removed pages... 11:53 <+sburjan> even if it's not the same scenario 11:54 <+sburjan> gonna report it 11:57 <jstoldt> is sergio going to join soonish?
- Raw document content
So from AS you can't go to the new page 11:50 <+sburjan> can't even see it was renamed, because only deleted icon appears. 11:50 <jstoldt> i see... well, its been a while since i've actually worked with XWiki now ;) 11:50 <+cjdelisle> yes, it was just something that came to mind 11:50 <+sburjan> IMO it's inconsistent 11:50 <+jvelociter> sburjan: you should check if a JIRA exists and report it if not 11:50 <+jvelociter> we've talked about it already 11:51 <+sburjan> ok, I'm gonna look 11:51 <+jvelociter> having a "page renamed" event 11:51 <jstoldt> to be honest, i don't like the concept of add new, remove old to boot with... 11:51 <jstoldt> it struck me a little odd all the time i used XWiki 11:52 <+sburjan> yes, Raluca reported it 11:53 <jstoldt> not just that but also not putting the old page to removed pages... 11:53 <+sburjan> even if it's not the same scenario 11:54 <+sburjan> gonna report it 11:57 <jstoldt> is sergio going to join soonish?
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